computer 计算机
computer control 计算机控制
computer programming 计算机程序编制
computerized control 计算机控制
computing machine 计算机
computing unit 运算控制器
conbur(impact) test ccnbur抗冲击试验
concave cut 凹面切割
concave ground roll 中凹底辊
concentrate 浓缩
concentrated liquor 浓(缩)液
concentration 浓度;浓缩
concentration of chemical 药液浓度
concentrator 浓缩器
concertina fold 波纹管式折叠,(纸板)手风琴式折叠
concora crush平压
concora test平压试验
concora value平压值
concrete foundation 混凝土基础
concurrent operation 协同操作
condensate 冷凝水;令凝物;缩合物
condensate removal system 冷凝水排出系统
condensate stripping system 冷凝水抽提系统
condensation 冷凝作用;缩合作用
condensation polymer 缩合聚合物
condensation polymerization 缩合聚合(作用)
condensation product 缩合(产)物
condensation resin 缩合树脂
condensed tannin 缩合鞣质,缩合丹宁
condensed water 冷凝水
condenser 冷凝器;电容器;聚光器
condenser tissue machine 电容器纸机
condensing vessel 冷凝器
condensing water 冷凝水
conditioned 经调整处理的
conditioner 毛毯洗涤器;调节器
conditioning 调整处理;调湿
conditioning of stone surface 石面调整
conditioning oven 恒温恒湿槽
conditions of beating 打浆条件
conditions of bleaching 漂白条件
conditions of cooking 蒸煮条件
conditions of manufacture 生产条件
conduct 传导;导管,套管
conduction 传导(作用)
conductivity 传导率,传导系数
conductivity meter 导电计;导热计
conductivity tester 传导率测定计;导电计;导热计
conductor 导体
cone 锥形体;针叶
cone bearing tree 针叶树
cone breaker 碎纸机
cone penetration 针入度
cone pulley 锥形(皮带)轮
cone valve 锥形阀
configuration 构型
conformability 适应性能
conformation 构象
congo red 刚果红
conic section 锥部
conical digester 锥形蒸煮器
conical mill 锥形磨浆机
conical refiner 锥形磨浆机
conical sandtrap 锥形除砂器
conical settling tank (锥形)白水回收塔
conifer 针叶树,松柏类
coniferale 松柏科
coniferles 针叶树,松柏类
coniferous 松柏科的
coniferous wood 针叶木,软木,针叶材
coniferyl alcohol 松柏醇
coniferyl aldehyde 松柏醛
conjugated bond 共轭双键
connecting rod 连接杆
conservation 守恒;保存;储备;保护
conservation of energy 能量守恒
conservation of mass 质量守恒
conservation of matter 物料守恒
conservation of momentum 动量守恒
conservation of resources 保护资源
consistcnce 一致;稠性
consistency 浓度
consistency control 浓度控制
consistency controller 浓度控制器
consistency of grinding 磨木浓度
consistency recorder 浓度记录仪
consistency recorder controller 浓度记录仪控制器
consistency regulator 浓度调节器
consistency transmitter 浓度传送器
console 控制台;仪表盘;托架
consolute temperature 可溶温度
constant 恒定;持久;不变;常数
constant humidity 恒定湿度
constant load 恒定负荷,恒定负载
constant shaft 定速轴
constant speed 定速
constant speed drive 定速传动
constant speed winder 定速卷纸机
constellation 构象
constituent 组分,成分
constouctional material 组成物质,组成材料
consumption 耗用量,消耗量
consumption of chemicals 药剂耗用量
consumption of raw material 原料耗用量
contact angle test (施胶度)接触角测定法
contact condenser 接触冷凝器
contact drying 接触干燥
contact substance 接触剂
contact surface 接触(表)面
contact surface number 接触表面数值
contact tower 接触塔
contactless measurement 无感测量
contactor 接触器
container 容器
container bottom 容器底部
container liner 容器衬里
container testing 容器强度测定
containerization 容器化
contaminate 污染,沾污
contaminated condensate 污冷凝水
contamination 污染,沾污
content 含量;内容;目录
continuous beating 连续打浆
continuous bleaching 连续漂白
continuous causticizer 连续苛化器
continuous causticizing 连续苛化
continuous chain grinder 链式连续磨木机
continuous chlorination 连续氯化
continuous chlorinator 连续氯化器
continuous coloring 连续染色
continuous digester 连续蒸煮器
continuous dtying installation 连续干燥装置
continuous drying machine 连续干燥机
continuous feed chain 连续喂料链条
continuous filter 连续过滤机
continuous forms 卷筒打孔纸
continuous freeness tester 游离度连续测定仪
continuous grinder 连续操作磨木机
continuous high density bleaching 高浓连续漂白
continuous hydrapulper 连续操作水力碎浆机
continuous lime slaker 石灰消化提渣机
continuous multistage bleaching 多段连续漂白
continuous temporature recorder 温度连续记录仪
continuous washer 连续洗浆机
contra-flow 逆流
contra vat 逆流网槽
contraries (原料中的)杂质
contrast 对比度;反差
contrast color 对比色
contrast gloss 对比光泽度,反差光泽
contrast ratio 对比率
control 控制
control box 控制箱,操作箱
control center 控制中心
control command 控制指令
control console 控制台,控制盘
control equipment 控制装置
control gate 控制棚;控制极;控制阀
control generator 控制发生器
control mechanism 控制机构,操纵机构
control panel 控制盘,控制台
control point 控制点
control process 控制程序
control processor 受控(信息)处理
control room 控制室
control system 控制系统
control test 控制实验
control valve 控制阀
control valve plug 控制塞;控制插头
controlled atmosphere 大气(污染)控制
controlled conditions 控制条件
controlled crowm roll. 可控中高辊
comtroller 控制器
comvection 对流
comvection cooling 对流冷却
comvection dryer 对流干燥器
comvection drying 对流干燥
comvection heating 对流加热
conventional 常规的,常用的,普通的
conventional machinery 常用机械,普通机械
conventional method 常规方法
conrentional rosin size 褐色松香胶
converflo headbox 层流式流浆箱
converging curved former 双曲网成形装置
conversion 转化;换算
conversion coating (纸)机外涂布
conversion factor 转化因子
conversion machine (纸张)加工设备
conversion period 转化期
conversion scale 换算刻度
converted products 转化产物
converted starch 转化淀粉
converter 转换器,转化器;转炉;换流器;加工设备
converter equipment (纸张)加工设备
converter industtry (纸张)加工工业
converter machine 加工纸机
converter plant 加工纸厂
convex piling 凸形堆积
conveyer 运输机
conveyer belt 运输带
conveyer belt roller 运输带轮
conveyer felt 传递毛毯
conveyer scaffold bridge (运输带上方)过桥
conveyer trough 流浆槽
conveying 运输,输送
conveying screw 输送螺旋
conveying wire 递纸网
cook 蒸煮
cooker 蒸煮器
cookery parchment 烹调用羊皮纸
cooking 蒸煮
caustic cooking 碱法蒸煮
continuous cooking 连续蒸煮
cooking engine 蒸煮器
cooking liquor 蒸煮液
cooking liquor composition 蒸煮液组成
cooking pressure 蒸煮压力
cooking procedure 蒸煮程序
cooking reagent 蒸煮药剂
cooking schedule 蒸煮工艺条件;蒸煮程序
cooking tank 蒸煮器
cooking temperature 蒸煮温度
cooking time 蒸煮时间
cooking variable 蒸煮变数
cooking vessel 蒸煮器
cooking zone 蒸煮区
coolant 冷却剂
cooler 冷却器
cooling eylinder 冷缸
cooling drum 冷缸
cooling fin 散热片
cooling roll 冷却辊
cooling system 冷却系统
cooling tower 冷却塔
cooling water 冷却水
coordination 配价,配位;调整;配合
coordination theory 配位理论
copal 天然树脂
copeland(fluid bed) reactor copeland流态化反应器;copeland流态化回收炉
copier 誊写器
copolymer 共聚物
copper lining 铜衬
copper number 铜价
copper washer 铜垫圈
co-precipitation 共同沉淀
cord 量木材尺度单位(1cord=128英尺3)
cord wood 原木垛
core 中心;芯层
core chuck 纸芯机
core machine 纸芯机
core plug 堵头
core shaft head 卷芯轴头
core storage 磁心存储器
core waste 卷苡损纸
core winder 纸管卷取机;卷(纸筒)芯机
core winding machine 卷(纸筒)芯机
core wood 薪柴
coreman 制纸芯工
cork 栓皮;软木塞
cork cambium 栓皮形成层
cork elm (ulmas suberose) 栓皮榆
cork elm (ulmus racemosa) 岩榆
cork oak (quercus suber) 栓皮栎;西欧栓皮栎
cork tissue 木栓组织
cork wood(leitneria florida-na) 软木
corn 玉米,玉蜀黍,包谷
corn stalk 玉米秆
corn starch 玉米淀粉
corona 电晕
corona discharge 电晕放电
corrected white 调白
correction 校正
correction factor 校正系数
corrode 腐蚀
corrodent 腐蚀的;腐蚀性物质
corrosion 腐蚀,侵蚀
corrosion inhibitor 腐蚀抑制剂,防蚀剂
corrosion mechanism 腐蚀机理
corrosion prevention 防(腐)蚀
corrosion products 腐蚀产物
corrosion protection 防(腐)蚀
corrosion resistance 抗蚀性能
corrosion test (耐)腐蚀试验
corrosive 腐蚀的,锈蚀的
corrosive resistance 抗蚀性能
corrosiveness 腐蚀性
corrosivity 腐蚀性能
corrugated cap 瓶盖用瓦楞纸
corrugated container 瓦楞箱
corrugated facing 瓦楞纸外层
corrugated roll 沟纹辊
corrugated sheet 瓦楞纸
corruggted wrapping 瓦楞包装纸
corrugating 起瓦楞
corrugating machine 瓦楞纸板机
corrugating medium 瓦楞纸芯层
corrugation 瓦楞(作用)
corrugator 瓦楞形成机
corrugator roll 瓦楞辊
cortex 皮层
cortical cell 皮层细胞
cortical tissue 皮层组织
class a motor life boat 甲级机动救生艇
class a motor life boat 甲级机动救生艇
class a power amplifier 甲类功率放大器
class action 集团诉讼
class amotor life boat 甲级机动救生艇
class annual survey 船级年检
class annual survey 船级岁检
class b fire 乙类火
class b motor life boat 乙级机动救生艇
class b push-pull power amplifier 乙类推挽功率放大器
class boat 根据特定规定建造的船艇
class boat 入级船
class c fire 丙类火
class certificate 船级证书
class for refrigerating equipment for dealing with boil-off gas on a liquefied gas carrier 劳埃德船级社处理液化气船蒸发气体制冷设备入级
class improvement plan 船级改进计划
class initial mark 船级缩写记号
class letter 等级标识
class maintained certificate 船级保持证书
class notation 船级符号
class of accuracy 精密度分级
class of emission 发射等级
class of fit 精度配合的分级
class of harbours 港口分类
class of precision 精度等级
class of ship 船级
class of telegram 报类
class rate freight tariff 等级费率本
class rate 等级运价
class rates 等级运价率
class rates 费率等级
class special survey 船级特检
class survey 入级检验
class withdrawal 取消船级
class 船级等级
class 等级;组;品种;阶级;级;定级
class 级
class 级船级
classed ship 入级船
classes of certificate of competency 适任证书等级
classic 第一流的典型的
classical hydrodynamics 理论水动力学
classificaion and labeling of explosives regulations (uk 《爆炸物规则的分类和标记》
classification 分类;船级;定级
classification and inspection of vessels 船舶定级和检验
classification board 船级社
classification certificate for hull 船体入级证书
classification certificate for machinery 轮机入级证书
classification certificate of refrigerating cargo installation 货物冷藏设备入级证书
classification certificate of refrigerating cargo installation 货物冷藏装置入级证书
classification certificate 船舶入级证书
classification certificate 船级证书
classification certificate 入级证书
classification clause 船级条款
classification clause 分级条款
classification committee 船级委员会
classification conditions 入级条件
classification designation 入级标志
classification dimensions 分级尺寸
classification drawings 入级图
classification form of maritime traffic accident 船舶交通事故分级标准表
classification of amplifier 放大器分类
classification of dangerous goods in packaged form 包装危险品分类
classification of dangerous goods 危险物品分类
classification of emission 发射类型
classification of hull steel 船体钢等级
classification of inland aids to navigation 内河航标等级
classification of marine turbine 船用涡轮机分类
classification of paint 涂料分类
classification of seas 海浪等级
classification of steel vessels 钢船入级
classification of substances or articles with multiple hazards) 具有多种危险性的物品分类
classification of vessel 船舶入级
classification of vessel 船级
classification of vessels in inland waters 内河船舶等级
classification perpendicular 入级垂线
classification principle 入级原则
classification process 入级过程
classification records 入级记录
classification repair 入级修理
classification rules 入级规范
classification society approval 船级社认可
classification society rule 船级社规范
classification society 船级社
classification society"classification surveyor 船级社验船师
classification society"s surveyor 船级社验船师
classification survey 船级检验
classification survey 入级检验
classification surveyor 船级社验船师
classification surveyor 验船师
classification surveys 入级检验
classification symbol 入级符号
classification 定级
classification 分类
classification 识别
classified data 密级资料
classified excess of loss reinsurance 分级超额赔款再保险
classified 保密的已分类的
classify 把……分类
classsurvey 船级检验
clause about inspection of goods 货物检查权条款
clause for cargoes shipped on deck 甲板货物条款
clause for frozen products 冰冻货物条款
clause of contract 合同条款
clause rider 附加条款
clause rider 追加条款
clause stamped 贴了印花的正式文件
clause 条款
clause 条款;款项
clauses of bill of lading 提单条款
clauses of no effect 无效条款
clausum 领海
clavicle 锁骨
claw bar 爪杆
claw clutch 爪形离合器
claw coupling 爪形联轴器
claw hammer 拔钉锤
claw hammer 羊角锤
claw magnet 爪形磁铁
claw off 由下风岸转向上风岸航驶
claw shaped 爪形的
claw wrench 钩形扳手
claw 爪
claw 爪;钩
clawed clip 爪形线夹
clay 粘土
clay 粘土粘土
clay 粘土粘土粘土
clay 粘土粘土粘土底
clay 黏土
clc protocol 1976 《1976年国际油污损害民事责任公约议定书》
cleading 保温套
cleading 护罩
cleading 护罩;隔热板;衬板
clean acceptance 单纯承兑或认付
clean anchorage 无障碍物锚地
clean ballast capacity 压载舱容量
clean ballast pump 净压载水泵
clean ballast pump 清洁压载水泵
clean ballast tank 清洁压载舱
clean ballast tank 清洁压载水
clean ballast tanks 清洁压载舱
clean ballast water 清洁压载水
clean ballast 清洁压载
clean ballast 清洁压载水
clean bill of health 清洁无疫证明书
clean bill of health 无疫健康证明书
clean bill of lading 清洁提单
clean bill of lading 清洁提单无批注提单
clean bill 清洁票证
clean bottom 干净海底
clean bottom 无污底
clean bottom 无污底干净海底
clean breach 横扫舱面浪
clean breach 浪扫全舱面
clean break 无火花断路
clean cargo 清洁货
clean cargo 完整的货物
clean charter 清洁租船合同
clean coast 安全海岸
clean collection 光票托收
clean credit 光票信用证
clean cut 无氧化皮切削
clean diesel oil tank 柴油净油柜
clean dispersant agent 清洁分散添加剂
clean fire 清炉
clean fire 清炉除灰
clean fixture 最终成交
clean fuel oil tank 清洁燃油舱
clean fuel oil tank 清洁燃油舱燃油净油柜
clean fuel oil tank 燃油净油柜
clean full 展全帆
clean harbour 无碍航物的港
clean heavy oil tank 重油净油柜
clean letter of credit 清洁信用证
clean lines 流线型船
clean oil 净油
clean oil 净油轻质油
clean oil 轻油
clean on board 洁净装船
clean out door 清灰门
clean out 清理完毕
clean run 流线型船尾
clean ship 没有载货的船
clean ship 没载货的船
clean tanker 轻油油船
clean tanker 轻油油轮(适于装精制油
clean tanker 轻油油轮(适于装精制油的油轮
clean title 清洁物权
clean transport document 清洁运输单据
clean up n. 提纯
clean vision screen 扫雨器
clean water act 《淡水保条例》
clean water 清洁水
clean 空舱门归零清洁的
clean 清洁
clean 清洁的;没有毛病的;无碍航物的;船尾呈尖形的;归零
clean-out opening 清洗孔
clean-up cost 清污费
clean-up expense report on marine pollution by ship 船舶污染清除费用报告书
clean-up of oil spill 浮油清除
clean-up operation 清污作业
clean-up 洗涤
cleanballast 清压载水
cleaner 清洁工人吸尘器
cleaner 清洁器
cleaner 吸尘器
cleaning agent 清洁剂
cleaning and dispersing additive 清洁与分散添加剂
cleaning and disposal procedures 清除及处理程序
cleaning and sweeping of ship"s holds 洗扫舱
cleaning appliance 清洁用具
cleaning arrangement 净化装置
cleaning bottle brush 洗瓶刷
cleaning device 清洗器
cleaning fire 清炉
cleaning hatch 清洗舱口
cleaning hole 清扫孔
cleaning interval 清洗周期
cleaning machine 洗舱机
cleaning machine 洗舱机洗涤机
cleaning of cargo tank 液货舱的清洗
cleaning of hold 洗舱
cleaning oil 轻油
cleaning powder 去污粉
cleaning strainer 净化过滤器
cleaning valve 清洗(过滤器
cleaning valve 清洗阀
cleaning 清洗
cleanliness factor 净度系数
cleanliness 净度
cleanser powder 去污粉
cleanser 清洁剂
clear a ship 船舶办理出口手续
clear ahead! 前途通畅!
clear anchor! 锚清爽
clear anchor 锚清爽
clear anchorage 无碍航物锚泊地
clear anchorage 无碍航物锚地
clear area 畅通航区
clear area 畅通区
clear astern! 船尾清爽
clear astern 船尾清爽
clear away 清除
clear bearing 避险方位
clear berth 宽敞锚地
clear breach 冲湿舱面浪
clear breach 无碍的冲刷
clear bulb 透明灯泡
clear chance rule 避让机会原则
clear coast 无碍航海岸
clear coast 无碍航物的海岸
clear coast 无碍航物海岸
clear days 净日数
clear distance 净距
clear for action 备战(甲板上清除障碍
clear goods from customs 海关放行货物
clear goods from customs 货物结关
clear goods 已纳税货物
clear hawse pendant 解锚链的短索
clear hawse pendant 解锚支索
clear hawse slip 解锚链的滑钩
clear hawse 清链
clear hawse 清链;双锚泊时锚链清楚
clear hold 空货舱
clear ice 明冰
clear ice 透明冰
clear insulating varnish 透明绝缘漆
clear inward 办清进口手续
clear message 明码电报
clear of local anthorities 地方当局检查手续完毕
clear of water 离开水面
clear off 清除
clear out 安全出港
clear outward 办清出口手续
clear plastics 透明塑胶
clear scan radar 清晰显示雷达
clear sky 碧空
clear store instruction 清除存储器指令
clear system 清算制
clear the circuit 切断电路消除短路
clear the circuit 切断线路
clear the circuit 切断线路或线路上的电压;清除短路
clear the hold 清舱
clear the land 离开浅水地带
clear the port 安全出港
clear the ship 清舱
clear up 清除
clear valve diameter 阀孔径
clear view screen 驾驶台在下雨雪时使用的)旋转观察窗
clear view screen 清晰荧光屏旋转观察窗
clear view screen 旋转观察窗
clear view window 观察窗
clear view window 驾驶台在下雨雪时使用的)旋转观察窗
clear visibility 良好的视度excellent visibility 优异能见度
clear water 安全水域;无碍航物水域
clear waters 安全水域
clear way valve 全开阀
clear weather 晴天
clear 间隙
clear 晴朗的
clear 卸空;让清;澄清的;解开;清爽
clear-water afterbody 水上船尾部
clearacquisition 清晰/捕获
clearance absorber 间隙吸收器
clearance adjuster 间隙调整器
clearance adjusting nut 间隙调整螺母
clearance adjusting screw 间隙调整螺钉
clearance adjustment 间隙调整
clearance angle 间隙角
clearance cavitation 间隙空化
clearance certificate 结关单
clearance certificate 结关证书
clearance document 结关文书
clearance fee 结关手续费
clearance fit 动配合
clearance fit 间隙配合
clearance gas 间隙存气
clearance gauge 量隙规
clearance height 离水高度
clearance hole 出砂孔排屑孔
clearance in the fore and aft directions 前后向的总间隙
clearance in the sideways 左右向的总间隙
clearance insulating paint 清色绝缘漆
clearance inward 进口结关证明
clearance inward 入港许可证
clearance label 船舶)结关单结关单
clearance label 结关单
clearance leakage 间隙漏泄
clearance leakage 隙缝泄漏
clearance limit 间隙限度
clearance loss 间隙损失
clearance measurement 间隙测量
clearance meter 间隙计
clearance note 进口结关证明
clearance notice 出港通知书
clearance notice 进口通知
clearance of cargo 货物结关
clearance of crew 船员结关
clearance of passenger 旅客结关
clearance of pollution 清除污染
clearance order 断路指令
clearance outward 出口结关证明
clearance paper 出港许可证
clearance paper 结关文件
clearance papers 出港证
clearance permit 出港许可证
clearance permit 进出港许可证
clearance pocket 隙囊
clearance ratio 间隙比
clearance ring 间隙垫圈
clearance space 货堆空隙
clearance space 余隙空间
clearance under keel 富裕水深
clearance volume 余隙容积
clearance volumetric efficiency 余隙容积效率
clearance 间隙
clearance 结关出港许可证
clearance 结关单;清除;间隙;余隙
clearance 结关单船舶)结关单间隙
clearance 清除
clearce certificate 船舶)结关单
cleared water 净水
cleared without examination 免检放行
cleared 已办理出口手续
cleared 已办理进出口手续
clearing a hawse 清解锚链
clearing account 清算帐户
clearing bearing 安全方位
clearing brush 刮船刷
clearing device 清除装置
clearing from alongside by after spring 后倒缆离码头
clearing from alongside 安全离开码头
clearing from steep shore 离陡岸
clearing glade 冰湖
clearing house 海关
clearing house 票据交换所
clearing iron 刮缝刀刮缝凿
clearing iron 刮缝凿
clearing key 清除键
clearing lamp 话终信号灯
clearing line 安全导航线
clearing mark 安全符号
clearing marks 安全导航标
clearing of a fault 故障的排除
clearing of a fault 排除故障
clearing out drop 话终吊牌
clearing plug 清洗孔塞
clearing port 结关
clearing port 结关;排水口
clearing port 结关排水口
clearing port 排水口
clearing range marks 导航叠标
clearing signal 话终信号
clearing sterling 以英镑清算
clearing view disc 离心式扫雨器
clearing 澄清清除
clearing 票据交换;报关;清扫;清算;冰间水面;阴雨天变晴
clearing 清扫
clearness 无云天空
cleat insulator 夹板绝缘子
cleat stanchion 梯柱
cleat stanchion 梯柱货船)梯柱
cleat 夹子
cleat 系索耳
cleat 羊角
cleating device 舱盖板压紧装置
cleavage 分裂
cleave 破浪前进;劈开;裂开
cleave 破浪前进劈开
cleft 裂缝
cleft 裂片
clench bolt 弯头螺栓
clench n. clockwork 时钟机构
clench nail 弯尖钉
clench planking 盖瓦叠板式盖瓦式叠板
clench planking 盖瓦式叠板
clench ring 扣销垫圈
clench 钉牢
clench 铆紧
clench 敲弯
clencher 工具夹子
clencher 敲弯钉头的工具
clencher 敲弯钉头的工具;夹子;敲铆钉的人
clencher 敲弯工具
clerk 职员
clerk"s office 秘书室
cleveland flash point apparatus 克利夫兰闪点仪(开口
clevis bolt u 形螺栓
clevis bolt u形螺栓
clevis pin u 形夹销
clevis type u 形插塞
clevis u形钩
clevis u形夹;u形钩
clew garnet 拉帆索
clew iron 三角环
clew line block 隐轮滑车
clew line 帆耳索
clew patch 帆后下角覆条
clew piece 帆角补强块
clew 横帆的两侧下角
click 掣子
click 棘爪;棘轮机构;掣子;发出卡嗒声
click 棘爪棘轮机构卡嗒声
client concerned 有关当事人
client terminal system 用户终端系统
client 委托人
client 委托人;顾客
cliff coast 峭壁海岸
cliff ladder 登崖软梯
cliff 断崖
cliff 悬崖
cliffs 陡岸
cliffy coastline 多峭壁的海岸线
cliffy 有峭壁陡岩的
climate classification 气候分类
climate comfort 调节气温
climate proof 防风雨的
climate 气候
climate 气候地带
climatic atlas 气候图册
climatic chart 气候图
climatic conditions 气候条件
climatic gradient 气候梯度
climatic phenomenon 气候现象
climatic symbols 气候符号
climatic trends 气候趋势
climatic year 气候年
climatic zone 气候带
climatic 气候的
climatological analysis 气候分析
climatological atlas 气候图册
climatological data 气候资料
climatological normals 气候多年平均值
climatological route 气候航线
climax 顶点
climax 最高峰
climb into a lifeboat 攀登救生艇
climb milling 顺铣
climb of wave 拍岸浪爬堤高度
climb 浮起攀登
climb 上升
clinagage 残油
clinch bolt 弯头螺栓
clinch nail 弯尖钉(钉木船壳板用
clinch 半结铆紧
clinch 铆紧
clinch 敲弯;钉牢;绳索一端的活结圈套;半结
clincher 敲弯工具
clingage 油垢
clinic boat 医务艇
clinic 医务所
clinical thermometer 体温计
clink 内裂
clink 裂纹
clink 内裂
clinker built 叠接式构造法
clinker planking 盖瓦叠板式
clinker planking 盖瓦叠板式盖瓦式叠板
clinker plating 盖瓦叠板式
clinker plating 鳞状叠板式
clinker plating 瓦叠式外板
clinker screen 滤烟网
clinker 叠接列板;煤渣
clinker 熔块
clinker 熔渣
clinker 熔渣煤渣
clinking 内裂缝
clinomeer transmitter 测斜仪发送器
clinomeer 测斜仪
clinometer transmitter 测斜仪发送器
clinometer 测斜仪
clinometer 倾斜仪;测斜器
clip bolt 夹箍螺栓
clip bolt 夹紧螺栓
clip connector 夹子接头
clip cut-off 剪去夹掉
clip hook 夹钩
clip hook 双抱钩
clip link 环夹
clip on type ammeter 钳形安培表
clip on type reefer container 外接冷气式冷藏集装箱
clip ring 开口环
clip spring switch 弹簧开关
clip system panel 夹装式舱室隔板
clip 夹
clip 接线柱
clip-on unit 可装配式构件
clip-on voltammeter 钳形伏安表
clipper bow 飞剪形船首
clipper circuit 削波电路
clipper stem 曲线船首
clipper 快速横帆船限制器
clipper 削波器
clippers 剪刀
clippers 钳子
clipping amplifier 限幅放大器
clipping circuit 限幅器
clipping circuit 削波电路
clipping 剪下物;削波;快速的;第一流的
clipping 削波
cloak room 衣帽间;行李寄放处
clock bias 时钟偏压
clock circuit 同步脉冲电路
clock controlled 定时控制的
clock frequency 节拍频率
clock gats 时钟脉冲门
clock gauge 千分尺
clock generator 时钟脉冲发生器
clock integrating unit 钟表式累积装置
clock mechanism 定时机构
clock mechanism 钟表机构
clock meter 钟表式计数器
clock offset 时钟偏差
clock phase 钟脉冲
clock pulse generator 时钟脉冲发生器
clock pulse 节拍脉冲
clock pulse 时钟脉冲
clock requency 时钟频率
clock skew 时钟脉冲相位差
clock star 对时星
clock switch 时间开关
clock synchronization module 时钟同步模式
clock system 时钟脉冲系统
clock tower 钟塔
clock type speedometer 钟表式速度计
clock work mechanism 时钟机构
clock work 时钟机构
clock works 钟表装置
clock 时钟
clock 钟时钟脉冲时标
clock-on circuit 强制同步电路
clock-phase diagram 直角坐标矢量图
clocking 定时
clockwise direction 顺时针方向
clockwise propeller 右旋螺旋桨
clockwise ratation 顺时针旋转
clockwise rotation 顺时针方向旋转
clockwise rotation 顺时针旋转
clockwise sense 顺时针方向
clockwise 顺时针的
clockwise 顺时针的顺时针
clockwise 顺时针地
clockwise 顺时针方向
clockwork indicator 钟表装置指示器
clockwork mechanism 时钟机构
clockwork motor 时间电动机
clockwork 时钟机构
clog 制动器堵塞
clog 制动器阻塞
clogged passage 被阻塞通道
clogged tube 管子闭塞
close aboard 接近船舶
close aboard 接近船舶(对大船550米以内
close aboard 紧靠船边
close accounts 结算
close armored 封闭式铠装的
close bend test 对折弯曲试验
close bevel 锐角
close bevel 锐斜角
close bevel 斜角
close blockade 港口封锁
close butt 紧密对接
close ceiling 密排舱壁护条
close ceiling 密排舱底板
close circuit 闭合电路
close contact 直接接触
close cooling system 闭式冷却系统
close coolingsystem 闭式冷却系统
close coupled pump 刚性连接泵
close coupled rudder 并联舵
close coupling 强耦合
close cup 闭杯
close end socket 闭口绳头套环
close fit 紧配合
close fitting plug 闭合装置塞块
close grain 细密结晶
close grained cast iron 细晶粒铸铁
close grained casting 细晶粒铸件
close grained wheel 细砂轮
close harbor 有闸港池
close hauled 迎风航驶
close ice 密集冰
close ice 密集冰密集冰
close ice 密集流冰
close ice 密集流水
close in fueling rig近距离加油索具
close in method 靠近法
close in 接近
close link chain 短环链
close link chain 核桃链
close link 闭链环
close loop maneuver 闭环操作
close loop system 闭环系统
close lunar satellite近月卫星
close nipple 螺纹接套
close of business 租船停业
close pack ice 密集流冰群
close pack 密集冰
close pack 密集冰密集冰
close packing 货物包装
close pattern bend 回转弯管
close pitched tube 密排管
close port 未开放港口
close push button 闭合按钮
close quarters situation 紧迫局面
close quarters近距离
close range近距离
close reach 帆船接近逼风行驶
close reach 前舷侧风驶帆
close reefed 帆缩到最小
close running fit 紧动配合
close shelter tonnage 闭舱式吨位
close stowing 有杆转爪锚
close stowing anchor 有杆转爪锚
close supervision 闭式监视
close the land 接近陆地
close tolerance flame cutting 高精度火焰切割
close tolerance 紧公差
close type evaporator 闭式蒸发器
close up mark 接岸标
close up n. 闭合
close up view近视图特写镜头
close up 紧跟;拉到顶;闭合
close up 拉到顶
close winded 能靠风行驶的;接近顶风
close with 靠近
close working fit 紧滑配合
close a. 紧密的
close 闭视;关闭;盖上;接近
close 关闭
close 紧密的
close-circuit voltage 闭路电压
close-fit mapping method 精密拟合保角变换法
close-fitting strip 密封板
close-hauled 迎风航驶
close-in fueling rig 燃油补给索具
close-loop maneuver 闭环操纵
close-out collar 密封板
close-type injector 闭式喷射器
close-up cloud chart 云图
close-up mark 接岸标
close-up 闭合
closed and pressured fuel system 加压式燃油系统
closed antenna 闭路天线
closed armoring 封闭式铠装
closed armouring 迭盖铠装电缆
closed assembly time 闭合装配时间
closed barge carrier system 封闭式驳船货运系统
closed basin 有闸港池
closed bay 受陆地包围的海湾
closed bay 隐蔽海湾
closed bell 闭式潜水钟
closed bevel 锐斜角
closed box container 封闭式集装箱
closed bridge 前后端用隔舱壁围起的桥楼室
closed bridge house 封闭式桥楼
closed bridge 前后端用隔舱壁围起的桥楼室
closed brine system 闭式盐水系统
closed butt weld 连续对接焊缝
closed cargo 列入表定运费的货物
closed chock 闭式导缆孔
closed chock 闭式导缆器
closed chock 闭式导缆钳
closed circuit alarm device 闭路接线
closed circuit breathing apparatus 闭式呼吸器
closed circuit cooler for electric machine 电机用闭式循环冷却器
closed circuit cooling 闭式循环冷却
closed circuit lubrication 闭式循环润滑
closed circuit signalling 闭路通信
closed circuit system 闭式循环系统闭路制
closed circuit television set 闭路电视接收机
closed circuit television system 闭路电视系统
closed circuit television 闭路电视
closed circuit television 闭路电视工业电视
closed circuit turbine 闭式循环燃气轮机
closed circuit video 闭路电视
closed circuit 闭合电路
closed coil armature 闭路电枢
closed coil winding 闭圈绕组
closed conduit 暗管
closed container mechanically ventilated 封闭式机械通风集装箱
closed container 封闭式集装箱
closed cooling system 闭式冷却系统
closed cooling water system 闭式冷却水系统
closed core type 闭合铁心式
closed core 闭合铁心
closed core 闭式铁心
closed crank case compressor 封闭式曲轴箱压缩机
closed cup flashpoint 闭杯闪点
closed cup test 闭杯试验
closed cycle control 闭环控制
closed cycle gas turbine installation 闭式循环燃气轮机装置
closed cycle system 闭式循环系统
closed cycle turbine 闭式循环涡轮
closed cycle turbine 闭式循环涡轮机
closed cycle 闭合循环
closed cycle 闭式循环
closed dock 船坞湿船坞
closed dock 湿船坞
closed dock 有闸港池
closed dock 有闸港地
closed drainage 闭式排水设备
closed end spanner 闭口扳手
closed end wrench 闭口扳手
closed end 封闭端
closed exhaust 闭式排气
closed fair lead 闭式导缆孔
closed fair leader 闭式导缆钳
closed fair-leader 闭式导缆钳
closed fairlead 闭式导缆钳
closed feed controller 闭式给水系统调节器
closed feed system boiler 闭式给水系统锅炉
closed feed system 闭式给水系统闭路供电系统
closed feed water system controller 闭式给水系统调节器
closed feed water system 闭式给水系统
closed fhdraulic system 闭式液压系统
closed fire room 密封锅炉舱
closed fireroom 封闭式锅炉舱
closed fireroom 密闭式锅炉
closed fireroom 密闭式锅炉舱
closed flowmeter 闭式流量表
closed groove 无间隙接缝
closed harbor 隐蔽港口
closed harbour 不开放的港埠
closed hole 密封孔
closed impeller type sandpump 闭式叶轮泥浆泵
closed in frunk 封闭围阱
closed in space 密闭舱室
closed in spaces 封闭舱室
closed joint 闭式连接无隙接头
closed joint 封闭接头
closed kalman filter formulation 闭环卡尔曼滤波方程
closed life boat 封闭式救生艇
closed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇
closed line 闭合线
closed loop control system 闭环控制系统
closed loop control 闭环控制
closed loop servo 闭环伺服机构
closed loop system 闭环系统
closed loop tranfer function 闭环传递功能
closed loop 闭合回路
closed loop 闭合回线
closed magnetic circuit 闭合磁路
closed oil system of variable delivery pump 变量泵闭式油系统
closed oscillator 闭合振荡回路;封闭式振子
closed oscillator 闭合振荡回路封闭式振子
closed oscillator 闭路振荡器
closed path 闭合回路
closed path 闭路
closed plain chock 闭式导缆器
closed port 不开放的港埠
closed port 封闭港
closed ro-ro cargo space 闭式滚装货物处所
closed roller chock 闭式滚轮导缆机闭式滚轮导缆钳
closed roller chock 闭式滚轮导缆钳
closed root 无间隙焊根
closed sanitary system 闭式卫生水系统
closed sea 闭海
closed sea 领海
closed sea 领海;受岬角包围或在狭窄海峡内的海区
closed sea 内海
closed shell and tube condenser 闭式壳管冷凝器
closed shelter deck 闭式遮蔽甲板
closed shelter deck ship 闭式遮蔽甲板船
closed shelter deck vessel 闭式遮蔽甲板船
closed shelter decker 封闭式遮蔽甲板船
closed shelter-deck type 遮闭甲板型
closed shelterdecker 闭式遮蔽甲板船
closed slot armature 闭槽电枢
closed slot 闭槽
closed sounding device 封闭型测深装置
closed state 闭态
closed stoke-hold draft 闭式炉舱通风
closed stokehold draft 闭式锅炉舱通风
closed stokehold draft 闭式炉舱通风
closed stokehold 密闭式锅炉舱
closed superstructure 闭式上层建筑
closed superstructure 可关闭的上层建筑
closed system of pipes 管路封闭系统
closed temperature measuring device 封闭式温度测量装置
closed test 闭口杯试验
closed towing chock 闭式拖缆钳
closed type compressor 闭式压缩机
closed type feed water heater 闭式给水加热器
closed type fuel valve 闭式燃油阀
closed type hydraulic system 闭式液压系统
closed type thrust bearing 闭式推力轴承
closed type thrust bearing 封闭式推力轴承
closed ullage system 闭式液位测量装置
closed user group 闭路用户组
closed van type container 封闭式集装箱
closed vane type container 闭叶式集装箱
closed ventilated container 闭式通风集装箱
closed weld 无间隙焊缝
closed 关闭的
closed 关闭的;闭合的;闭路的;封闭的
closed 密闭的
closed-circuit cooling 闭式循环冷却
closed-in erection 封闭的上层建筑
closed-in space 密闭舱室
closed-loop control system 闭环控制系统国际油污损害民事责任公约
closed-open 接通—断开
closed-open 通-断关-开训-闭
closedlifeboat 封闭式救生艇
closequarters situation 紧迫局面
closer 闭合器
closest approach 最近的道路
closest instant 最接近瞬间
closest point of approach 会遇最近距离
closest point of approach 会遇最近距离最近会遇点
closest point of approach 预计相遇最近点
closest point of approach 最接近距离
closest point of approach 最近会遇点
closest range 最近距离
closet 壁橱
closet 盥洗室
closeup 闭合
closing account 结算
closing account 决算
closing appliance 闭锁装置
closing appliance 封闭装置
closing appliance 关闭装置
closing balance 期末余额
closing coil 闭合线圈
closing contact 闭合触点合闸触点
closing current 闭合电流
closing cylinder 封缸
closing date 截止日期
closing date 截止日期;结算日
closing date 结算日期
closing head 铆钉锁头
closing magnet 合闸磁铁
closing mechanism 关闭机械装置
closing moment 闭合时刻
closing of an account 结帐
closing of circuit 电路闭合
closing of contact 触点闭合
closing of port 封港
closing piece 密闭板
closing piece 密闭件
closing plate 封板
closing procedure 船舶交接程序
closing rate 收盘汇率
closing relay 闭合继电器
closing ring 关闭环
closing run 相遇航行
closing sleeve 夹紧套筒
closing slip 保险结单
closing solenoid 合闸螺线管
closing the ship"s articles 解除船员雇用合同
closing time 闭合时间
closing valve 隔断阀
closing 闭合
closing 封闭
closing 关闭
closure device 闭锁装置
closure fitting 封闭器配件
closure flange 封闭凸缘
closure head 外壳顶盖
closure of port 封港
closure (门
closure 闭合差;插栓
closure 封闭器
closure 关闭
cloth for filter 滤布
cloth line 晒帆绳
cloth lined rubber rain coat with hood 橡胶衬布连帽雨衣
cloth 编织物
cloth 布
clothe 覆盖;用帆布包起来;装配帆具及索具;穿衣服
clothes stops 悬挂晒衣的小绳
clothes 衣服被褥
clothing export council 服装出口委员会
clothing issue room 储物舱
clothing locker 被服储藏室
clothing 服装
clothing 衣服
clothing 衣服罩
clothing 罩
cloud acount 云量
cloud and collision warning 烟云及防撞警报
cloud atlas 云图
cloud bank 云堤
cloud base 云底
cloud burst 暴雨
cloud burst 火暴雨
cloud cap 帽状云
cloud ceiling 云底部高度
cloud chart 云图
cloud classification 云的分类
cloud cluster 云团
cloud cover image 云层图象
cloud cover 云量
cloud drift 云的飘移
cloud drip 雾滴
cloud drip 雾滴雾滴
cloud droplet 云滴
cloud due to volcanic eruptions 火山爆发所造成的云
cloud form 云状
cloud height 云高
cloud mirror 测云镜
cloud picture 云图
cloud point 云点
cloud point 浊点
cloud scale 云级
cloud seeding 云的催化
cloud system of positive vorticity center 正涡度中心云系
cloud with vertical development 直展云
cloud wreath 黑云环
cloud 云
cloud 云层
cloudage 云量
cloudburst process 喷丸硬化法
cloudless 无云
clouds and collision warning 烟云及防撞警报
cloudy sky 多云天空
cloudy weather 多云天气
cloudy 多云
cloudy 多云的
cloudy 多云多云的
cloudy 云天
clout nail 大帽钉
clout nail 大头钉
clout 垫圈
clout 破布
clove hitch 丁香结
clove hook 抱钩
clove hook 双抱钩
clove leaf pattern 苜蓿叶型图案
clove oil 丁香油
clover leaf 苜蓿叶
clover seed 苜蓿草子
clover 苜蓿
clover 苜蓿叶型货物标志
clover-type wave probe 三浮子式浪高仪
cloves 丁香
club foot 丰满首柱底
club foot 象脚船首
club haul 用一种紧急措施把船掉头
club link 联锚钩环
club link 联锚链环
club loan 银团贷款
club shackle 联锚卸扣
club terms 保赔协会条款
club terms 保险协会条款
club 辅助帆杆俱乐部摊付费用
club 俱乐部
clubbing 拖锚顺漂(把绳套在某物上
clubbing 拖着锚顺流漂驶
clubbing 拖着锚顺流漂驶;把绳套在某物上
clubhaul 用一种紧迫措施掉向
cluff bow 肥形船首
clump block 厚壳滑车
cluster cargo lamp 装卸货用丛灯
cluster engine 发动机组
cluster lamp 多灯照明器
cluster lamp 货舱移动灯
cluster lamp 货舱移动灯货舱移动灯
cluster rock 簇礁
cluster switch 组合开关
cluster 星团;丛灯
cluster 组
cluster 组开关
clustered deck houses 甲板室群
clutch box 离合器箱
clutch brake 离合器制动器
clutch case 离合器箱
clutch change-over device 离合器转换装置
clutch change-over valve 离合器转换阀
clutch control cable 离合器控制电缆
clutch control lever 离合器控制杆
clutch control 离合器控制
clutch coupling 离合器
clutch coupling 离合器爪形联轴器
clutch cover 离合器盖
clutch disc facing 离合器盘衬片
clutch disc 离合器盘
clutch drum 离合器从动鼓
clutch facing 离合器衬片
clutch foot plate 离合器脚踏板
clutch for speed control handwheel disengagement 转速控制手轮分离用离合器
clutch gear 离合器齿轮
clutch handle 离合器手柄
clutch housing 离合器壳
clutch housing 离合器箱
clutch in 离合器接上
clutch lever 离合器操纵杆
clutch lever 离合器杆
clutch linkage 离合器分离机构
clutch magnet 离合器电磁铁
clutch motor 带离合器的电动机
clutch of windlass 锚机离合器
clutch operating linkage 离合器操作联动装置
clutch out 离合器脱开
clutch pedal 离合器踏板
clutch plate 离合器盘
clutch pressure plate 离合器压盘
clutch pressure ring 离合器压环
clutch pull rod 离合器拉杆
clutch shaft 离合器轴
clutch sleeve 离合器套筒
clutch slip 离合器滑移
clutch spring 离合器弹簧
clutch 离合器
clutch 离合器离合器踏板
clutch 抓
clutching test 离合试验
clutter rejection 杂波抑制
clutter 杂乱回波
clyburn spanner 活络扳手
cmi draft international convention on salvage 国际海事委员会国际救助公约草案
cml system 搬运吊车方式
cn 罐(货运用语
co analyser 一氧化碳测定仪
co co-2 extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火机
co meter 一氧化碳含量计
co 2
co 2
co- 共同
co-2 analyser 二氧化碳测定仪
co-2 bottle 二氧化碳筒
co-2 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
co-2 conent sender 二氧化碳浓度发送器
co-2 content recorder 二氧化碳浓度记录器
co-2 extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火系统
co-2 fire extinguisher appliance 二氧化碳灭火装置
co-2 fire extinguishing installation 二氧化碳灭火系统
co-2 fire stopper 二氧化碳灭火器
co-2 flooding plant 二氧化碳灭火装置
co-2 machine 二氧化碳制冷机
co-2 recorder 二氧化碳记录器
co-2 releasing alarm 二氧化碳施放报警器
co-2 scrubber 二氧化碳洗涤器
co-2 total flooding system 二氧化碳灭火系统
co-2welding 二氧化碳电弧焊
co-altitude 顶距
co-axial 同轴的
co-centric shaft reduction gear 同心轴式减速齿轮
co-crystallizing 共晶
co-insurance clause 共同保险条款
co-insurance 共同保险
co-latitude 余纬
co-linear 同线的
co-mid-lat 余中纬
co-ordinate drive cutting machine 坐标传动切割机
co-ordinate 坐标 a. 坐标的同位的
co-ordinate=coordinate n. 坐标坐标的同位的
co-ordinated mediterranean pollution monitoring and research programme 协调地中海污染监视和研究方案
co-ordinated ship"s allowance list 船舶供应品分级配备明细表
co-ordinated universal time 协调世界时
co-ordinator of surface search 海面搜寻协调者
co-ordinator of surface search 海面搜寻协调者;海面搜索协调者
co-ordinator surface search 海上搜救协调船
co-owned ship 共有船
co-owner 共同所有人
co-ownership 共同所有权
co-pilot 副引航员;自动驾驶仪
co-range line 等潮差线
co-respondent 共同答辩人
co2 welding 二氧化碳电弧焊
co2 analyser 二氧化碳测定仪
co2 conent sender 二氧化碳浓度发送器
co2 content recorder 二氧化碳浓度记录器
co2 extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火系统
co2 fire extinguisher appliance 二氧化碳灭火装置
co2 fire extinguishing installation 二氧化碳灭火系统
co2 fire stopper 二氧化碳灭火器
co2 flooding plant 二氧化碳灭火装置
co2 machine 二氧化碳制冷机
co2 recorder 二氧化碳记录器
co2 releasing alarm 二氧化碳施放报警器
co2 scrubber 二氧化碳洗涤器
co2 total flooding system 二氧化碳灭火系统
coacceptor 共同承兑人
coacervation 堆聚
coach roof 半显露舱室(一半在甲板上
coach roof 艇舱棚顶
coach spring 弓形弹簧
coach whip 长三角旗
coach wrench 双开活络扳手
coach 车辆
coachwhipping 花样缠扎绳头
coagulant 凝结剂
coagulation 凝结
coagulation 凝结凝析
coak 粗柄(一种坚木制小圆柱
coal and ore dock 煤和矿砂码头
coal and ore docks 煤和矿砂码头
coal barge 煤驳
coal barrow 运煤手车
coal basket 煤篓
coal bucket 煤斗
coal bunker 煤舱
coal bunker 煤舱燃煤舱
coal bunker 燃煤舱
coal burning boiler 燃煤锅炉
coal burning boiler 烧煤锅炉
coal burning carrier 烧煤运输船
coal burning vessel 烧煤船
coal capacity 装煤量
coal car 运煤车
coal carrier 运煤船
coal charter party 日本航运公会煤炭运输租船合同
coal chute cover 煤筒盖
coal chute 装煤槽
coal consumption rate 耗煤率
coal consumption 耗煤量
coal conveyer 运煤机
coal crushes 碎煤机
coal depot 煤场
coal door 装煤舷门
coal dump 卸煤门
coal dust 煤粉
coal dust 煤末
coal feeder 供煤机
coal firing boiler 燃煤锅炉
coal firing 烧煤
coal gas 煤气
coal hammer 碎煤锤
coal harbor 煤港
coal harbour 煤港
coal hatch 煤舱口
coal heaver 煤炭装卸工人
coal hoist 起煤装置
coal hold 煤舱
coal hole cover 煤舱口盖
coal hole 煤舱孔
coal hole 煤舱口
coal hopper 煤斗
coal hulk 煤驳
coal hulk 贮煤船
coal jetty 煤码头
coal lift 扬煤机
coal lighter 煤驳
coal loader 装煤机
coal oil mixture 煤-油混合浆
coal oil 煤焦油
coal oil 煤油
coal passer 二级生火
coal pier 煤运码头
coal port 煤港
coal port 装煤舷门
coal pulverizer 碎煤机
coal sack 煤袋
coal scuttle 煤舱口
coal shoot 装煤槽
coal shovel 煤锹
coal slurry 煤泥
coal storage 贮煤量
coal supply 燃煤供应
coal tar coating 煤焦沥青涂料
coal tar fuel 煤焦沥青燃料
coal tar fuel 煤焦油燃料
coal tar thinner 煤焦稀释剂
coal tar 煤焦油
coal tip 煤炭的倾卸装置
coal trimmer 煤舱平舱工人煤舱平舱机
coal trimmer平舱工人
coal trimmer平舱工人;平舱机
coal unloading terminal 卸煤码头
coal water slurry 水煤浆
coal wharf 煤码头
coal whart 煤码头
coal winch 煤炭起货机
coal 煤
coal 煤;装煤
coal 煤上煤
coal-lighter 煤驳
coal-oxygen fuel cell 煤氧燃料电池
coal-supply ship 运煤船
coal-water mixture 煤水混合物
coaler 煤船
coaler 煤船;船煤供应商人
coaler 运煤船
coaling bag 海上补给品装运袋
coaling capacity 载煤量
coaling davit 装煤吊杆
coaling day 装煤日
coaling depot 加煤站
coaling dock 煤码头
coaling facilities 加煤设备
coaling facilities 装灯设备
coaling facilities 装煤设备
coaling gear 装煤工具
coaling gear 装煤装置
coaling port 供煤港
coaling port 装煤港口
coaling quay 煤码头
coaling scuttle 煤舱口
coaling ship 供煤船
coaling station 装煤港口
coaling stay 吊煤滑车支索
coaling trunk 装煤导筒
coaling wharf 煤码头
coaling whip 装煤单绞辘;吊煤拉绳
coaling 上煤
coaling 装煤
coaltar 煤焦油
coaming angle 围板角钢
coaming bar 围板角钢
coaming bar 围板用钢条
coaming chock 舱口围壁角隅填材
coaming chock 木围框导缆口
coaming cleat 舱口楔耳
coaming deck barge 围槛甲板驳
coaming hatch 围板舱口
coaming hatch 装有围板的舱口
coaming plate 舱口围板
coaming roller 舱口大梁滚轮
coaming roller 舱口梁滚动装置
coaming stay 舱口围撑板
coaming stay 围板撑柱
coaming stiffener 舱口围板防防挠材
coaming stiffener 舱口围板防挠材
coaming stiffener 舱口围板防挠材舱口围撑板
coaming 舱口围板;缘材
coaming 围板
coaming 围槛
coangle 余角
coarse -range scope 粗略距离显示器
coarse adjustment 粗调
coarse ballast 砂砾压载
coarse carpenter file 粗木工锉
coarse clearance fit 松转配合
coarse control 粗调
coarse delay dial 粗延时度盘
coarse delay 延时粗调;近似延时
coarse emery powder 粗金刚砂粉
coarse file 粗锉
coarse flat file 粗扁锉
coarse grain 粗粒
coarse grained carbon 粗粒碳
coarse grained 粗纹
coarse groove record 粗纹唱片
coarse half round file 粗半圆锉
coarse knife file 粗刀锉
coarse mesh filter 网状粗滤器大孔过滤网
coarse oil screen 粗油滤网
coarse pitch thread 粗牙螺纹
coarse plate 厚板
coarse regulation 粗调节
coarse round file 粗圆锉
coarse sand bottom 粗砂底
coarse selsyn 粗示自动同步机
coarse square file 粗方锉
coarse strainer 粗滤器
coarse synchronizing method 粗同步法
coarse system of bearing 方位粗测系统
coarse thread screw 粗牙螺钉
coarse thread tap 粗牙丝锥
coarse thread 粗螺纹
coarse thread 粗牙螺纹
coarse time delay 粗延时
coarse triangular file 粗三角锉
coarse tuning 粗调谐
coarse wheel 粗砂轮
coarse 粗糙的
coarse 粗糙的近似的
coarse 粗粗粗糙的
coarse 粗沙的
coarseaccess 粗测/调整
coarseacquire 粗测捕获码
coast charge 海岸费
coast for orders 沿海待命
coast station 岸台
coast and geodetic magnetic observatory 海岸与大地磁场观测站海岸与地磁观测台
coast and geodetic magnetic observatory 海岸与地磁观测台
coast and geodetic magnetic observatory 沿岸地磁观测站
coast and geodetic survey 沿岸大地测量
coast and geodetic tide station 海岸与大地潮汐测量站
coast charge 海岸费
coast chart 沿岸海图
coast confluence zone 沿海流区
coast defence ship 海岸防卫舰
coast defence ship 海防舰船
coast defense ship 海岸防卫舰
coast dredging 沿海疏浚
coast earth station 海岸地面站
coast earth station 海岸地球站
coast fog 沿海雾
coast for order 海岸指定港口
coast for orders 指定海岸待命
coast for orders 指定海岸待命指命海岸
coast for orders 指命海岸
coast guard auxiliary 海岸警卫队辅助艇
coast guard boat 海上警卫艇
coast guard buoy project office 海岸警卫队浮标设计司
coast guard cutter 海岸警卫队快艇
coast guard district 海岸警卫区
coast guard motorboat 海岸警备队巡逻艇
coast guard patrol cutter 海岸警卫队巡逻快艇
coast guard ship 海岸护卫船
coast guard ship 海岸护卫船海上警卫艇
coast guard station usa 美国海岸警卫队站
coast guard station 边防站
coast guard 海岸警卫队
coast guard 海岸警卫队美国海岸警卫队
coast guard 海防哨兵
coast guard 美国海岸警卫队
coast ice 岸冰
coast imperfectly known 未精测的岸线
coast imperfectly known 未精测的海岸线
coast land 沿海地区
coast light 海岸灯标
coast line effect 海岸线效应
coast line error 海岸效应、海岸误差
coast line 海岸线
coast liner 沿海班轮
coast lining 海岸线测绘
coast partrol boat 海岸巡逻艇
coast patrol boat 海岸巡逻艇
coast patrol 沿海巡逻艇
coast pilot 沿海引航员
coast pilot 沿海引航员;沿海航路指南
coast piloting近岸引航
coast plain 沿海平原
coast radar station 海岸雷达站
coast radio station providing qtg service 根据船舶要求而发出无线电测向方位供船舶定位的海岸电台
coast radio station 海岸无线电台
coast refraction error 海岸折射误差
coast refraction 海岸折射
coast shower 海岸阵雨
coast station providing qtg service 提供根据船舶要求而发送测向仪信号的岸台
coast station 海岸电台
coast station 开放vhf
coast survey 海岸测量
coast thunderstorm 沿海雷暴
coast tower 海岸灯塔
coast trading ship 沿海贸易船舶
coast waiter 海关稽查员
coast watcher 海岸了望哨
coast watching unit 海岸值守单位
coast watching unit近岸观测设备
coast zone color scanner 海岸带彩色扫描器
coast 海岸
coast 海岸;沿岸;惯性滑行
coast 海岸海滨沿岸
coast-guard motor boat 沿岸警备艇
coastal aids 沿岸标志
coastal air force 沿海空军
coastal area 沿海地区
coastal buoy tender 沿海航标敷设船
coastal cabotage 沿海运输
coastal carriage of passengers 沿海旅客运输
coastal cave 海蚀洞
coastal chart 沿海海图
coastal climate resistance 耐海岸气候性
coastal climate 沿海气候
coastal collier 沿海运煤船
coastal contour line 海岸地形线
coastal convergence zone 海岸集流区
coastal convoy 沿海航队
coastal country 沿海国
coastal cruiser 沿海艇
coastal current 沿岸海流
coastal current 沿岸流
coastal engineering research center 海岸工程研究中心
coastal engineering ship 沿海工程船
coastal engineering 海岸工程
coastal error 海岸线误差
coastal error 海岸折射误差
coastal escort vessel 沿海警卫船
coastal features 沿海地貌
coastal fishery 沿岸渔业
coastal fog 滨海雾
coastal frontier 沿海边疆
coastal harbor 沿海港口
coastal hillocks 海岸小丘
coastal hovercraft 沿海气垫船
coastal ice 岸冰
coastal lifeboat 沿海救生艇
coastal lines 沿海航线
coastal minesweeper 沿岸扫雷艇
coastal motor boat 沿海动艇
coastal motor boat 沿海动艇沿海汽艇
coastal navigation areas 沿海航区
coastal navigation warning 沿海航行警报
coastal navigation 沿海航行
coastal navigational warnings 沿海航行警告
coastal pack 流冰
coastal patrol boat 海岸巡逻艇
coastal patrol interdiction craft 沿海巡逻封锁艇
coastal patrol interdiction craft 沿海巡逻截阻艇
coastal patrol vessel 海岸巡逻艇
coastal plain 海岸平原
coastal pollution 沿岸污染
coastal radio station 海岸无线电台
coastal refraction error 海岸折射误差
coastal refraction 海岸效应
coastal refraction 海岸折射
coastal rescue boat 沿海救助艇
coastal right 沿海权
coastal salvage vessel 沿海救助船
coastal shipping 沿海航运
coastal signals 沿海地区信号
coastal signals 沿海地区信号(包括潮汐
coastal signals 沿海信号
coastal state control 沿海国管理
coastal state 沿海国
coastal state 沿海国家;沿海州;沿海省
coastal state 沿海国沿海州
coastal surveillance center 海岸监视中心
coastal surveying ship 沿海测量船
coastal surveying ship 沿海测量船沿海测量船
coastal tanker 沿海油船
coastal tanker 沿海油轮
coastal telegram station 无线电岸台
coastal towage 沿海拖航
coastal trade 沿海贸易
coastal traffic 沿海运输
coastal transport ship 沿海运输船
coastal transport近岸运输
coastal transport近海运输船
coastal transport 沿海运输
coastal transportation 沿海运输
coastal trip 沿海航次
coastal trip 沿海航行
coastal tug 沿海拖船
coastal vessel 沿海船舶
coastal waiter 海关稽查员
coastal warning 沿海警告
coastal water 沿海水域
coastal waters 沿岸水域
coastal waters 沿海水域
coastal wave近岸波
coastal yacht 沿海游艇
coastal zone color scanner 海岸带彩色扫描
coastal zone research vessel 沿海海域科学考察船沿海域科学考察船
coastal zone近海航行区
coastal 海岸的
coastal 沿海的
coastchart 沿岸海图
coaster rescue boat 沿海救助艇
coaster 沿海船
coaster 沿海商船
coastguard inspection vessel 海岸缉私船
coastguard station 边防站
coastguard 水上警察
coasting area 沿海区
coasting barge 海驳
coasting barge 海驳沿海驳
coasting barge 沿海驳
coasting craft 沿海船
coasting lead 沿海用测深锤
coasting lights 沿海灯标
coasting line 沿岸航线
coasting manifest 沿海清单
coasting manifest 沿海清单;沿海舱单
coasting pilot 沿海航路指南
coasting pilot 沿海航路指南;沿海引航
coasting pilot 沿海航路指南沿海引航员
coasting pilot 沿海引航员
coasting port 沿海港口
coasting service 沿海航行
coasting service 沿海航运
coasting ship近海航行船
coasting trade 沿海;沿海贸易
coasting trade 沿海贸易
coasting trade 沿海运输
coasting vessel 沿海船
coasting voyage 沿海航行
coasting 沿岸航行
coasting 沿海航行
coasting-vessel 沿海航船
coastingtest 惯性滑行停车试验
coastinterception 海岸拦截
coastline features 海岸地形
coastline topographis survey 岸线地形测量
coastline 海岸线
coastliner 沿海航线班船
coastlining 海岸线测绘
coastward 朝着海岸
coastways 沿海岸
coastwise freighter 沿海船
coastwise master 沿海船船长
coastwise navigation 沿岸航行
coastwise navigation 沿海航行
coastwise sea lane近海航线
coastwise trade 沿海运输
coastwise 沿海岸
coastwise 沿海岸的
coat guard station 海岸警备队
coat of paint 度油漆
coat of painting 油漆层
coat the bottom 漆船底
coat 层
coat 上衣
coated deck 覆盖甲板
coated deck 涂敷甲板
coated electrode 包剂焊条
coated electrode 药皮焊条
coated fabric 涂层织物
coated lens 滤光镜;有涂层的透镜
coated rod 涂剂焊条
coated rod 药皮焊条
coated 涂层的覆盖的
coating brush 漆刷
coating damage 涂层损坏
coating defect 涂料缺陷
coating material 涂料
coating of ballast space 压载处所涂料
coating protection 涂层保
coating raw material 涂料原料
coating roughness 涂层粗糙度
coating spray metal 喷涂金属
coating system for propeller shaft 螺旋桨轴涂装系统
coating 覆盖;一度漆;涂料;涂漆;涂层
coating 焊药
coating 涂层镀层敷料
coating 涂层镀层焊药覆盖
coaxcial wire armored cable 同轴铠装电缆
coaxial adapter 同轴转接器
coaxial cable carrier telephone system 同轴电缆载波电话
coaxial cable 同轴电缆
coaxial cavity 同轴空腔
coaxial contra-rotating propellers 同轴反转螺旋桨
coaxial contra-rotating reduction gear 同轴对转减速齿轮
coaxial data circuit 同轴数据电路
coaxial drive 同轴传动同轴传动装置
coaxial flexiible cable 同轴软电缆
coaxial jack 同轴插孔
coaxial line 同轴线
coaxial mounting 同轴安装
coaxial oscillator 同轴振荡器
coaxial plug 同轴插头
coaxial radio-frequency cable 同轴射频电缆
coaxial relay 同轴继电器
coaxial shaft 同轴
coaxial transistor 同轴型晶体管
coaxial transmission line 同轴传输线
coaxial transmission 同轴传输
coaxial type 同轴型
coaxial 共轴的
coaxial 同轴的
coaxswitch 同轴开关
coaxwitch 同轴开关
cobalt plating 镀钴
cobalt steel 钴钢
cobalt 钴
cobalt blue 钴蓝
cobalt green 钴绿
cobalt manganese drier 钴锰催干剂
cobalt 钴
cobaltic drier 钴催干剂
cobble stone 大卵石
cobble 大卵石
cobbles 大鹅卵石
cobbles 大鹅卵石大卵石底
cobelligerent 共同交战国
coble oar 扁阔型短桨
cobol 面向商业的通用语言
coboose 舱面小厨房
coboose 舱面小厨房;甲板室;轻便式生铁炉
coboose 甲板上的厨房轻便式生铁炉灶甲板室
cobstone 大卵石
coca 可加叶
cocacola 可口可乐
cochineal 红虫
cochleoid 蜗牛线
cochran boiler 小型立式横火管锅炉
cock a bill 吊锚
cock boat 小舢板
cock hat 船位误差三角形
cock key 旋塞扳手
cock pit 尾座
cock spanner 旋塞扳手
cock tap 旋塞
cock valve 旋塞
cock wheel 惰轮
cock 公 鸡;风信鸡;扳机;活栓
cock 龙头
cock 旋塞
cock-a-bill 吊锚
cockbill 吊锚
cocked hat 船位误差三角形
cocket 小艇的一种;海关印;已纳关税的单据
cocket 小舢板
cockeyed bob 澳大利亚西北海岸夏季一种雷飑
cocking bridge 船尾桥
cocking-down 下垂
cocking-up 上翘
cockle boat 小舢板
cockle shell 轻舟
cockle stair 盘旋楼梯
cockle 轻舟
cockling seas 短促浪
cockpit 艇尾座
cockpit 小船端部井型座舱
cockroach 蟑螂
cockscombing 缠扎在铁栏杆或铁环上的)护套
cockscombing 护套
cockswain 救生艇或赛艇)艇长或舵手救生艇或赛艇)头目
cockswain 艇长或舵手
cocktail 混合
coco 椰子树
cocoa beans 可可豆
cocoa butter 可可脂
cocoa cake 可可饼
cocoa 可可
cocontractor 共同签约人;共同承揽人
coconut cake 椰子饼
coconut fiber rug 椰子毯
coconut fibre 椰棕
coconut matting 椰棕地毡
coconut oil products 椰子油制品
coconut oil 椰子油
coconut palm 椰子树
coconut shell 椰壳
coconut 椰子
cocurrent flow 合流
cocurrent line 等潮时线
cod line 艇罩或天幕的滚边绳
cod line 艇罩或天幕的滚边绳艇罩或天遮的滚边绳
cod roe 鳕鱼子
cod 轴向轴承
cod 鳕鱼;台风路线转折点
codan 干扰抑制器
code 明码电报
code address 编码地址
code address 电报挂号
code alphabet 码符号集
code and answering pendent 回答旗
code and answering pendent 信号与回答旗
code beacon 发电码闪光信号的航标
code beacon 闪光灯标
code bit 代码单位
code block 码组
code book 电码本
code book 电码本;信号本
code book 零件编号册电码本
code book 密码簿
code calling system 编码呼叫系统
code character 码组特性
code conversion 代码转换
code conversion 代码变换
code converter 代码转换器
code delay 电码延迟
code device 编码装置
code disc rotational speed sender 码盘式转速发送器
code distance 码距
code distinguishability 信号
code distinguishability 信号识别能力
code division multiple access 码分多址
code division multple access 码分多址
code efficiency 编码效率
code flag 国际信号旗
code flag 信号旗
code for mobile offshore drilling units 移动式近海钻井船构造和设备规则
code for construction and equipment of ships 船舶结构和设备规则
code for safe management and operation of ships 船舶安全管理和操作规则
code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units 移动式近海钻井装置建造和设备规范
code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk 散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则
code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk 散装运输液化气船舶构造和设备规则
code form 电码型式
code form 密语
code groups 码组
code invariance 码恒定性
code language telegram 密码电报
code language 密码术语
code length 码长
code letter 代码字母
code letter 电码文字
code machine 编码机
code maritime international 国际航海电码
code message 编码通信
code message 密码电报
code name for chamber of shipping charterparty 19111911 年航运公会租船合同代号
code name 代号
code name 租约代号
code number designating the type of packaging 包装的型式代码
code number 电码号
code number 序号
code of civil procedure 民事诉讼法典
code of conduct for liner conference 《班轮公会行动守则》
code of conduct 行为规则
code of dangerous goods 危险货物品名编号
code of federal regulations us 《美国联邦法规全书》
code of practice 操作规则
code of practice 业务守则
code of safe practice 安全操作规则
code of safety for nuclear merchant ships 核能船舶安全规则
code of safety 安全规则
code of signals 信号码语
code on noise levels on board ships 船舶噪声级规则
code pendant 回答旗
code plate rotational speed sender 码盘式转速发送器
code preserving permutation 保码排列
code pulse 脉码
code rate 编码率
code rate 码率
code redundancy 码剩余度
code register 代码寄存器
code rewriting 代码再生
code rules 编码规则
code sequence 码序列
code swich 码条式接线器
code switch automatic telephone system 码条式自动电话交换机
code symmetry 码对称
code system of intermediate bulk containers 中型散装容器的代码系统
code telegram 密码电报
code test 标准试验
code translator 译码器
code tree 码树
code vector 码矢
code weight 码重
code word locator polynomial 码字定位多项式
code word synchronization 码字同步
code word 代码字
code word 代码字;电码字
code 编码
code 法典
code 法典密码
code 码
code-point 码点
codebtor 共同债务人
codeclina tion 天体极距
codeclination 极距
codeclination 极距极距余赤纬
codeclination 余赤纬
coded address 编码地址
coded biphase 双相编码
coded continous wave 编码连续波
coded decimal calculating machine 编码十进制计算机
coded identification 编码表示法
coded impulse 编码脉冲
coded light identification 编码灯识别
coded number 编码号
coded number 编码数
coded tape valve 数码带射流阀
coded weather reports 气象电码报告
coded 编码的
coded 译成电码的
codefendant 共同被告
coder delay 信号延迟
coder 记发器;编码器;编码员
coder 译码器
coder 译码员
coder 译码员编码器记发器
codfish 鳕鱼
codification 法律编篡
codigo bustamante 巴斯塔曼特法典
codilla 可的拉
coding delay 编码延迟;信号延迟
coding delay 电码延迟
coding device 编码装置
coding device 编码装置;信号装置
coding device 编码装置信号装置
coding device 电码设备
coding equipment 编码设备
coding line 编码线
coding office 密码室
coding office 密码室;译电室
coding officer 密码室
coding relay 编码继电器
coding room 密码室
coding room 译电室
coding room 译码室
coding scheme 编码系统
coding sheet 程序纸
coding specification 编码分类
coding 编码
codirectional 同一方向
codrawer 共同发票人
codress 编码地址
城乡电网改造 projects for upgrading urban and rural power grids
城乡特殊困难群众 urban and rural residents with special difficulties
成药 patent medicine
城镇肮ひ搅票O罩贫雀母铩 ?edical insurance for urban workers
城镇职工基本医疗保险制度 basic medical insurance system for urban working people
城镇住房公积金 urban housing provident fund
承办单位 organizer
承包 contract with
成份指数 component index
成吉思汗 Genghis Khan
承前启后,继往开来 inherit the past and forge ahead into the future
成人高考 the national higher education exams for self-taught adults
成人中等专科学校 secondary specialized /technical school for adults
城市规划 city"s landscaping plan; urban planning
城市户口 permanent urban residence certificate
城市流浪乞讨人员 urban vagrants and beggars
城市中年雅皮士 muppie (一批中年专业人士,附庸风雅,矫揉造作cutesification,崇尚竟品至上boutiqueification,攀比银行存款bankification等摆阔作风,由middle-aged urban yuppie缩合而成)
城乡信用社 credit cooperatives in both urban and rural areas
承销商 underwriter
成组技术 group technology
车牌号 license plate number
车险 auto insurance
吃饱穿暖 eat their fill and dress warmly; have enough to eat and wear; have adequate food and clothing
持币待购 wait to buy with cash in hand
赤潮 red tide (which appear on the ocean)
吃饭财政 payroll finance; mouth-feeding budget--a large proportion of the budget has been earmarked for paying salaries of government functionaries
吃干醋 be jealous ; be green with envy
吃皇粮 receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government
吃劳保 live on labor insurance allowance
吃老本 live on one"s own fat; bask in one"s past glory; rest on one"s laurels, eat on one"s own principals, live off one"s past gains or achievements
痴迷者 addict
吃偏饭 enjoy special privilege
赤贫人口 people living in absolute poverty; de
垫,缓冲 cushion
缓冲气体 cushion gas
缓冲作用 cushioning
缓冲阀 cushion valve
刀具 cutlery
停供,停汽 )切断 cut-off
截止偏压(电) cut-off bias
停供比,停汽比 cut-off ratio
断流续电器 cut-off relay
停供阀,停汽阀 cut-off valve
断流器盒,断流匣 cut-out box
断流熔线 cut-out fuse
停汽装置,断流装置 cut-out gear
小艇,铣刀 )刀具 cutter
绞刀吸入式挖泥船 cutter head suction dredger
搅刀式挖泥船 cutter pump dredger
截削用吹管 cutting blow pipe
刀口,削边 cutting edge
截割焰 cutting flame
切割线 cutting line
钢丝钳 cutting pliers
截割方法(焊接) cutting process
割切顺序 cutting sequence
切割速度 cutting speed
切割检查 cutting survey
截割嘴(焊接) cutting tip
火焰截割器 cutting torch
底在线斜 cut-up
斜削艉 cutup stern
破浪艏材 cutwater (or false stem)
冷水管 cwp (= cold water pipe)
循环,周 cycle
等压循环 constant pressure cycle
等温循环 constant temperature cycle
等容循环 constant volume cycle
循环线图 cycle diagram
循环效率 cycle efficiency
回转不规率度 cycle irregularity
循环次序 cycle order
反复硬化 cyclic hardening
周期负荷 cyclic load
周期负荷试验 cyclic load test
循环过程 cyclic process
摆线凸轮 cycloidal cam
摆线齿 cycloidal tooth
旋风 cyclone
旋风分离器 cyclone seperator
缸,汽缸,气缸,圆筒 )柱体 cylinder
压缩缸 compressing cylinder
缸筒 cylinder barrel
缸体 cylinder block
缸内径 cylinder bore
缸底 cylinder bottom
缸柱 cylinder column
缸常数 cylinder constant
缸盖 cylinder cover
汽缸停供试验 cylinder cut off test
缸直径 cylinder diameter
缸面 cylinder face
缸脚 cylinder feet
筒装瓦斯 cylinder gas
缸头 cylinder head
缸示功器 cylinder indicator
缸套 cylinder jacket
缸防热包衣 cylinder lagging
缸衬[套] cylinder liner
缸[润]滑油泵 cylinder lubricating pump
缸油 cylinder oil
汽缸油量测槽 cylinder oil measuring tank
缸容积比 cylinder ratio
缸阀 cylinder valve
缸容积 cylinder volume
缸壁 cylinder wall
筒状锅炉 cylindrical boiler
柱形凸轮 cylindrical cam
柱形磁控管 cylindrical magnetron
柱形塞规 cylindrical plug gauge
柱形滚子 cylindrical roller
柱形线圈 cylindrical solenoid
柱形阀 cylindrical valve
构想设计 concept design
合约设计 contract design
罗经面,罗盘 compass dial (or card)
载重线圈中心(干舷) centre of disc
排水量曲线 curve of displacement
格子[二]重底 cellular double bottom
冷拉管 cold drawn tube
绞刀吸入挖泥船 cutter head suction dredger
缆筒,电缆滚动条 cable drum
链盘,链筒 chain drum
复激发电机 compound dynamo
碳极 carbon electrode
包覆[电]焊条,涂料[电]焊条 coated electrode
去角缘 chamfer edge
复式引擎 compound engine
复式蒸汽机 compound steam engine
压缩空气机 compressed air engine
并列复式引擎 cross-compound engine
总工程师,轮机长 chief engineer
密闭排气 closed exhaust
修正因子 correction factor
吊货索 cargo fall
离心式风扇 centrifugal fan
软木碰垫 cork fender
车辆渡船 car ferry
凝汽机 condensing engine
顾问工程师 consulting engineer
膨胀系数 coeffient of expansion
闭口导索器 closed (or canal) fair-leader
余隙配合 clearance fit
信号旗 code flag
绞缆装置 cable hauling gear
给煤器 coal feeder
摩擦系数 coefficient of friction
圆锥规(螺桨壳) cone gauge
控制装置 controlling gear
重心 center of gravity
向心力 centripetal force
樱红热 cherry red heat
升煤机 coal hoist
碳精填料,碳精迫紧 carbon gland (or ring)
錾锤 chipping hammer
联合冲动涡轮机 combined impulse turbine
离心力 centrifugal force
均力装置 compensating gear
挂衣钩 coat hook
中心规 center gauge
货物装卸装置 cargo gear
复合规,涨缩表 compound gauge
波形炉膛 corrugated furnace
复式压力计 compound pressure gauge
爪锤,拔钉锤 claw hammer
装煤舱口 coal hatchway (or scuttle)
斜肋骨 cant frame
捻缝锤 caulking hammer
吊货钩 cargo hook
帆布软管 convase hose
铜锤 copper hammer
货舱 cargo hold
呼铃指示器 call bell indicator
链用铁 chain iron
表面硬化 case hardening
煤锤 coal hammer
周围接头 circumferential joint
[汽]缸[衬]套 cylinder liner
铜损(电) copper loss
吊桶钩 can hook
曲柄轴颈 crank journal
中线内龙骨 center line keelson
锚链舱 chain locker
链钩 chain hook
海图灯 chart lamp
切股毡(frp) chopped strands mat
软木垫 cork mat
胶结[材]料 cementing material
夹箍钩 clip hook
同轴输送线(雷达) co-axial transmission line
复合冲动涡轮机 compound impulse turbine
铸铁 cast iron
捻缝铁 chinsing iron
电缆收布机(海底电缆) cable picking and lay machine
复合机械 combination machinery
塞漏毡,防水垫 collision mat
大副 chief mate (or first officer)
压缩线 compression line
木炭铁 charcoal iron
冷却水套 cooling water jacket
普通链环 common link
吊灯 ceiling lamp
二氧化碳冷冻机 carbonic acid (or co?) machine
藤床垫 cane shaving mattress
渐缩喷嘴 convergent nozzle
堡形螺帽 castle nut
升降梯 companion ladder
货灯 cargo lamp
中[心]线 centre line
脊索 chine line
离心润滑器 centrifugal lubricator
定倾中心曲线 curve of metacenter
[气]缸油 cylinder-oil
控制线,管制线 control line
铁芯损失,磁芯损失 core loss
椰皮垫 coco mat
货油 cargo oil
整流[式]马达 commutator motor
棕垫 coir mat
离心净油机 centrifugal oil purifier
周节 circular (or circum- ferential) pitch
装货舷门 cargo port
防擦垫 chafing mat
复激马达 compound motor
冷凝设备 condensing plant
压力中心 center of pressure
捻缝木槌 caulking mallet
容量图 capacity plan
侧面结构(图) construction profile
锁[紧螺]帽 check (or jam, or lock ) nut
棉子油 cotton seed oil
房舱乘客 cabin passenger
锚链管 chain pipe
临界转数 critical number of revolution
连络管,通话筒 communication pipe
压缩压力 compression pressure
导叶(螺桨) contra propeller
无曲轴泵 crankless (or non- crank) pump
碳精迫紧圈 carbon packing ring
货油管 cargo oil pipe
弦节 chordal pitch
心塞 core plug
碳精迫紧 carbon packing
原油 crude oil
软木涂料 cork paint
货物装载图 cargo plan
巡航距离 cruising range
锥头铆钉 conical pointed rivet
冷铆 cold riveting
幕杆 curtain rod
细腰喷嘴 convergent divergent nozzle
装饰镜板 cartouche panel
循环泵 circulating pump
中心冲 center punch
冷却管 cooling pipe
电缆卷盘 cable reel
临界压力 critical pressure
货油泵 cargo oil pump
离心泵 centrifugal pump
埋头铆钉 countersunk (or countersunk head) rivet
木工库 carpenter"s store room
装煤口 coal port
燃烧压力 combustion pressure
电缆架 cable rack
凸轮滚子 cam roller
横割锯 cross cut saw
控制室 control room
蟹加工船 crab factory ship
曲柄泵 crank pump
交叉铆[接] cross riveting
幕环 curtain ring
索具库 cordage room
捕蟹母船 crab mother ship
连杆 connecting rod
短急浪 chopping sea
波形外板,波形锅炉壁 corrugated shell
木工场 carpenter"s shop
运河舵 canal rudder
环形裂纹 cup shake
主力舰 capital ship
紧密铆[接] close riveting
海防舰 coast defense ship
钢筋混凝土船 concrete (or ferro cement) ship
海图架 chart rack
并[列]铆[接] chain riveting
集流环 collector ring
补强环 compensation ring
导叶舵 contra rudder
静海 calm sea
巡航船速 cruising speed
限制环 check (or limiting) ring
圆锯 circular saw
中心轴 center shaft
对应速[率](船模试验) corresponding speed
帆布幕 canvas screen
曲[柄]轴 crank shaft
起重船 crane ship
盘簧,螺旋弹簧 coil spring
碳钢 carbon steel
防松索 check rope
色幕(有色玻璃) colour screen
货船 cargo ship
布缆工作船 cable ship
铜工场 coppersmith shop
离心分离器 centrifugal separator
对轴,副轴 counter shaft
包铜 copper sheathing
合构船 composite ship
凸轮轴 cam shaft
控制轴 control shaft
牲口船 cattle ship
货柜船 container ship
铬钒钢 chrome vanadium steel
弯曲伸出艏,飞箭式艏 clipper stem
循环水过滤器 circulating water strainer
强度连续性 continuity of strength
控制开关 control switch
权宜国籍船 convenient flag ship
锚链扣 cable (or chain, or bow) stopper (or controller)
中心线 center tank
链工场 chain shop
铸钢 cast steel
压缩冲程 compression stroke
海图桌 chart table
建造规范 construction (or detail) specification
合约规范 contract specification
吊货索 cargo sling
电缆插座 cable socket
临界转速 critical speed
渗碳钢 cemented steel
冷轧钢 cold rolled steel
电缆舱 cable tank
弓形弹簧 coach spring
链条用钢 chain steel
巡洋舰型艉 cruiser stern
压缩试验 compression test
抗碎应力 crushing stress
压缩温度 compression temperature
铬钢 chrome steel
冷藏 cold storage
密闭式推力[轴]承 closed type thrust bearing
[稳度]交叉曲线 cross curve of stability
炉灶 cooking stove (or range)
最后焊接板列 closing strake
抗压强度 compressive strength
抗碎强度 crushing strength
冷却面 cooling surface
补重水柜 compensation tank
摄氏温度计 celsius thermometer (or centigrade)
稳度曲线 curve of stability
控制站 control station
货轮 cargo steamer
木工库 carpenter"s store
压应力 compressive stress
推力环滚珠[轴]承 collar thrust ball bearing
司令塔 conning tower
坩埚钢 crucible steel
合成应力 combined stress
换向开关 change over switch
轧碎试验 crushing test
填充阀,充气阀 charge valve
军舰,战舰 cambatant vessel
上重船 crank vessel (or top heavy ship)
黏度系数 coefficient of viscosity
冷拉管 cold drawn tube
通讯管 communication tube
十字阀 cross valve
临界速度 critical velocity
临界温度 critical temperature
凿平与轻敲工具 chipping and peening tool
沿海船,近海船 coasting vessel (or coaster)
合构船 composite vessel
换算表 conversion table
柏油,煤焦油 coal tar
运河吨位 canal tonnage
比流器 current transformer
盅形阀 cup valve
停汽阀,停供阀 cut-off valve
链条试验机 chain testing machine
巡航涡轮机 cruising turbine
惰轮 cock (or idle) wheel
连通阀 communication valve
压缩空气阀 compressed air valve
控制阀箱 control valve box
滑动绞车 crab winch
临界扭转振动 critical torsional vibration torsion balance
全开阀 clear way valve
控制阀 control valve
缸阀 cylinder valve
国际无线电干扰特别委员会 cispr (= international special committee on radio interference)
中国验船协会 cr (= china corporation register of shipping, r.o.c.)
翼门阀 clack valve
连续波,等幅电波 continuous wave
坩埚钳 crucible tongs
变换阀 change over valve
加拿大政府规范部 cgsb (= canadian government specification board, canada)
舱壁通风器 cabin wall ventilator
吊货绞机 cargo winch
美国压缩气体协会 cga (= compressed gas association, u.s.a.)
瑞典国家标准 csb (= centrala sjukvardsberedningen-sis, sweden)
捻缝工具 caulking tool
厨具 cooking utensil
缓冲阀 cushion valve
海防舰艇 coast defense vessel
曲柄臂 crank web (or arm)
凸轮 cam wheel
美国商业标准 cs (= commercial standards, u.s.a.)
加拿大标准协会 csa (= canadian standards association, canada)
空蚀试验槽 cavitation tunnel
燃煤船 coal-fired vessel
冷凝管 condenser tube
止回阀 check valve
阻气阀 choke valve
定压阀 constant pressure valve
烟斗形通风筒 cowl-head ventilator
中国国家标准 cns (= chinese national standards, r.o.c.)
捷克验船协会 cs (= czechoslovak register of shipping)
捷克国家标准 csn (= ceskoslovenskych norem, czekoslovakia)
锥形阀 conical valve
货船 cargo vessel
柱形阀 cylindrical valve
镶齿轮 cog wheel
加拿大电机制造商协会 cema (= canadian electrical manufacturers association, canada)
国际审核电机装备规程委员会 cee ( international commission on rules for the approval of electric equipment)
起煤绞机 coaling winch
意大利电机技士协会 cei (= comitato electrotecnico italiano, italy)
美国联邦规程法规 cfr (= code of federal regulations, u.s.a.)
comol 铁钴钼永磁合金
comolecule 同型分子
comonomer ratio 单体配比
comonomer 共聚单体
comp 比较
comp 化合物;复合的
comp 完成的
comp 组成
comp. 罗盘
compa 压缩空气
compact accelerator 小型加速器
compact design 紧凑设计
compact heat exchanger 紧凑型换热器
compact land 镶嵌体
compact limestone 致密灰岩
compact medium 致密介质
compact spinning 短程纺丝
compact texture 致密结构
compact wavelet 压缩子波
compact 坯块
compact-grain 致密晶粒
compacted formation 压实地层
compacted gravel placement 密实砾石充填
compacted rock 致密岩石
compacted sand matrix 致密砂岩体
compacted sandstone 压实砂岩
compacted shale 压实页岩
compactedness 紧密性
compactibility 压实性
compactible interval 可压缩层段
compacting factor 压实系数
compacting process 压实过程
compaction coefficient 压实系数
compaction correction 压实校正
compaction drive 压实驱动
compaction effort 压实作用力
compaction flexture 挤压挠曲
compaction fluid 充填携砂液
compaction fold 压实褶皱
compaction log 压实曲线
compaction material 充填材料
compaction methodology 充填法
compaction percentage 充填率
compaction pressure 压实压力
compaction rate 充填量
compaction theory 压实原理
compaction trend line 压实趋势线
compaction 压实
compactness 致密性
compander =compandor 压缩扩展器
companion coupling 配对联轴节
companion fault 副断层
companion flange 联合凸缘
companion hatch 舱室升降口
companion ladder 舱室扶梯
companion method 配合法
companion species 伴生种
companion 伙伴
company camp 油矿工人小社团;油公司在矿场的职工住地
company limited by shares 股份有限公司
company limited 有限公司
company standard 企业标准
company 公司
company"s seal 公章
comparability 可比性
comparable data 参照数据
comparable 可比较的
comparand register 比较字寄存器
comparative advantage theory 比较利益说
comparative advantages 比较利益
comparative annual cost approach 年费用比较法
comparative costs 比较成本
comparative interpretation 对比解释
comparative lifetime 相对使用期
comparative measurement 比较测定法
comparative present value approach 现值比较法
comparative price 比较价格
comparative reading 比较读数
comparative spectrum 比较光谱
comparative structural geology 比较构造地质学
comparative test 比较试验
comparative tracing index 对比电弧径迹指数
comparator circuit 比较电路
comparator hysteresis 比较器迟滞
comparator sensitivity 比较器灵敏度
comparator 比较器
compare 比较
compared potential 对比电位
comparer 比较器
comparison base 比较基线
comparison diagram 对比图
comparison frequency 比较频率
comparison method 比较法
comparison operator 比较算子
comparison order 比较指令
comparison picture 比较图象
comparison spectrum 比较光谱
comparison test 比较试验
comparison 比较
compartment 间隔
compass adjuster 罗盘校准器
compass adjustment 罗经校正
compass azimuth 罗盘方位
compass base 罗盘校正台
compass bearing 罗经方位
compass calibration technique 罗盘标定技术
compass course 罗经航向
compass declination 磁偏角
compass deviation 罗盘仪偏差
compass dial 罗盘刻度盘
compass error 罗经差
compass heading 罗盘航向
compass needle 罗盘针
compass north 罗经北
compass point 罗经点
compass rose 罗经盘
compass saw 圆锯
compass sketch 罗盘草测图
compass survey 罗盘仪测量
compass traverse 罗盘测量导线
compass 采油与储油联合系统
compass 罗经
compatibility atibility characteristic 兼容性特征
compatibility condition 兼容条件
compatibility determinant 相容行列式
compatibility test 相容性试验
compatibility 兼容性
compatible cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol 相容的交联聚乙烯醇
compatible hardware 兼容性硬件
compatible scale 兼容比例尺
compatible software 兼容软件
compatible 相容的
compatibleness 相容性
compatilizer 相容剂
compaynie francaise des petroles 法国石油公司
compd 化合物
compelling force 外加力
compendia compendium 的复数
compendium 概要
compensable 可补偿的
compensated acceleration 补偿加速度
compensated acidosis 代偿性酸中毒
compensated alkalosis 代偿性碱中毒
compensated amplifier 补偿放大器
compensated densilog =compenseted density log 补偿密度测井
compensated dual neutron log 双源距补偿中子测井
compensated formation densilog curve 补偿地层密度测井曲线
compensated formation density tool 补偿地层密度测井仪
compensated formation densitylog 补偿地层密度测井
compensated neutron log 补偿中子测井
compensated semiconductor 互补半导体
compensated spectral density log 补偿能谱密度测井
compensated spectral natural gamma tool 补偿自然伽马能谱测井仪
compensating circuit 补偿电路
compensating coil 补偿线圈
compensating computation 平差计算
compensating device 补偿装置
compensating disc 补偿盘
compensating factor 补偿系数
compensating field 补偿磁场
compensating filter 补偿滤波器
compensating gear 差动齿轮装置
compensating master cylinder 带补偿贮油槽的主油缸
compensating measure 补偿测量
compensating network 补偿网络
compensating pipe 补偿管
compensating piston 补偿活塞
compensating pole 补偿极
compensating resistance 补偿电阻
compensating signal 补偿信号
compensating valve 补偿阀
compensation adjustment 补偿调整
compensation balance 补偿平衡
compensation depth 补偿深度
compensation level 补偿深度
compensation network 补偿网络
compensation of errors 平差
compensation panel 补偿面板
compensation system 补偿装置
compensation temperature 补偿温度
compensation trade 补偿贸易
compensation voltmeter 补偿式伏特计
compensation 补偿
compensator protector 钻头压力补偿器的保护杯
compensator receiver 补偿接收器
compensator system 补偿器系统
compensator 补偿器
compensator-amplifier unit 补偿放大器
compensatory financing 补偿贷款
competence =competency
competency 能力
competent authorities 主管部门
competent barrier 坚硬遮挡层
competent bed 坚硬岩层
competent folding 强褶皱作用
competent formation 坚硬地层
competent person 称职人员
competent rock 固结岩
competent sand 致密砂层
competent structure 强构造
competent 胜任的
competition 竞赛
competitive bidding 竞标
competitive cementation 优先胶结作用
competitive edge 竞争优势
competitive growth 竞争生长
competitive learning 竞争学习
competitive lease 竞争租让
competitive power 竞争力
competitive price 竞争价格
competitive terms and conditions 有竞争性条款和条件
competitive 竞争的
competitiveness 竞争性
competitor 竞争者
compilation method 编图法
compilation sheet 底图
compilation unit 编图单位;编译单位
compilation 汇编;编缉
compiled map 汇编图
compiler generator 编译程序的生成程序
compiler interface 编译程序接口
compiler language 编译程序语言
compiler source program 编译程序的源程序
compiler structure 编译程序结构
compiler subroutine library 编译程序的子程序库
compiler 程序编制器
compiler-compiler 编译程序的编译程序
compiling program 编译程序
compiling routine 编译程序
compiling system 编译系统
compiling 编译
complainant 原告
complaint 审诉
complanation 平面化
complement address 补码地址
complement angle 余角
complement code 补码
complement form 补码形式
complement integrated navigation 互补式组合导航
complement minor 余子式
complement of chargeability 荷电率补偿;充电率积分面积
complement of nine"s 十进制反码
complement of one"s 二进制反码
complement of ten"s 十进制补码
complement of two"s 二进制补码
complement on n n进制补码
complement on n-1 n进制反码
complement pulse 补码脉冲
complement representation 补码表示
complement 补充
complementarity 互补性
complementary angle 余角
complementary assay 互补试验
complementary circuit 补码电路
complementary code 补码
complementary color 互补色
complementary differentiation 互补分异作用
complementary divisor 余因子
complementary error 互补误差
complementary form 余形
complementary function 余函数
complementary metal oxide semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体
complementary minor 余子式
complementary module 余模
complementary notation 补数记数法
complementary operator 补数算子
complementary output 互补输出
complementary products 互补产品
complementary rock 余岩
complementary scale 补充刻度
complementary slackness 互补松弛性
complementary structure 互补构造
complementary transistor 互补晶体管
complementary wave 副波
complementary 余
complementation 互补
complementer 非门
complementing circut 求反电路
complete alternation 周期
complete analysis 全分析
complete class 完全族
complete combustion 完全燃烧
complete coverage 完全覆盖
complete dissociation 完全离解
complete elastic theory solution 全弹性理论解
complete elliptic integral 完全椭圆积分
complete equilibrium 不可逆平衡
complete expansion 完全膨胀
complete film lubrication 完整油膜润滑
complete fold 全形褶皱
complete gasification 完全气化
complete gelation 完全胶凝
complete induction 完全归纳法
complete inflammation 全部着火
complete ionization 完全电离
complete job procedure 完整作业程序
complete linkage method 全联法
complete list 一览表
complete loop 闭合导线
complete metamorphosis 全变态
complete monopoly 完全垄断
complete overstep 全超覆
complete resonance 全谐振
complete shadow 全影区
complete shut-off 全封闭
complete stability 完全稳定性
complete structure 完整结构
complete synthesis 全合成
complete vacuum 绝对真空
complete 结束
completed well 完成的井
completely miscible liquid 完全可溶混液体
completely penetrating well 完善井
completely stable system 完全稳定系统
completeness of combustion 燃烧完全度
completeness 完整性
completion bond 完工保证书
completion brine 盐水完井液
completion contract 完井合同
completion damage 完井损害
completion date of construction 竣工日期
completion date 井完工日期〔撤走钻机
completion design consideration 完井设计要素
completion design criteria 完井设计标准
completion design 完井设计
completion efficiency 完井效率
completion evaluation 完井评价
completion factor 完井指数
completion failure 完井作业失败
completion fluid bridging material 完井液暂堵材料
completion fluid filtering 完井液渗滤
completion fluid formulation 完井液配方
completion fluid 完井液
completion interval 完井层段
completion job 完井作业
completion life 完井后的油井寿命
completion logging panel 完井测井面板
completion mechanism 完井机理
completion optimization 完井方案优化
completion parameter 完井参数
completion perforating 完井射孔
completion period 完井工期
completion phase 完井阶段
completion platform 完井平台
completion practices 完井作业
completion program 完井方案
completion rig 完井钻机
completion riser 完井立管
completion risk 建成风险
completion sequence 完井工序
completion system 完井装置
completion technique 完井技术
completion tool 完井工具
completion tree 完井采油树
completion 完成
complex accelerator 复合早强剂
complex acid 配合酸
complex alloy steel 多合金钢
complex alteration 复杂蚀变
complex amplitude 复振幅
complex analysis 复分析
complex anion 配阴离子
complex anomaly 复合异常
complex arc 复式岛弧
complex balance 综合平衡
complex builder 配位组分
complex building unit 复合构造单元
complex cation 配阳离子
complex cepstrum =cepstrum
complex coherent noise train 复杂相干噪声系列
complex compound 配位化合物
complex conjugate 复共轭
complex correction 复合校正
complex cross-bedding 复杂交错层理
complex curve 复合曲线
complex cuspate foreland 复杂三角岬
complex delta 复合三角洲
complex demodulation 复解调
complex dielectric permittivity 复介电常数
complex domain 复数域
complex dome 复式穹丘
complex dune 复合沙丘
complex eigenvalue 复特征值
complex eigenvector 复特征向量
complex exponential 复指数
complex fault 复断层
complex field 复数域
complex film 复合膜
complex flow 复杂流动
complex fold 复褶皱
complex fraction 繁分数
complex frequency 复频率
complex function 复变函数
complex gear train 复合齿轮系
complex heat transfer 综合传热
complex impedance 复阻抗
complex integers 复整数
complex ion 配离子
complex line 复合线
complex liquid 复合液
complex lithology sequence 复杂岩性剖面
complex lithology 复杂岩性
complex matrix 复矩阵
complex mixture 复杂混合物
complex mobile belt 复合活动带
complex model fuel 复杂方案的新配方汽油
complex modulus 复数模量
complex molecule 复杂分子
complex multicycle basin 复式多旋回盆地
complex multifolded layer 复式褶皱的复杂层
complex multiphase thrust mass 复杂多期逆掩体
complex multiplication 复数乘法
complex multiply register 复数乘法寄存器
complex network 复合网
complex number 复数
complex operation 复数运算;综合作业
complex operator 复算子
complex permeability 复磁导率
complex permittivity 复介电常数
complex pipe 复合管
complex plane 复平面
complex potential 复合电位
complex process 多元过程
complex propagation constant 复传播常数
complex refractive index method 复折射系数法
complex reservoir analysis 复杂岩性储集层分析
complex reservoir 复杂岩性油藏
complex resistance 复电阻
complex resistivity 复电阻率
complex resonance 复谐振
complex rock 杂岩
complex salt 络合盐
complex seismic trace 复地震道
complex soap lubricating grease 复合皂基润滑酯
complex spectral magnitude 复谱幅度
complex symmetric matrix 复对称矩阵
complex time average method 复合时间平均法
complex trace analysis 复数道分析
complex utilization 综合利用
complex variable 复变数
complex velocity 复速度
complex wave 复合波
complex 合成物
complex-pulse generator 复合脉冲发生器
complex-spectrum 复谱
complex-valued 复数的
complexant 配位剂
complexing agent 配位剂
complexing reaction 配位反应
complexing 配合
complexion 形势
complexity factor 复杂因数
complexity 复杂性
complexometric titration 配位滴定
complexometry 配位滴定法
complexor 相位复矢量
compliance constant 柔顺常数
compliance 符合
compliant riser 柔性立管
compliant structure 顺从结构
compliant tower 随动塔式平台
compliant type 顺应式
complicacy 复杂性
complicated fault 复杂断层
complicated structure 复式构造
complication 复杂
compliment 敬意
comply with 遵守
compo 混合物
compole =commutating pole
component analysis 分量分析
component compatibility 构件互换性
component concentration 组分含量
component efficiency 局部效率
component force 分力
component inflation method 分项通货膨胀法
component lumping 组分归并成一组
component of force 分力
component part 组成部分
component register 部分寄存器
component screening 组分筛选
component solution 组分溶液
component solvent 混合溶剂
component specification 元件规格
component velocity 分速度
component voltage 分电压
component 成分
component-stratotype 组分层型
componental movement 部分运动
composed fan structure 复杂扇形构造
composed peak 合成峰
composer 作曲者
composertron 综合磁带录音器
compositae 菊科
composite amplitude 复合振幅
composite analogy 复合模拟
composite anticline 复背斜
composite apron reef 复合裙礁
composite basin 复合盆地
composite batholith 复合岩基
composite breakwater 混成式防波堤
composite budgetary estimate of single construction 单项工程综合概算
composite cable 合成电缆
composite calibration 综合标定
composite catalog 总目录
composite chart 综合图
composite coast 复成海岸
composite columnar section 综合柱状剖面图
composite decay curve 复合衰减曲线
composite decline curve 综合递减曲线
composite deformation 复合变形
composite depreciation 综合折旧
composite design 组合设计
composite diagram 合成图
composite error 总误差
composite fault 复合断层
composite filter 复合滤波器
composite fissure vein 复合裂缝脉
composite fluid bank 复合流体汇集带
composite fold 复合褶皱
composite fuel 组合燃料
composite function 复合函数
composite gear 组合齿轮
composite grain 混合颗粒
composite grid 组合网格
composite hologram 复合全息图
composite image 合成图象
composite instrument 组合下井仪
composite intrusion 复侵入体
composite laccolith 复合岩盖
composite liberation 混合分离
composite log 合成测井曲线
composite material 复合材料
composite membrane 复合膜
composite metal 复合金属
composite meter factor 仪表综合系数
composite mixing 组合混波
composite model 复合模型
composite mold 多腔塑模
composite number 合成数
composite oxides 复合氧化物
composite permeability 综合渗透率
composite photograph 复合相片
composite pipe =complex pipe
composite polycrystalline filament 复合多晶丝
composite production profile 综合生产剖面
composite profile 综合剖面图
composite profiling method 联合剖面法
composite projection 合成投影
composite ratio 综合比率
composite reflection 复合反射
composite rod string 组合抽油杆
composite rupture 复合断裂
composite sample 复合试样
composite section 综合剖面
composite seismogram 合成地震记录
composite sequense 复合层序
composite sheet 编绘原图
composite spinning method 复合纺丝法
composite stalactite 复合钟乳石
composite stratotype 复合层型
composite stream 合流河;原油和天然气混输
composite structure 复合结构
composite surface 合成曲面
composite syncline 复合向斜
composite system testing 复合地层试井
composite system 复合系统
composite thermally stable cutter 复合热稳定切削齿
composite topography 复成地形
composite traces 合成记录
composite unconformity 复合不整合
composite vector 合成向量
composite vein 复合矿脉
composite video signal 复合视频信号
composite volcano 复合火山
composite waste 混合废水
composite wave 合成波
composite 合成的
composition equation 组分方程
composition face 双晶接合面
composition fiber 复合纤维
composition history curve 组分变化过程曲线
composition loading 组分载荷
composition plane 接合平面
composition profile 组分分布
composition surface 接合面
composition 组成
compositional banding 成分条带
compositional continuity equation 组分连续性方程
compositional gradient 组分梯度
compositional material balance 组分物质平衡
compositional maturity 成分成熟度
compositional model 组分模型
compositional modeling 组分模拟
compositional profile 成分剖面
compositional reservoir simulator 油藏组分模拟软件
compositional simulation 组分模拟
compositional simulator 考虑油藏流体组成的油层动态数值模拟模型
compositional variable 合成变量
compositionally immature sediment 组分未成熟沉积物
compositoipollenites 菊粉属
compositor 合成器
compositron 高速显字管
compost 混合
composure 镇静
compound adjustment 复合调整
compound alluvial fan 复合冲积扇
compound anticline 复背斜
compound atom 复合原子
compound blender 复式混合器
compound casting 复合铸件
compound chain 并车链条
compound circuit 复合电路
compound coil 复合线圈
compound compressor 复式压缩机
compound coral 复体珊瑚
compound cross-bedding 复合交错层理
compound cross-stratification 复合交错层理
compound crystal 复晶
compound cuspate bar 复合三角沙坝
compound delta coast 复式三角洲海岸
compound design 配方设计
compound dislocation 复合位错
compound drive 联合驱动
compound ether 混合醚
compound fault 复合断层
compound fertilizer 复合肥料
compound fold 复合褶皱
compound foreset bedding 复成前积层理
compound function 复合函数
compound gear 复式齿轮
compound gearing 复合传动装置
compound generator 复激发电机
compound indexing 复式分度
compound indicator 复合指示剂
compound interest rate 复利
compound interest table 复利表
compound interest 复利
compound loading 复合加载
compound logging 综合录井
compound matrices 复合阵
compound molecule 复合分子
compound motion 复合运动
compound nucleus reaction 复核反应
compound oblique-bedding 复合斜层理
compound oil 复合油
compound pellet 复合球粒
compound pendulum 复摆
compound probability 合成概率
compound pulley 组合滑车
compound pump 双缸泵
compound radical 复根
compound rate 复利
compound rest 复式刀架
compound ripple 干涉波痕
compound rod string 复合抽油杆柱
compound sample 混合样
compound seal 复合密封
compound section 复合剖面
compound shoreline 复合滨线
compound statement 复合语句
compound stress 复合应力
compound structure 复合构造
compound substance 复合材料
compound turbodrill 复合涡轮钻具
compound vibration 复合振动
compound volcano 复合火山
compound 化合物
compound-balanced pumping unit 复合平衡式抽油机
compound-wound motor 复绕电动机
compound-wound relay 复绕继电器
compounded latex 复合胶乳
compounded luboil 复合润滑油
compounding in parallel 并联
compounding in series 串联
compounding operation 配合工序
compounding transmission 并车传动装置
compounding 复合
compr 压缩机
compreg 胶压木材
comprehend 理解
comprehensive chart 详图
comprehensive consultancy 综合咨询
comprehensive depreciation rate 综合折旧率
comprehensive evaluation 综合评价
comprehensive geophysical survey 综合地球物理勘探
comprehensive insurance 综合保险
comprehensive planning 全面规划
comprehensive research 综合研究
comprehensive sand analysis 综合砂样分析
comprehensive treatment 综合处理
comprehensive utilization 综合利用
comprehensive well log analysis system 综合测井分析系统
comprehensive 综合的
compress 打包机;敷布
compress-expand operation 压缩扩展操作
compressed air source 压缩空气源
compressed air station 空压站
compressed air system 压缩空气系统
compressed air tank 压缩空气罐
compressed air 压缩空气
compressed chart division 压缩图格
compressed gas 压缩气
compressed hash 压缩散列法
compressed natural gas 压缩天然气
compressed section 压缩剖面
compressed zone 挤压构造带
compressed-air brake 气闸
compressed-air drilling 气动钻进
compressed-air drive 风动
compressed-air ejection 压缩空气脱模
compressed-air engine 压缩空气发动机
compressed-air lance 压缩空气喷杆
compressed-air line 压缩空气管线
compressed-air main 压缩空气干线
compressed-air sampler 压气取土器
compressed-air scuba 自戴式压缩空气潜水呼吸器
compressed-air starter 压缩空气起动器
compressed-time correlator 时间压缩相关器
compressibility coefficient 压缩系数
compressibility factor 压缩因数
compressibility 压缩率
compressible flow 可压缩流
compressible fluid 可压缩流体
compressible shale 压缩页岩
compressible 可压缩的
compression connection 加压连接
compression coupling type joint 压紧接箍型连接
compression creep 压缩蠕变
compression curve 压缩曲线
compression deformation 压缩变形
compression efficiency 压缩效率
compression elasticity 抗压弹性
compression failure 压缩破坏
compression fault 挤压断层
compression fissure 挤压裂缝
compression gasoline 气态汽油
compression heat 压缩热
compression ignition engine 压燃式发动机
compression ignition 压缩点火
compression index 压缩指数
compression joint 挤压节理
compression load 压缩载荷
compression member 受压构件
compression metamorphism 挤压变质作用
compression modulus 压缩模量
compression molding 压缩模塑
compression of the earth 地球扁率
compression packer 压缩式封隔器
compression pulse 压缩脉冲
compression pump 压缩机
compression ratio 压缩比
compression ring 压环
compression set 压缩形变
compression shock 压缩冲击
compression spring 压缩弹簧
compression steel 受压钢筋
compression strenght 压缩强度
compression stroke 压缩冲程
compression subsidence 压缩沉陷
compression support skirt 承压支承筒
compression test 压缩试验
compression zone 压缩区
compression 压缩
compression-fitting joint 压紧连接
compression-induced reverse faulting 挤压诱发逆断裂活动
compression-type load cell 压紧式承载元件
compressional axis 压缩轴
compressional basin 挤压盆地
compressional component 纵波分量
compressional decollement 挤压滑脱
compressional diffraction 压缩波绕射
compressional displacement field 压缩位移场
compressional faulting 挤压断裂作用
compressional force 压缩力
compressional graben 挤压性地堑
compressional megasuture 挤压巨型接合带
compressional mobile belt 挤压活动带
compressional movement 挤压运动
compressional orogenesis 压性造山作用
compressional orogenic arc 挤压造山弧
compressional phase 挤压幕
compressional point source 压缩波点源
compressional potential 压缩波电势
compressional structure 压性构造
compressional velocity 压缩波速度
compressional vibration 纵振动
compressional wave field 压缩波场
compressional wave front 压缩波波前
compressional wave velocity 压缩波速度
compressional wave vibrator 纵波可控震源
compressional wave 压缩波
compressional window 纵波窗口
compressional 压缩的
compressional-dilatational wave 胀缩波
compressional-to-shear conversion 纵-横波转换
compressive belt 挤压带
compressive load 压缩载荷
compressive modulus of elasticity 压缩弹性模量
compressive modulus 压缩模量
compressive nappe 挤压推覆体
compressive resistance 压应力
compressive setting 受压沉降
compressive strain 压缩应变
compressive strength 抗压强度
compressive stress constraint 压应力约束
compressive stress 压应力
compressive tectonic regime 挤压构造状态
compressive traction 压缩牵引
compresso-crushed zone 挤压破碎带
compresso-shear structural plane 压扭性构造面
compressometer 压缩计
compressor discharge rate 压缩机排量
compressor efficiency 压缩机效率
compressor gun 润滑油增压机
compressor horsepower 压缩机功率
compressor plant 压缩机房
compressor rotor 压缩机转子
compressor set 压缩机组
compressor station 压缩机站
compressor surge 压缩机喘振
compressor train 压缩机组
compressor wire 预应力钢丝
compressor 压缩机
compressure 压缩力
comprisal 包含
compromise boundary 协和边界
compromise potential 平衡电位
compromise 妥协
compt 计算机
comptio 顶饰蚌属
comptograph 自动计算器
comptometer 一种键控计算机
compton absorption coefficient 康普顿吸收系数
compton absorption 康普顿吸收
compton collision 康普顿碰撞
compton cross-section 康普顿截面
compton edge 康普顿边
compton effect 康普顿效应
compton process 康普顿过程
compton recoil electron 康普顿反冲电子
compton scatter principle 康普顿散射原理
compton scattered gamma ray 康普顿散射伽马射线
compton scattering 康普顿散射
compton-woo effect 康普顿-吴有训效应
comptroller general 主计长
compu-log 计算机控制测井
compulsion 强迫
compulsory insurance 强制保险
compulsory sale 强制出售
compulsory unitization 强制合一
computability 可算性
computation attribute 计算属性
computation centre 计算中心
computation chart 计算表
computation period 计算周期
computation process 计算过程
computation rate 计算速率
computation sheet 计算表格
computation speed 计算速度
computation window 计算时窗
computation 计算
computational analysis 计算分析
computational complexity 计算复杂性
computational data 计算数据
computational efficiency 计算效率
computational geophysics 计算地球物理学
computational grid 计算网络
computational mathematics 计算数学
computational physics 计算物理学
computational seismology 计算地震学
computational solution 计算解
computational stability 计算稳定性
computational 计算的
compute mode 运算状态
computed axial tomography 轴向计算层析成象技术
computed log analysis 计算机测井分析
computed log 计算机处理的测井曲线
computed porosity 计算的孔隙度
computed price 推算价格
computed tare 推定皮重
computer administration system 计算机行政管理系统
computer center 计算中心
computer classification 计算机分类
computer close-loop control 计算机闭环控制
computer complex 复合计算机
computer configuration 计算机配置
computer control system 计算机控制系统
computer data acquisition system 计算机数据采集系统
computer data management system 计算机数据管理系统
computer database system 计算机数据库系统
computer design language 计算机设计语言
computer display 计算机屏幕显示
computer efficiency 计算机效率
computer evaluation 计算机评价
computer failure 计算机故障
computer family 计算机系列
computer graphics workstation 计算机绘图工作站
computer graphics 计算机作图
computer house 计算机房
computer instruction set 计算机指令集
computer instruction 计算机指令
computer interface unit 计算机接口部件
computer interpretation log 计算机测井解释图
computer language translator 计算机语言翻译机
computer language 计算机语言
computer logic 计算机逻辑
computer mapping package 计算机制图软件包
computer mapping system 计算机制图系统
computer mapping technology 计算机制图技术
computer memory drum 计算机存储磁鼓
computer memory 计算机存储器
computer modeling analysis 计算机模似分析
computer modeling 计算机模拟
computer network system 计算机网络系统
computer on slice 单片式计算机
computer open-loop control 计算机开环控制
computer organization 计算机结构
computer output microfilm 计算机输出缩微胶片
computer peripheral 计算机外围设备
computer potentiometer 计算器电位器
computer production control 计算机生产控制
computer program 计算机程序
computer programming language 计算机程序语言
computer programming 计算机程序设计
computer resource optimization 计算机资源最优化
computer science 计算机科学
computer security system 计算机保密系统
computer series 计算机系列
computer servo-system 计算机伺服系统
computer simulation mode 计算机模拟方式
computer simulation 计算机模拟
computer simulator 计算机模拟程序
computer storage 计算机外部存储器
computer tomography 计算机层析成象术
computer transmission equipment 计算机传输装置
computer useful time 计算机有效时间
computer utility 计算机应用
computer word 计算机字
computer 计算机
computer-aided analysis 计算机辅助分析
computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计
computer-aided firing system 计算机辅助激发系统
computer-aided instruction 计算机辅助教学
computer-aided interpretation 计算机辅助解释
computer-aided leak detection 计算机辅助检漏
computer-aided liquids lines scheduling 计算机辅助液体管道调度
computer-aided log analysis 计算机辅助测井分析
computer-aided manufacturing 计算机辅助制造
computer-aided mapping 计算机辅助绘图
computer-aided plotting system 计算机辅助绘图系统
computer-aided test 计算机辅助测试
computer-aided 计算机辅助的
computer-controlled program 计算机控制程序
computer-controlled satellite test station 计算机控制卫星试验站
computer-controlled thruster 计算机控制推进器
computer-controlled well logger 计算机控制测井仪
computer-enhanced image 计算机增强图象
computer-managed instruction 计算机管理指令
computer-oriented language 面向计算机的语言
computer-processed interpretation 计算机处理解释
computer-processed log interpretation 计算机处理测井解释
computer-processed product 计算机处理成果
computer-weighted 计算机加权的
computerese 计算机语言
computerised =computerized
computerism 电子计算机主义
computerizable 可计算机化的
computerize 计算机化
computerized acidizing program 计算机酸化方案
computerized log analysis 计算机测井分析
computerized logging unit 计算机控制测井装置
computerized mapping 计算机制图
computerized monitor vehicle 计算机控制监测车
computerized naa 计算机中子活化分析
computerized navigation set 计算机导航设备
computerized process control 计算机化过程控制
computerized steam generator 计算机控制的蒸汽发生器
computerized tomography 计算机层析成象术
computerized well model 计算机油井模型
computerized well planning program 计算机钻井设计程序
computerized 计算机的
computery 电脑
computing center 计算中心
computing machine 计算机
computing method 计算方法
computing oscilloscope 计算示波仪
computing power 计算能力
computing technique 计算技术
computing velocity 计算速度
computron 计算机用多极电子管
compuword 电脑用词
con 电容器
con 相反
con- 共
conc 浓缩
concatenation operator 并置算符
concatenation 连锁
concavation 凹度
concave bank 凹岸
concave bit 凹面钻头
concave bottom mill 凹底铣鞋
concave cross-bedding 凹面交错层理
concave crown 凹顶
concave curve 凹曲线
concave flank cam 凹腹凸轮
concave function 凹函数
concave head piston 凹顶活塞
concave inward bit 中心凹陷形钻头
concave lens 凹透镜
concave levelling disk 凹面调平圆盘
concave mill 凹面铣鞋
concave refractor 上凹折射层
concave surface 凹面
concave trace tube 凹形伴热管
concave weld 凹面焊
concave 凹处
concave-concave 双凹的
concave-convex lens 凹凸透镜
concave-convex 凹凸的
concave-down 下凹的
concave-up 上凹的
concavisporites 凹边孢属
concavissimisporites 凹边瘤面孢属
concavity factor 凹度系数
concavity 凹度
concealed fan 隐伏冲积扇
concealed mineralization 隐蔽矿化
concealed outcrop 隐蔽露头
concealed pediment 隐蔽麓原
concealed shim 隐蔽垫片
concealed space 隐蔽空间
concealed structure 隐蔽构造
concealed unconformity 隐蔽不整合
concealed 隐蔽的
concealment 隐蔽
concentrated acid 浓酸
concentrated alkali 浓碱
concentrated brine 浓缩卤水
concentrated earth movement 造山运动
concentrated flow 槽流
concentrated hydrochloric acid 高浓度盐酸
concentrated load 集中负荷
concentrated solution 浓溶液
concentrated sulphuric acid 浓硫酸
concentrated wash 槽蚀
concentrated water 高矿化度水
concentrated 浓的
concentration cell corrosion 浓差电池腐蚀
concentration cell effect 浓差电池效应
concentration coefficient 浓集系数
concentration detector 浓度检测器
concentration diffusion 浓差扩散
concentration effect 浓度效应
concentration equation 浓度方程
concentration field 浓度场
concentration gradient 浓度梯度
concentration line 公共线
concentration method 浓缩法
concentration of stress 应力集中
concentration overpotential 浓差过电位
concentration polarization 浓差极化
concentration potential 浓差电势
concentration profile 浓度剖面
concentration quotient 浓度商
concentration table 富集台
concentration wave 浓度波
concentration 集中
concentrator 浓缩器
concentric adjustable bearing 同心可调轴承
concentric cable 同轴电缆
concentric circles 同心圆
concentric costellae 同心壳线
concentric cylinder rheology measurement 同心圆筒流变性测量
concentric cylinder rotation viscometry 同心圆筒旋转式测粘法
concentric cylinder viscosimeter 同心圆筒粘度计
concentric dial 同心刻度盘
concentric drainage pattern 同心型水系
concentric fold 同心褶皱
concentric gas lift mandrel 同心气举阀工作筒
concentric gas lift valve 同心气举阀
concentric groove 同心纹
concentric insulated tubing 同心保温油管
concentric line 公共线
concentric orifice with flange taps 法兰取压同心锐孔板
concentric orifice 同心锐孔板
concentric pattern 同心圈布法
concentric pipe 同心管
concentric plate 同心板
concentric reducer 同心异径管
concentric rig 钻井、完井两用钻机
concentric screen 双层筛管
concentric slotted liner 同心割缝衬管
concentric stabilizer 同心稳定器
concentric stria 同心纹
concentric string gravel pack 同心管柱砾石充填
concentric structure 同心构造
concentric tubing unit 同心管作业机
concentric tubing work string 同心油管工作管柱
concentric tubing workover 同心油管修井
concentric type 同心式
concentric weathering 球状风化
concentric wire wrapped screen 同心绕丝筛管
concentric workover rig 同心管修井机
concentric 同心的
concentric-ring treater 同心环式脱水器
concentricity tester 同心度检验仪
concentricity tolerance 同心度公差
concentricity 同中心
concept evaluation 概念评述
concept 概念
conception 概念
conceptual design 方案设计
conceptual framework 概念框架
conceptual geological model 概念地质模型
conceptual model 概念模型
concern 关系
concerted action 协同动作
concerted mechanism 协调机理
concertina fold 棱角褶皱
concession acreage 许可合同规定的面积
concession agreement 租让制合同
concession contract 租让制合同
concession crude 特许原油
concession of tariff 关税减让
concession 让步
conch 贝壳
concha 甲
conchiferous 有贝壳的
conchilite 贝状褐铁矿
conchiolin 壳基质
conchitic 含贝壳多的
conchoid 蚌线
conchoidal fracture 贝壳状断口
conchoidal shale 介壳页岩
conchoidal structure 介壳状构造
conchoidal 蚌线的
conchoporphyrin 贝卟啉
conciliation act 调停法
conciliation proceedings 调解程序
conciliation 调和
conciseness 简明
concision 简明
conclavipollis 唇孔凹边粉属
conclinal valley 顺向谷
conclinal 顺倾斜的
concluded price 成交价格
conclusion 结论
concoction 调合
concomitance =concomitancy
concomitant 伴生的
concord 一致
concordance =concordancy
concordancy 整合;一致
concordant bedding 整一层理
concordant coastline 顺向海岸线
concordant fault 同向断层
concordant fold 整合褶皱
concordant injection 顺层注入
concordant intrusion 顺层侵入
concordant morphology 平齐地貌
concordant thrust 整一冲断层
concordant 整合的
concordat 协定
concourse 集合
concrete accelerator 混凝土速凝剂
concrete ballast 混凝土压舱块
concrete bucket 混凝土浇注吊桶
concrete casing 混凝土饰面
concrete coating 混凝土覆盖层
concrete fortifications 混凝土防御工事
concrete foundation 混凝土基础
concrete frame 混凝土构架
concrete gravity platform 混凝土重力式平台
concrete gravity quaywall 混凝土重力式岸壁
concrete haunching 混凝土外壳
concrete lining 混凝土衬砌
concrete mixer truck 混凝土搅拌车
concrete mixer vessel 混凝土搅拌船
concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机
concrete number 名数
concrete piers 混凝土基墩
concrete pipe 混凝土管
concrete placer 混凝土浇注机
concrete revetment 混凝土护岸
concrete sheath coat 混凝土涂层
concrete steel 劲性钢筋
concrete structure 混凝土建筑物
concrete sump 混凝土池
concrete tank 混凝土罐
concrete vibrator 混凝土振动器
concrete weight-coating 混凝土加重层
concrete 混凝土
concrete-gun 水泥喷枪
concretion 固结
concretionary structure 结核状构造
concurrency 并行性
concurrent computer 并行计算机
concurrent deformation 同时形变
concurrent event 并发事件
concurrent execution 同时执行
concurrent flow 同流
concurrent force 汇交力
concurrent operation 并行运算
concurrent ownership 共同拥有
concurrent process 共行进程
concurrent processing 并行处理
concurrent processor 并行处理程序
concurrent production 同时开采
concurrent quicksort 并行快速分类
concurrent range-zone 共存延限带
concurrent twist 同向捻
concurrent waterflooding 同时注水
concurrent 并发的
concussion 震动
cond 导体
cond 电导率
cond 电容器
cond 条件
condar 康达
condeep-type structures 康迪普型结构
condensability 可凝性
condensable gas 可凝气体
condensable gasoline 可冷凝汽油
condensable 可冷凝的
condensance 容抗
condensate bottle 冷凝瓶
condensate drain 冷凝液排出管;排凝
condensate field 凝析气田
condensate fractionator 凝析油分馏塔
condensate gas reservoir 凝析气藏
condensate gas 凝析气
condensate knockout vessel 凝析油分离罐
condensate outlet 冷凝液出口
condensate polisher 冷凝液纯化槽
condensate pump 冷凝液泵
condensate recovery 凝析油开采
condensate reserve 凝析油储量
condensate trap 凝液器
condensate water 冷凝水
condensate well 凝析油气井
condensate 冷凝;凝析液
condensation agent 缩合剂
condensation catalyst 缩合催化剂
condensation copolymerization 共缩聚
condensation front 凝结前缘
condensation gas drive 凝析气驱
condensation method 冷凝法
condensation point 冷凝点
condensation polyamide 缩合聚酰胺
condensation polymer 缩聚物
condensation polymerization 缩聚
condensation process 冷凝过程
condensation product 冷凝物
condensation reaction 缩合反应
condensation 凝析
condensational wave 收缩波
condense 冷凝
condensed deposit 凝聚沉积物
condensed film 缩合膜
condensed fluid 冷凝液
condensed gas 冷凝气体
condensed liquid 凝析液
condensed matter 凝聚物质
condensed monolayer 凝聚单层
condensed nucleus 稠核
condensed phase 凝聚相
condensed polymer 缩聚物
condensed sequence 压缩层序
condensed succession 凝聚层序
condensed-nuclei aromatics 稠环芳烃
condenser box 电容器箱
condenser oil 电容器油
condenser pipe 冷凝管
condenser type spot welding 电容储能点焊
condenser 冷凝器
condensing agent 冷凝剂
condensing coil 冷凝盘管
condensing rate 冷凝速度
condensing rings 激冷圈
condensing steam drive 凝结蒸汽驱
condensing steam turbine 凝汽透平
condensing temperature 冷凝温度
condiment 附加物
condition code register 条件码寄存器
condition code 条件码
condition handler 条件处理程序
condition precedent 先决条件
condition profit 条件收益
condition ratio 完善系数
condition synchronization 条件同步
condition value 条件值
condition 条件
condition-name 条件名
conditional branch 条件转移
conditional contract 有条件的契约
conditional convergence 条件收敛
conditional decision tree 条件决策树
conditional distribution 条件分布
conditional endorsement 有条件背书
conditional equation 条件方程
conditional expectation 条件期望值
conditional implication gate 条件蕴含门
conditional instability 条件不稳定
conditional instruction 条件指令
conditional jump 条件转移
conditional loan 有条件贷款
conditional loss 条件损失
conditional offer 附条件价格
conditional operator 条件算子
conditional opportunity loss 条件机会损失
conditional order 条件指令
conditional outcome 条件结果
conditional probability 条件概率
conditional profit table 条件利润表
conditional release 假释
conditional sale 附条件销售
conditional stability 条件稳定
conditional statement 条件语句
conditional stop order 条件停机指令
conditional transfer 条件转移
conditional value 条件值
conditionality 条件性
conditionally stable function 条件稳定函数
conditioned reflex 条件反射
conditioner 调节器
conditioning agent 调节剂
conditioning fluid 处理液
conditioning 调节
conditions 条件
condtraints 约束条件
conducible 有助于…的
conducive =conducible
conductance cell 热导池
conductance method 电导法
conductance ratio of well pattern 井网传导率
conductance ratio 电导率
conductance titration 电导滴定
conductance 传导性
conductibility 传导性
conductimetric analysis 电导分析
conducting bridge 电桥
conducting fluid 传导流体
conducting layer 传导层
conducting stratum 传导层
conducting surface 传导面
conducting wire 导线
conducting 传导的
conduction angle 导通角
conduction current 传导电流
conduction electron 传导电子
conduction resistance 传导电阻
conduction 传导性
conductive bed 低阻层
conductive body 导体
conductive coating 导电涂层
conductive coupling 电导耦合
conductive discharge 电阻放电
conductive drilling mud 导电泥浆
conductive fluid 导电流体
conductive formation 低阻层
conductive heat loss 导热损失
conductive heating 传导加热
conductive host 导电围岩
conductive medium 传导介质
conductive method 导电法
conductive mineral 导电矿物
conductive path 导电通路
conductive shale 导电页岩
conductive solid 导电固体
conductive zone 低阻层
conductively closed 电封闭的
conductivity anomaly 电导率异常
conductivity loss 电导率损耗
conductivity meter 电导仪
conductivity modulation 电导率调制
conductivity profile 电导率剖面
conductivity response 电导率响应
conductivity signal 电导率信号
conductivity water 导电水
conductivity 传导率
conductometer 导电计;导热计
conductometric 测量导热率的
conductometry 电导测定法
conductor box 井口木制导管
conductor bracing 导管支撑
conductor cable 电缆
conductor casductor casing 导管
conductor hole 导管井孔
conductor housing 导管头
conductor line 电缆
conductor pipe 导管
conductor string 导管
conductor wire 缆芯线
conductor 导管
conductor-piling 导管内打桩
conductron 光电导摄象管
conduit flow model 管流模型
conduit flow 管流
conduit joint 接头
conduit support 立根盒
conduit 导管
cone apex angle 锥顶角
cone axis 锥体轴
cone backface 钻头牙轮底平面
cone base 锥底
cone bearing 锥形轴承
cone bit design layout 牙轮钻头啮合图
cone bit 牙轮钻头
cone clutch 锥形离合器
cone contour 锥形牙轮外形
cone coupling 锥形联轴节
cone delta 锥状三角洲
cone dike 锥状岩墙
cone fisher 牙轮打捞器
cone friction coupling 锥形摩擦联轴节
cone friction drum 锥形摩擦鼓轮
cone friction gear 锥形摩擦传动装置
cone gauge 锥度量规
cone gear 锥形齿轮
cone height 锥高度
cone intrusion 锥状侵入体
cone karst 漏斗形喀斯特
cone nose 牙轮锥顶
cone of uncertainty 不定度圆锥
cone offset 牙轮轴移
cone overhang 超顶
cone packer 锥形封隔器
cone penetration test 锥贯入试验
cone penetration 锥体针入度
cone penetrometer 锥形贯入器
cone pin 锥形销
cone pinion 小伞齿轮
cone pulley 锥轮
cone retaining ring 牙轮挡圈
cone rheology measurement 锥板流变性测量法
cone rock bit 锥形牙轮钻头
cone roof reservoir 锥顶油罐
cone roof tank 锥顶罐
cone roof 锥形顶
cone rope socket 锥形电缆座
cone sampler 圆锥式试样缩分器
cone sheet 锥状岩席
cone shell 牙轮壳体
cone type roller bearing rock bit 滚柱轴承锥形牙轮钻头
cone valve 锥形阀
cone 圆锥
cone-and-plate sensor system 锥板传感系统
cone-and-plate viscometer 锥板粘度计
cone-and-plate-rheometer 锥板流变仪
cone-in-cone limestone 叠锥灰岩
cone-in-cone 叠锥
cone-jet mixer 漏头射流式搅拌器
cone-shaped body 锥形体
conehead 锥头
conelrad 电磁波辐射控制
conette type viscometer 科内特型粘度计
conf 参看
conf 会议
conference call 电话会议
conference freight rate 协议运费率
conference 会议
conferva peat 丝状藻泥炭
confession 供词
confidence coefficient 置信系数
confidence distribution method 置信分布法
confidence factor 置信系数
confidence level 可信度
confidence limit 置信限
confidence probability function 置信概率函数
confidence region 可信区
confidence 相信
confidential informant 告密者
confidential treatment 保密处理
confidential 机密的
confidentiality 保密
configuration code 分配码
configuration of electrodes 电极排列方式
configuration 外形
confined aquifer 承压含水层
confined flood pattern 封闭井网
confined karstic aquifer 承压喀斯特含水层
confined reservoir 封闭储集层
confined space 有限空间
confined water 受压水
confined 有限的
confinement 限制
confining bed 隔水层
confining factor 封闭因素
confining force 封闭力
confining load 围岩负荷
confining pressure 围压
confining stratum 不透水地层
confining stress 侧限应力
confining zone 封闭带
confirmation commission 保兑手续费
confirmation well 证实井
confirmation 确认
confirmed credit 保兑信用证
confirming bank 保兑银行
confirming house 保付公司
confiscation 没收
conflagration 大火;爆发;快速燃烧
conflict 冲突
conflict-free memory 无冲突存储器
confluence basin 汇流盆地
confluence plain 汇流平原
confluence 汇合
confluent 汇合的
conflux =confluence
conformability 一致性
conformable contact 整合接触
conformable fold 整合褶皱
conformable reservoir volume 可波及的储层体积
conformable stratum 整合地层
conformal chart 正形投影地图
conformal conic projection 保形圆锥投影
conformal cylindrical projection 保形圆柱投影
conformal double projection 保形双重投影
conformal mapping 保角变换
conformal projection 保角映射
conformal transformation 保角变换
conformal 保形的
conformality 正形性
conformance efficiency 波及系数
conformance factor 波及系数
conformance 一致性
conformation 构造
conformational analysis 构象分析
conformity certification 合格证
conformity contact 整合接触
conformity 整合;适合
confounding 混杂
confriction 摩擦
confusion 混乱
congealer 冷藏箱
congealing point 冷凝点
congelation temperature 冻凝温度
congelation 冻凝;凝结物
congener 同族元素;同种类的
congeneric 同族的
congeniality 同性质
congeries 聚集
congestion 填充
congl 砾岩
conglobation 团聚
conglomerate reservoir 砾岩储集层
conglomerate 砾岩
conglomerate-gneiss 砾石片麻岩
conglomeratic limestone 砾状灰岩
conglomeratic sand 含砾砂层
conglomeratic 砾岩状的
conglomeration 堆集
congregation 聚集作用
congress 大会
congressite 淡粗霞岩
congruence =congruency
congruency 相同
congruent drag fold 同斜拖曳褶皱
congruent pattern 叠合花样
congruent 相同的
congruity 适合
congruous fold 同斜褶皱
coniacian 科尼亚克
conic chart 圆锥投影地图
conic cylindrical viscometer 锥筒粘度计
conic fold 圆锥形褶皱
conic node 锥顶
conic projection 圆锥投影
conic reducer 锥齿轮减速器
conic 圆锥的
conical beaker 锥形烧杯
conical bearing 锥形轴承
conical bottom tank 锥底罐
conical buoy 锥形浮标
conical cam 锥形凸轮
conical cavity 锥形模腔
conical contact 锥形接触
conical cup pig 锥形皮碗清管器
conical cutters 锥形牙轮
conical depression 锥形洼地
conical dry blender 锥形干混器
conical flask 锥形烧瓶
conical fracture 圆锥状裂缝
conical gear 伞齿轮
conical helix 圆锥螺旋线
conical insert 锥形齿
conical journal 锥形轴颈
conical pendulum 锥形摆
conical pinion 小伞齿轮
conical plug 锥形塞
conical point 锥顶点
conical projection 圆锥投影
conical refraction 锥形折射
conical roof 锥形顶
conical rooler bearing 锥形滚柱轴承
conical scanning 锥形扫描
conical tank 锥形顶储罐
conical wave 锥形波
conical wing valve 锥形节流阀
conical-tower platform 锥塔形平台
conicity 圆锥度
conicoid 二次曲面
conicoidium 锥藻属
conifer 针叶树
coniferous forest 针叶林
coniform 锥形
conifruticeta 针叶灌木群落
conilignosa 针叶木本群落
coning behavior 锥进动态
coning characteristic 锥进特征
coning control 锥进控制
coning curve 锥进曲线
coning effect 锥进效应
coning model 锥进模型
coning simulation 锥进模拟
coning 锥进
conisilvae 针叶乔木群落
conjugacy 共轭性
conjugate angle 共轭角
conjugate complex number 共轭复数
conjugate curves 共轭曲线
conjugate diameter 共轭直径
conjugate direction search method 共轭方向搜索法
conjugate direction 共轭方向
conjugate distribution 共轭分布
conjugate element 共轭元素
conjugate fault 共轭断层
conjugate fold 共轭褶皱
conjugate gradient 共轭梯度
conjugate image 共轭影象
conjugate imaginary 共轭虚数
conjugate impedance 共轭阻抗
conjugate ion 共轭离子
conjugate matrices 共轭阵
conjugate pair 共轭对
conjugate phase 共轭相
conjugate points 共轭点
conjugate residual method 共轭余量法
conjugate shear fracture 共轭剪切裂缝
conjugate solution 共轭溶液
conjugate spinning 共轭纺丝
conjugate 共轭的
conjugated bond 共轭键
conjugated chain 共轭链
conjugated compound 共轭化合物
conjugated diene 共轭二烯
conjugated diolefine 共轭二烯
conjugated double bond 共轭双键
conjugated fissures 共轭裂缝
conjugated group 缀合基
conjugated hydrocarbon 共轭烃
conjugated linkage 共轭耦合
conjugated molecule 共轭分子
conjugated polymer 共轭聚合物
conjugated radicle 轭合基
conjugated system 共轭系
conjugated yarn 共轭丝
conjugation energy 共轭能
conjugation 共轭
conjugative effect 共轭效应
conjugative monomer 共轭单体
conjugete structure 共轭构造
conjunct 混合的
conjunction gate 与门
conjunction 连接
conjuncture 局面
conmpensatory psyment 补偿金
connate brine 原生卤水
connate deposit 原生沉积
connate fluid 原生流体
connate formation water 原生地层水
connate water saturation 原生水饱和度
connate water 原生水
connate 原生的
connected drainage pattern 连通式水系
connected graph 连通图
connected pore channel 连通孔道
connected porosity 连通孔隙度
connected space 连通空间
connected to ground 接地的
connected 连接的
connectedness 连通性
connecting device 连接装置
connecting link 连接杆
connecting pipe 连接管
connecting reducer 异径接头
connecting rod 连杆
connecting shaft 连轴
connecting terminal 连接触点
connecting time 连接时间
connecting-tripping device 脱接器
connection box 接线盒
connection cable 连接缆索
connection charge 连接费用
connection diagram 连接图
connection flange 连接法兰
connection gang 管道安装队
connection gas 渗入的天然气
connection in parallel 并联
connection in series 串联
connection number 接头号码
connection point 接点
connection seal 接合面的密封件
connection terminal 接线端子
connection time 接立根时间
connection weight 连接权
connection 连接;连通
connective 连接的
connectivity factor 连通系数
connectivity structure 连通结构
connectivity 接合性
connector sub 连接器
connector 连接物
connexion =connection
connotation 含义
conodont animal 牙形动物
conodont assemblage 牙形石集合
conodont 牙形石
conodontophoridia 牙形石类
conodrymium 常绿群落
conoid 圆锥形
conoidal wave 椭圆余弦波
conophorium 针叶林群落
conophyton 锥叠层石属
conoscope 锥光偏振仪
conrad discontinuity 康拉德不连续面
conrad layer 康拉德层
conradson carbon residue 康拉特逊残碳值
conrod =connecting rod
conrotatory 顺旋
consanguineous 同源的
consanguinity association 同源组合
consanguinity 同源
consecution 连贯
consecutive access memory 连续存取存储器
consecutive coefficie〈WWW.BAIHUAWEN.CN〉nt 相继系数
consecutive computer 串行操作计算机
consecutive mean 连续平均
consecutive operation 连续运转
consecutive order 连续顺序
consecutive point 相邻点
consecutive reaction 顺序反应
consecutive sequence computer 连续序列计算机
consecutive terrace 连续阶地
consecutive voyage charter 连续租船
consecutive 连续的
consecutive-range zone 接续延限带
consecutiveness 顺序
consedimental 同沉积的
consensus decision 舆论决策
consensus politics 舆论政治
consensus 一致
consent 插座
consequence 后果
consequences 后果
consequent drainage system 顺向水系
consequent fault 顺向断层
consequent ridge 顺向山脊
consequent valley 顺向谷
consequent 继起的
consequential 推论的
consertal fabric 等粒岩组
conservancy 管理
conservation board 资源保护局
conservation equation 守恒方程
conservation law 资源保护法;守恒定律
conservation of energy 能量不灭
conservation of mass 质量守恒
conservation of momentum 动量守恒
conservation of resources 资源保护
conservation policy 保护政策
conservation principle 守恒原理
conservation regulation 保护条例
conservation scheme 守恒格式
conservation 保存
conservative design 保守设计
conservative factor 保险系数
conservative plate boundary 稳定板块边界
conservative prediction 保守预测
conservative property 保守性
conservative system 守恒系
conservative 保守的
conservator 保存器
conserving agent 除腐剂
conshelf 大陆架
considerable 该注意的
consideration 考虑;讨论;照顾
consign 委托
consignation 委托
consigned goods 寄销品
consigned processing 委托加工
consignee 承销人
consigner =consignor
consignment note 发货通知书
consignment sales 寄售
consignment 交付
consignment-sheet 收货凭单
consignor 发货人
consilience 符合
consistance 一致性
tern 三个一套
ternary color display 三元彩色显象装置
ternary compound 三元化合物
ternary counter 三进制计数器
ternary diagram 三元图解
ternary liquid systems 三元液体系统
ternary mixture 三元混合物
ternary notation 三进制
ternary phase diagram 三元相图
ternary sediment 三元沉积物
ternary 三元的;三进制的
terne 镀铅锡钢板
terneplate 镀铅锡钢板
terotechnology 设备综合工程学
terpadiene 萜二烯
terpane 萜烷
terpen hydrocarbon 萜烃
terpene hydrate 水合萜烯
terpene resinite 萜烯树脂体
terpene 萜烯
terpeneless oil 无萜油
terpenic series 萜烯系
terpenic 萜烯的
terpenoid 萜类化合物
terpenol 萜烯醇
terpenone 萜烯酮
terpenyl 萜烯基
terphenyl 三联苯
terpilenol 萜品醇
terpine 萜品
terpinene 萜品烯
terpineol 萜品醇;松油醇
terpinol 萜品油
terpinyl 萜品基
terpizite 硅华
terpolymer 三聚物
terra calcis 钙质土
terra cariosa 硅藻土
terra cotta 陶砖
terra firma 大地
terra fusca 棕钙红土
terra miraculosa 红玄武土
terra porcellanea 瓷土
terra rossa 钙红土
terra sienna 赭石
terra sigillata 杂褐铁埃洛石
terra 月陆;土地
terrace fault 阶梯断层
terrace flexure 阶状挠曲
terrace structure 阶梯构造
terrace trap 阶地圈闭
terrace 阶地
terraced flute cast 阶状槽铸型
terracing 阶地形成;阶地状构造
terrain appreciation 地物评价
terrain clearance 离地高度
terrain configuration 地表外形
terrain correction template 地形改正量板
terrain details 地形要素
terrain echo 地面反射回波
terrain effect 地形效果
terrain element 地面要素
terrain estimation 地面估测
terrain factor 地形因子
terrain feature 地形特征
terrain interpretation 地形判读
terrain object 地面目标
terrain photograph 地面摄影相片
terrain photointerpretation 地面摄影相片解译
terrain slope 地面倾斜
terrain theory 地体说
terrain trafficability 地面可通行性
terrain 地貌
terrane =terrain
terraneous 陆生的
terrastatic pressure 地静压力
terrazzo 水磨石
terrene 地球
terrestrial attraction 地心引力
terrestrial bed 陆成地层
terrestrial coordinate 大地坐标
terrestrial current 大地电流
terrestrial equator 地球赤道
terrestrial evaporation water 大陆蒸发水
terrestrial facies 陆相
terrestrial formation 陆成层系
terrestrial globe 地球仪
terrestrial gravitation 地球引力
terrestrial heat field distribution 地热场分布
terrestrial heat flow 大地热流
terrestrial heat 地热
terrestrial landscape 陆地景观
terrestrial latitude 地球纬度
terrestrial magnetic field 地磁场
terrestrial magnetic pole 地磁极
terrestrial magnetism 地磁;地磁学
terrestrial meridian 天文子午线
terrestrial organic matter 陆源有机质
terrestrial peat 陆成泥炭
terrestrial photogrammetry 地面摄影测量
terrestrial photograph 地面摄影相片
terrestrial pipeline 陆地管线
terrestrial plant 陆生植物
terrestrial radiation 地面辐射
terrestrial reference 地标
terrestrial refraction 地面折射
terrestrial sediment 陆相沉积物
terrestrial space近地空间
terrestrial spectral radiance map 地面光谱辐射图
terrestrial stereophotogrammetry 地面立体摄影测量
terrestrial stress 地应力
terrestrial vegetation theory 陆生植物说
terrestrial water 陆地水
terrestrial waveguide 地球波导
terrestrial 地球的
terrestrial-limnal facies 陆生-湖泊相
terrigene mud 陆源软泥
terrigenous deposit 陆源沉积
terrigenous sediment 陆源沉积物
terrigenous supply 陆源补给
terrigenous turbidite 陆源浊积岩
terrigenous 陆源的
terriherbosa 陆生草本群落
terriprata =terriherbosa
territorial sea 领海
territorial waters 领海
territorial 区域性的
territoriality 陆地性
territory economics 国土经济学
territory planning 国土规划
territory 地域
terry 毛圈织物
tert butyl hydroperoxide 叔丁基氢过氧化物
tert-butyl alcohol 叔丁醇
tert-butyl catechol 叔丁基邻苯二酚
tert-butyl mercaptan 叔丁基硫醇
tert-butyl phenol 叔丁基酚
tert-butylformamide 叔丁基甲酰胺
tert-butylperoxy isopropyl carbonate 过氧化异丙基碳酸叔丁酯
tertiary alcohol 叔醇
tertiary amine 叔胺
tertiary butyl chloride 叔丁基氯
tertiary control 第三位控制
tertiary crudes 第三纪石油
tertiary hydrocarbon 叔烃
tertiary industry 三产
tertiary migration 三次运移作用
tertiary mixture 三元混合物
tertiary oil recovery 三次采油
tertiary performance 三次采油动态
tertiary period 第三纪
tertiary phase 三次采油阶段
tertiary process 三次采油
tertiary recovery 三次采油
tertiary recycling 三次再生
tertiary risk 三级风险
tertiary structure 三级构造
tertiary system 第三系
tertiary treatment 三级处理
tertiary wave 三次波
tertiary 第三纪
terylen 涤纶的
teschenite 沸绿岩
tesellation =tessellation
tesla 特斯拉
tesselated pavement 棋盘形地表
tessellation 棋盘形格局
tessera 镶嵌地块
tesserae tessera 的复数
test analysis procedure 试井解释程序
test analysis report 检验分析报告
test anode 试验阳极
test audit 抽查
test automation 自动测试
test bar 试棒
test bench 试验台
test board 测试台
test borehole 试井
test boring 试钻
test bottle 测试瓶
test by trial 尝试
test cell 岩心试验夹持器
test certificate 试验证明书
test cock 试验旋塞
test condition 试验条件
test core 试验岩心
test coupon 试件;配给票;息票
test cube 立方形试样
test data 试验数据
test design 试验设计
test duration 测试时间
test electrode 试验电极
test equipment 测试设备
test facility 测试设备
test field 试验场
test figure 试验数据
test film 试验记录;刻度记录
test findings 试验结果
test for leak 查漏试验
test for randomness 随机性检验
test for weldability 可焊性试验
test frequency 测试频率
test function 测试函数
test gauge 检验规
test glass 化验杯
test hole 探井;试验井
test house 检验站
test indicator 测试指示器
test instruction 测试指令
test lend 探试线
test limit 试验限度
test loop 测验回路
test manifold 测试管汇
test meter method 流量计试验法
test meter 量表
test method standard 试验方法标准
test model 试验模型
test of hypothesis 假设检验
test of long duration 长期试验
test ok 无故障
test operation 试验操作
test paper 试纸
test pattern 测试图
test period 试验时间
test piece 试件
test pill 试验源
test pit 试验井
test plot 初步方案图
test point 测电位点
test procedure 测试程序
test program 试验计划
test pump 试压泵
test rating 检验指标
test regulations 试验条例
test report 试验报告
test revision 校核试验
test rig 试验装置
test room 试验室
test routine 试验程序
test run 试运转
test sample 试样
test satellite location 计量站
test scale load 试验机载荷
test score 校验得分
test section 试验管段
test sequence 试验顺序
test set 校验组
test signal 试验信号
test site 试验区
test specification 试验规格
test specimen 试验标本
test stand 试验台
test statistics 校验统计学
test stone 试金石
test string 试验管柱
test tank 计量罐
test target 试验靶
test tube 试管
test type 试验类型
test unit 试验装置
test voltage 试验电压
test welding 试焊
test well 探井
test with notched test piece 缺口冲击试验
test working 试运转
test zone 测试层段
test 试验
test-drilling 试井
test-hypothesis 检验假设
testaceous aggregate 贝壳状集合体
testaceous 有壳的
tested capacity of well 井的规定产量
tested well 已测试井
tested 试验过的
testee 测验对象
tester valve 制流阀
tester 测验器
testerman"s technique 蒂斯特曼方法
testimonial 鉴定书
testimony 证据
testing accuracy 检验精确度
testing apparatus 测试设备
testing certificate 检验证明书
testing column 试验柱
testing field 试验场
testing laboratory 试验室
testing machine 试验机
testing manifold 测试管汇
testing pressure 试验压力
testing program 试验方案
testing sequence 试验程序;试验步骤
testing station 试验站
testing string 测试管柱
testing table 试验台
testing time 校测时间
testing tool 测试仪器
testing tree 测试树
testing valve 测试阀
testing well 测试井
testing 试验
tet 放射性示踪测井仪
tetartoid 五角三四面体
tetartoidal class 五角三四面体组
tether noise 系缆噪声
tether 系绳
tethered buoy 系缆浮标
tethered buoyant platform 系缆的浮动平台
tetheredleg platform 系缆的有支架平台
tethyan 特提斯海的
tethys sea 特提斯海
tethys 特提斯海
tetr- 四
tetra methylthiuram 四甲基秋兰姆
tetra sodium pyrophosphate 焦磷酸四钠
tetra-allkylammonium 四烷基铵
tetra-atomic acid 四元酸
tetra-atomic alcohol 四元醇
tetraacetate 四乙酸盐
tetrachloride 四氯化物
tetrachlorobisphenol a 四氯双酚a
tetrachloroethane 四氯乙烷
tetrachloroethylene 四氯乙烯
tetracolporites 四孔沟粉属
tetracontane 四十烷
tetracyclic compound 四环化合物
tetracyclic hydrocarbon 四环烃
tetracyclic ring 四核环
tetracyclic 四环的
tetracycloalkane 四环烷
tetrad 四个
tetradecane 十四烷
tetradecene 十四烯
tetradecyl 十四基
tetradymite 辉碲铋矿
tetraethyl lead 四乙铅
tetraethyl 四乙基
tetraethyl-lead susceptibility of gasoline 汽油对四乙铅的感受性
tetraethylene glycol 四甘醇
tetrafluoroethylene 四氯乙烯
tetragon 四角形
tetragonal crystal system 四方晶系
tetragonal 正方的
tetragonal-dipyramidal class 四方双锥组
tetragonal-disphenoidal class 四方双楔组
tetragonal-pyramidal class 四方锥组
tetragonal-scalenohedral class 四方偏三角面体组
tetrahedra tetrahedron 的复数
tetrahedral network 四面体网络
tetrahedral pore 四面体孔隙
tetrahedral 四面体的
tetrahedrite 黝铜矿
tetrahedroid pebble近四面体卵石
tetrahedron 四面体
tetrahedronally-symmetrical molecule 四面体对称分子
tetrahexahedron 四六面体
tetrahydro-thiophene 四氢噻吩
tetrahydrofuran polymer oil 四氢呋喃聚合油
tetrahydrofuran 四氢呋喃;氧杂环戊烷
tetrahydronaphthalene 四氢化萘
tetrahydrophthalic acid 四氢化邻苯二甲酸
tetrahydroporphin 四氢卟吩
tetrahydroxyethyl-ethylene diamine 四羟乙基乙二胺
tetrahymanal 四膜虫醇
tetrakalsilite 四型钾霞石
tetrakishomohopane 四升藿烷
tetralin 四氢化萘
tetralite =tetryl
tetramer 四聚物
tetramethyl lead 四甲铅
tetramethylbenzene 四甲基苯
tetramethyloctahydrochrysene 四甲基八氢化nfda7
tetramine 四胺
tetranitrate 四硝酸脂
tetranuclear aromatics 四环芳香族环烃
tetranuclear 四环的
tetrapidites 拟四孔粉属
tetrasodium salt of edta 乙二胺四乙酸四钠盐
tetrazole 四唑
tetrazolium 四唑nfda6
tetrode 四极管
tetroxide 四氧化物
tetryl 特屈儿
tex 特
texaco lnc. 德士古公司
texas deck 上部甲板
texas railroad commission 得克萨斯铁路委员会
texas style of racking pipe 得克萨斯钻杆立柱排列法
texas tower 雷达平台
texas 得克萨斯
texrope drive 三角皮带传动
text display 文本显示
text editing system 文本编辑系统
text 题
text-processing 文本处理
textbook 教科书
textile assistant 纺织助剂
textile auxiliary 纺织助剂
textile dyeing 织物染色
textile fibres 纺织纤维
textile lubricant 纺织机械润滑剂
textile oil 纺织用油
textile processing oil 纺织工艺用油
textile warp sizing 纺织物经纱上浆
textile 织品
textinite 本质结构体
texto-ulminite 木质结构腐木质体
textolite 夹布胶木
textural accessibility 结构可渗性
textural anisotropy 结构非均质性
textural association 结构组合
textural constant 结构常数
textural difference 结构差异
textural element 结构要素
textural gradation 结构均夷作用
textural maturity 结构成熟度
textural porosity 结构孔隙度
texture index 结构指数
texture ratio 结构比
texture 结构
textured spun yarn 变形短纤维纱
textured stretch yarn 变形弹力纱
texturing twist 变形捻度
texturing 合成纤维变形工艺
texturized polyester 弹力聚酯纤维;卷曲聚酯纤维
tf cas 时频避撞系统
tf 薄膜
tf 临时调整
tf 时间利用系数
tf 实际误差
tf 特别工作组
tfa 总流量面积
tfc 交通
tfcp 技术设施更改手续
tfl driverter 过出油管导流器
tfl pump 过出油管用的泵
tfl workover capability 过出油管修井能力
tfl 通过出油管的;回收管
tfo 工具面角
tfrmr 变压器
tfs 跟踪文件系统
tfsa 薄膜扩展剂
tg 电报
tg 电报机
tg 定时计
tg 跟踪和制导
tg 末制导
tg 起下钻气量
tg 热重法
tg 正切
tg 转速表传感器
tga 热重分析
tgb 临时导向基盘
tgm 测试信号发生器
tgm 电报
tgs 油管几何形状探测器
th 阀
th 节流阀
th 热的
th 钍
tha 总烃分析器
thalassic rock 深海岩
thalassic 深海的
thalassicum 大洋盐度范围
thalassium 海水群落
thalassochemical 海洋化学的
thalassochemistry 海洋化学
thalassocratic movement 造海运动
thalassocratic period 海洋期
thalassocratic sea level 海洋扩张期海面
thalassocratic 高海面时期的;造海的
thalassocraton 海洋克拉通
thalassogenesis 造海作用
thalassogenetic =thalassogenic 海底的
thalassogenic movement 海底运动
thalassogenic sedimentation 海底沉积
thalassogenous 海生的
thalassogeosyncline 深海地槽
thalassographic 海洋学的
thalassography 海洋学
thalassophile element 亲海元素
thalassophilus 喜海的
thalassophyte 海生植物
thalattocratic 洋区扩大
thalattogen 造洋区
thalattogenesis 造洋运动
thallatogenic 海底垂直运动
thallium 铊
thallophyta 菌藻植物
thallophytic 叶状体的;菌体的
thallus 原植体
thalluses thallus 的复数
thames 泰晤士河
thanetian 塔内提阶
thaw point 解冻点
thaw 解冻
thaw-freeze cycle 冻-融循环
thawing season 融季
thd 螺纹
theca 壳膜
thein 咖啡因
theis solution 赛思解
thelotite 藻煤
thematic display 专题显示
thematic information 专题信息
thematic mapper 专题制图仪
thematic presentation 专题显示
theme 主题
themo-hydrodealkylation 热加氢脱烷基
themoacidophilic anaerobe 嗜热酸厌氧菌
themopositive reaction 放热反应
thenardite 无水芒硝
theodolite compass 经纬仪罗盘
theodolite intersection 经纬仪前方交会
theodolite 经纬仪
theogram 合成地震记录
theor 定理
theor 理论的
theorem of euler 欧拉定理
theorem 定理
theoretical analysis 理论分析
theoretical boundary 理论边界
theoretical conformance 理论波及系数
theoretical correlation 理论相关
theoretical curve 理论曲线
theoretical cutoff frequency 理论截止频率
theoretical distribution 理论分布
theoretical efficiency 理论效率
theoretical equation 理论方程式
theoretical formula 理论公式
theoretical geology 理论地质学
theoretical lift of centrifugal pump 离心泵的理论扬程
theoretical mechanics 理论力学
theoretical model 理论模型
theoretical modeling 理论模拟
theoretical performance prediction 理论动态预测
theoretical physics 理论物理学
theoretical power 理论功率
theoretical resolution 理论分辨率
theoretical seismogram 理论地震记录
theoretical seismology 理论地震学
theoretical stratigraphy 理论地层学
theoretical tidal variation 理论潮汐变化
theoretical tray 理论塔板
theoretical true resistivity 理论上的真电阻率
theoretical waterflood areal sweep 理论注水面积波及效率
theoretical 理论的
theoretically 理论上
theorist 理论家
theory of algorithm 算法理论
theory of comparative cost 比较成本理论
theory of continental drift 大陆漂移说
theory of displacement of continents 大陆漂移说
theory of economic change 经济变动理论
theory of elasticity 弹性理论
theory of equations 方程论
theory of errors 误差理论
theory of field 场论
theory of functions of a complex variable 复变函数论
theory of functions 函数论
theory of games 衡量利弊得失理论
theory of inorganic origin 石油无机成因说
theory of isostasy 均衡说
theory of knowledge 认识论
theory of location of industry 工业区位理论
theory of machines 机械原理
theory of multiplier 增殖理论
theory of numbers 数论
theory of optimal control 最优控制理论
theory of organic origin 石油有机成因说
theory of oscillation 振动理论
theory of plastic viscous flow 塑性粘滞流理论
theory of plasticity 塑性理论
theory of plate tectonics 板块构造理论
theory of probability 概率论
theory of programming 程序论
theory of quantification 数量化理论
theory of radioactivity 放射性学说
theory of relativity 相对论
theory of similarity 相似论
theory of spline approximation 样条逼近理论
theory of utility 效用理论
theory 学说
theralite 霞斜岩
therlo 西罗铜铝锰合金
therm 克卡;千卡;色姆
therma-trip circuit breaker 热跳闸断路开关
thermal absorption 热吸收
thermal addition 热力加成作用
thermal ageing 热老化;加热老陈
thermal agitation 热搅动
thermal alkylation 热烷基化
thermal alteration index 热变指数
thermal alteration 热变
thermal analysis option 热分析方案
thermal analyzer 热分析仪
thermal anomaly 热异常
thermal balance equation 热平衡方程
thermal barrier 热载体
thermal behavior 热性能
thermal breaker 热断路器
thermal burn 热灼伤
thermal caking 热粘结
thermal capacity 热容量
thermal capture 热中子俘获
thermal cement 耐热水泥
thermal chromatography 热色谱法
thermal coefficient of expansion 热膨胀系数
thermal compensation 热补偿
thermal conduction capability 热传导能力
thermal conduction 热传导
thermal conductivity cell detector 热导池检测器
thermal conductivity 导热性
thermal contour map 热量等值线图
thermal convection 热对流
thermal cracking gas 热裂解气
thermal cracking 热裂化
thermal critival point 热临界点
thermal cross over 热转换
thermal cross section 热中子截面
thermal cubic expansion coefficient 体积膨胀系数
thermal current 热流
thermal cycling test 温度交变试验热循环试验
thermal decay time log 热中子衰减时间测井
thermal decay time 热中子衰减时间
thermal decomposition 热解
thermal deformation 热变形
thermal degradation 热降解
thermal degree 地温增温级
thermal development 热显影
thermal diffusion 热扩散
thermal diffusivity 导温系数
thermal dilation 热膨胀
thermal dispersion 热分散
thermal dispersivity 热分散系数
thermal displacement 热力驱替
thermal distortion 热变化
thermal disturbance 热干扰
thermal drilling 热量钻井
thermal drive 热力驱油
thermal effect 热效应
thermal efficiency 热效率
thermal electron 热电子
thermal element 热敏元件
thermal elongation 热伸长
thermal energy 热能
thermal engine 热机
thermal engineering 热力工程
thermal equilibrium 热平衡
thermal equivalent of work 热功当量
thermal evolution 热演化
thermal expansion coefficient 热膨胀系数
thermal expansion 热膨胀
thermal expansivity 热膨胀系数
thermal exposure limit 热辐射极限
thermal field 热场
thermal flooding 热力驱油
thermal flux 热流
thermal front 热前缘
thermal galvanometer 热效式电流计
thermal gradient 温度梯度
thermal halo 热晕
thermal head 热头
thermal history 热史
thermal hydrodealkylation process 热法临氢脱烷基过程
thermal hysteresis 热滞现象
thermal imaging 热成象
thermal inertia mapping 热惯量制图
thermal inertia 热惯性
thermal infrared sensor 热红外传感器
thermal infrared survey 热红外探测
thermal infrared 热红外;红外热辐射遥测法
thermal instability 热不稳定性
thermal insulating properties 绝热性质
thermal insulation material 绝热材料
thermal insulation 保温
thermal insulator 保温体
thermal integrity 温度完善性
thermal interference 热干扰
thermal limit 热限界
thermal line scanner 热红外行扫描仪
thermal line 注热管线
thermal linear 热线性特征
thermal load 热负荷
thermal locality 热区
thermal loss 热损失
thermal mapping system 热红外摄影测图系统
thermal maturation 热熟化
thermal maturity 热成熟度
thermal maximum 气候适宜期
thermal metamorphism 热变质作用
thermal meter 热工仪表
thermal method 地热法
thermal microwave detection 热微波检测
thermal multigate decay log 多门热中子衰减时间测井
thermal neutron absorber 热中子吸收体
thermal neutron density 热中子密度
thermal neutron detector 热中子探测器
thermal neutron diffusion 热中子扩散
thermal neutron intensity 热中子通量强度
thermal neutron lifetime 热中子寿命
thermal neutron population 热中子密度
thermal neutron proosity 热中子孔隙度
thermal neutron 热中子
thermal noise 热噪声
thermal oil 热采原油
thermal packer 耐高温封隔器
thermal pattern 热图象
thermal perturbation 热扰动
thermal photograph 热辐射摄影
thermal piercing 热力穿孔
thermal plastic 热塑料
thermal plume 热柱
thermal pollution 热污染
thermal polymerization 热聚合;热聚合
thermal potential 热势
thermal power 热功率
thermal pretreatment 预热处理
thermal printer 热敏式打印机
thermal process 热采过程
thermal production well 热采井
thermal radiation image 热辐射图象
thermal radiation 热辐射
thermal recovery equipment 热采设备
thermal recovery packer 热采封隔器
thermal recovery time 温度恢复时间
thermal recovery well 热采井
thermal recovery 热力采油
thermal reference source 热参考源
thermal regime 热动态
thermal relaxation 热弛豫
thermal relay 热动继电器
thermal residue 热残余物
thermal resistance 热阻
thermal resolution 热分辨力
thermal resource 热资源
thermal rupture 热破裂
thermal scanner 热扫描仪
thermal scattering 热散射
thermal sensibility 热灵敏性
thermal sensing element 热敏元件
thermal sensitive resistor 热敏电阻
thermal sensor 热传感器
thermal shock 热震荡
thermal shrinkable sleeve 热缩套
thermal shrinkage 热收缩
thermal simulator 热采数值模拟程序
thermal slug shifting process 热段塞驱油法
thermal source 热源
thermal spray 热喷涂
thermal stability 热稳定性
thermal stabilizer 热稳定剂
thermal state 热态
thermal stimulation 热力增产措施
thermal strain 热应变
thermal stress 热应力
thermal surveillance 热监视
thermal syphon 热力虹吸
thermal tare 热量突变
thermal thread dope 耐热丝扣油
thermal treatment 热处理
thermal unit 热单位
thermal value 发热量
thermal velocity 热速度
thermal wear 热磨损
thermal weldability 热焊接性
thermal well 热采井;地热井;热水井
thermal zone 热力采油层
thermal 热的
thermal-infrared reconnaissance survey 热红外法普查
thermal-infrared scanning 热红外扫描
thermal-infrared sensing 热红外探测
thermal-mechanical drilling 热力机械钻井
thermal-mechanical model 热机模式
thermal-mining 热力采矿
thermal-neutron activation 热中子激活
thermal-overload relay 热超载继电器
thermalcouple 热电偶
thermalization time 热化时间
thermalization 热化
thermalized neutron 热化中子
thermalloy 热合金
thermally insulating the borehole 井筒隔热
thermalseal separation sleeve 热密封隔离套
thermatomic process 热原子过程
thermel 热电温度计
thermic 热的
thermie 兆卡
thermion 热离子
thermionic current 热离子流
thermionic emission 热离子发射
thermionic 热离子的
thermionics 热离子学
thermistor detector 热敏电阻检测器
thermistor 热敏电阻
thermit welding 铝热焊
thermit 铝热剂
thermite =thermit
thermo 恒温器
thermo- 热
thermo-chemical dehydration 热化学脱水
thermo-chemical demulsification 热化学破乳
thermo-chemical setting dihydration 热化学沉降脱水
thermo-energetic agent 高热能工作剂
thermo-isodrome 等温差商数线
thermo-isohyp 实际温度等值线
thermo-magnetic effect 热磁效应
thermoammeter 热电偶安培计
thermoanalysis 热分析
thermobalance 热天平;热平衡
thermobarometer 温度气压计
thermobattery 热电池
thermocase 隔热层
thermocatalysis 热催化
thermochemical equilibrium 热化学平衡
thermochemical gas 热化学成因气
thermochemical stability 热化学安定性
thermochemistry 热化学
thermochor 分子体积与温度关系
thermochrome 耐热镍铬合金
thermochromism 热色现象
thermochronix 耐热镍铬合金
thermocline 斜温层
thermoclinic 斜温层的
thermocolor 彩色温度标示
thermocompression 热压
thermocooling 温差环流冷却
thermocouple wire 热电偶丝
thermocouple 热电偶
thermocurrent 温差电流
thermocutout 热保险装置
thermodetector 热检波器
thermodiffusion 热扩散
thermoduric 耐热的
thermodynamic behaviour 热力学特性
thermodynamic efficiency 热力学效率
thermodynamic equilibrium 热力学平衡
thermodynamic metamorphism 热动力变质
thermodynamic potential 热力学势
thermodynamic process 热力学过程
thermodynamic temperature 热力学温度
thermodynamic 热力学的
thermodynamics 热力学
thermoelastic damping 热弹性阻尼
thermoelastic 热弹性的
thermoelasticity 热弹性
thermoelectric cell 温差电池
thermoelectric couple 热电偶
thermoelectric coupling 温差耦合
thermoelectric effect 热电效应
thermoelectric junction 热电偶
thermoelectric 热电的
thermoelectricity 热电
thermoelectrometer 热电计
thermoelectromtive force 热电动势
thermoelectron 热电子
thermoelement 热电偶
thermofin 隔热层
thermofission 热分裂
thermoflux 热通量
thermofor 蓄热器
thermoforming 热成形
thermogalvanic cell 温差原电池
thermogalvanic corrosion 热偶腐蚀
thermogalvanometer 热电偶电流计;温差热电检流计
thermogene 热生成
thermogenesis 生热作用
thermogenic gas 热成因气
thermogenic methane 热成因甲烷
thermograde 温度梯度
thermogram 热谱
thermograph 温度记录器
thermography 温度记录法;差热分析;热红外成象
thermogravimetric analysis 热重分析
thermogravimetric analyzer 热解重量分析仪
thermogravimetry 热重量分析法
thermohaline current 温盐海流
thermohydrometer 热比重计
thermohygrograph 温湿计
thermohygrometer 温湿表
thermoindicator paint 示温漆
thermojet 空气喷气发动机;热射流
thermojunction 热电偶
thermokarst drainage pattern 热喀斯特水系
thermokarst ropography 热喀斯特地形
thermolability 热失稳性
thermolize 表面热处理
thermologging 温度测井
thermology 热学
thermoluminescence 热致发光
thermoluminescent 热发光的
thermolysis 热解
thermomagnetism 热磁学
thermomaturation 热熟化
thermometal 双金属
thermometer well 温度计槽
thermometer 温度计
thermometric hydrometer 带有温度计的液体比重计
thermometrograph 温度记录器
thermometry 检温
thermomistor 热敏电阻
thermomodule 热电微型组件
thermon series resistance heat tracing 塞蒙串联电阻伴热
thermonatrite 水碱
thermonegative reaction 吸热反应
thermonegative 吸热的
thermoneutrality 热中和性
thermonoise 热噪声
thermonuclear explosion 热核爆炸
thermonuclear 热核的
thermoosmosis 热渗透
thermopaint 示温漆
thermopair 热电偶
thermophilic bacteria 嗜热细菌
thermophilic fermentation 高温发酵
thermophilic microorganism 喜温微生物
thermophilic 嗜热的
thermophone 热线式受话器
thermophysical 热物理的
thermophysics 热物理学
thermopile 温差电堆
thermoplast 热塑料
thermoplastic coating 热塑涂层
thermoplastic elastomer 热塑性弹性体
thermoplastic polyester 热塑性聚酯
thermoplastic 热塑塑料
thermoplasticity 热塑性
thermoplastics 热塑性塑料
thermopositive 放热的
thermopower 热电动势
thermoregulator 调温器
thermorelay 热动继电器
thermoremanence 热剩磁
thermoremanent magnetization 温度剩磁
thermorunaway 热致击穿
thermos 保温瓶
thermoscope 验温计
thermoscreen 隔热屏
thermoseal packer 热绝缘封隔器
thermoset resin 热固性树脂
thermoset 热固性;热固性的
thermosetting plastics 热固性塑料
thermosetting resin 热固树脂
thermosetting thin-film powder 热固化薄膜粉末
thermosetting 热胶结
thermoshield 热屏蔽
thermosiphon 温差环流系统
thermosistor 调温器
thermospher 热大气层
thermospraying 热喷镀
thermostability 耐热
thermostable enzyme 耐热酶
thermostable 热稳定的
thermostat 恒温器
thermostatic bath 恒温浴
thermostatic control valve 恒温控制阀
thermostatic control 恒温控制
thermostatic oven 恒温加热炉
thermostatic regulator 恒温调节器
thermostatics 静热力学
thermoswitch 热开关
thermosyphon =thermosiphon
thermotank 调温柜
thermotectonics 热构造
thermotel 负数指示器
thermotolerance 耐热性
thermotolerant 耐热的
thermovacuum 热真空
thermoviscosimeter 热粘度计
thermovoltmeter 热线式伏特计
thermowell 温度计插孔
thesauri =thesauruses thesaurus 的复数
thesaurus 宝库
theses thesis 的复数
thesis 论题
thetagram 温度曲线图
thf 四氢呋喃
thf 油管头法兰
thiacyclopentane 硫杂环戊烷
thiazole 噻唑
thick bed 厚层
thick film coating 厚膜涂层
thick flushing 稠浆冲洗
thick gauge 厚度规
thick molding compound 厚模塑料
thick mud 稠泥浆
thick producing section 厚生产层
thick seam 厚层
thick series 厚层系
thick shell 厚壳体
thick wall 厚壁
thick walled drill pipe 厚壁钻杆
thick-bedded 厚层的
thick-film rust preventive 厚膜防锈剂
thick-wall reactor 厚壁反应器
thick-walled pipe 厚壁管
thicken 变厚
thickened lubricant 稠化润滑剂
thickened mud 稠化泥浆
thickened oil 稠化油
thickened sludge 浓缩污泥
thickened water 稠化水
thickened 稠化的
thickener 稠化器
thickenig of mud 泥浆加稠
thickening agent 增稠剂
thickening of lubricating oil 润滑油的稠化
thickening time 稠化时间
thickening 增厚
thickening-coarsening-upward sequence 向上变厚变粗层序
thickening-time test 稠化时间测定
thicket 灌木丛;丛状物
thickness contour 等厚线
thickness gauge 厚薄规
thickness indicator 测厚计
thickness line 等厚线
thickness map 等厚图
thickness of pipe 管壁厚
thickness of reference block 标准块厚度
thickness ratio 厚度比
thickness 厚度
thicknessmeter 测厚仪
thicl-walled cylinder 厚壁筒
thief formation 漏失层
thief hatch 罐顶取样孔
thief hole 取样孔
thief rod 取样杆;测量杆
thief sample 取样器取出的油样
thief sand 易从富油层中吸进原油的砂层
thief zone 漏失层;高渗透层
thief 取样器;取样
thieves thief 的复数
thieving paper 吸水纸
thieving 测油罐底的水面高度
thimble hook 绳环钩
thimble printer 转筒式印字机
thimble 环
thin away 尖灭
thin bed reflections 薄层反射
thin bed resolution 薄层分辨能力
thin bed response 薄层响应
thin cement slurry 稀水泥浆
thin disc model 薄盘模型
thin down 稀释
thin drilling bit 薄壁钻头
thin edge-water-drive 弱边水驱动
thin faced bit 薄壁金刚石钻头
thin film circuit 薄膜电路
thin film evaporator 薄膜蒸发器
thin film spreading agent 薄膜扩展剂
thin film strain gauge 薄膜式应变压力计
thin film 薄膜
thin fluid 低粘液
thin layer plate 薄层板
thin mud film 薄泥浆膜
thin mud 稀泥浆
thin negative 浅底片
thin oil leg 不大的油柱
thin oil ring 薄油环
thin oil sandwich 薄含油夹层
thin oil 稀油
thin out the crude 降低原油粘度
thin out 尖灭
thin porous streak 孔隙性薄层
thin sand 薄砂层
thin section porosity 薄片孔隙度
thin section 薄片
thin shells 薄膜
thin spot 薄弱点
thin strate 薄地层
thin up 加水稀释
thin wall pipe 薄壁管
thin walled tube 薄壁管
thin 薄的
thin-bed effect 薄层效应
thin-bedded 薄层的
thin-film chromatography 薄膜色谱
thin-film head 薄膜磁头
thin-film memory 薄膜存储器
thin-graded 易分选的
thin-layer chromatography 薄层色谱
thin-layer response 薄层响应
thin-layered chromatography 薄层色谱法
thin-section analysis 薄片分析
thin-section point counter 薄片计点器
thin-section staining 薄片染色
thin-skinned structure 薄皮构造
thin-slab construction 薄板结构
thin-wall channel 薄壁槽钢
thin-walled hollow steel cylinder 薄壁空心钢筒
thin-walled injection molding 薄壁注塑
thin-walled spot 薄壁点
thin-walled 薄壁的
thinfilm epoxy resin coating 薄膜环氧树脂涂层
thinfilm protective coating 薄膜保护层
thing 东西;事情;情况
thinic 沙丘的
thining agent 稀释剂
think bank 思想库
thinking 思考
thinned oil 稀释石油
thinner 稀释剂
thinning agent 稀释剂
thinning limit 稀释限度
thinning oil leg 高度减小的油柱
thinning oil 稀释油
thinning out 尖灭
thinning 稀释
thinning-fining-upward sequence 向上变薄变细层序
thinning-up 向上变薄
thinning-upward sequence 向上变薄层序
thio 含硫的
thioalcohol 硫醇
thiocarbamide 硫脲
thiocol =thiokol
thiocyanate 硫氰酸盐
thioelaterite 硫弹性沥青
thioester 硫酯
thioether 硫醚
thiogenic bacteria 产硫细菌
thiokerite 九硫沥青
thiokol 聚硫橡胶
thiol 硫醇
thionyl 亚硫酸基
thiophane 四氢噻吩
thiophene 噻吩
thiophenic sulfur 噻吩硫
thiophenol 硫酚
thiophile 新硫的
thioretinite 含硫树脂
thiosulfate 硫代硫酸盐
thiosulfuric acid 硫代硫酸
thiosulphate =thiosulfate
thiourea type accelerator 硫脲素促进剂
thiourea 硫脲
thiourea-formaldehyde precondensate 硫脲甲醛预缩物
third crop production 用提高采收率方法采出的油
third curve 第三曲线
third order difference 三阶差分
third party sale 对第三方销售
third party 第三方
third power 三次幂
third rear axle 第三后桥
third speed 三档速率
third track 第三道
third-octave filter set 13倍频程滤波器
third-order butterworth filter 三阶巴特沃思滤波器
third-order color 第三级干涉色
third-order cycle 三级周期
third-order multiples 三阶多次波
thirsty formation 漏失岩层
thiuram type accelerator 秋兰姆类促进剂
thixotrope 触变胶
thixotropic agent 触变剂
thixotropic behavior 触变性行为
thixotropic cement 触变性水泥
thixotropic fluid 触变性流体
thixotropic property 触变性能
thixotropic 触变的
thixotropy 触变性
thk 厚
thk 厚度
thm 重矿物总量
thol 井径缩小的井眼
tholeiite 拉斑玄武岩
tholeiitic basalt 拉斑玄武岩
tholeiitic dolerite 拉斑玄武岩质粒玄岩
tholeiitic gabbro 拉斑玄武岩质辉长岩
tholisporites 栎环孢属
thomasella 托马斯牙形石属
thompson clinometer 汤普森测斜仪
thomson scattering 汤姆森散射
thomsonia 汤氏孢属
thomsonite 杆沸石
thoria 氧化钍
thorianite 方钍石
thoride 钍化物
thorides 钍系元素
thorite 钍石
thorium 钍
thorium-potassium ratio 钍-钾比
thorium-uranium ratio 钍-铀比
thorn 壳棘
thornburgh’s method 索恩伯法
thoron 钍射气
thorough analysis 完全分析
thorough repair 大修
thorough-pressure testing 全面试压
thoroughfare 通道
thoroughness 彻底性;完全性
thou 密耳
thought 思想
thous 千;无数的
thp 油管压力
thrashing 颠簸;系统失效
thread alternating 错扣
thread angle 螺纹牙形角度
thread compound 螺纹油
thread cutting die 螺纹板牙
thread cutting 车削螺纹
thread dope 螺纹涂料
thread end 螺纹端
thread eye 导纱眼
thread failure 螺纹损坏
thread gauge 螺纹规
thread gluing 粘扣
thread grinder 螺纹磨床
thread leak 螺纹漏失
thread lunricant 螺纹润滑剂
thread making 造扣
thread off 脱扣
thread pitch gauge 螺距规
thread processing 螺纹加工
thread profile gauge 螺纹规
thread profile 螺纹牙形
thread protector 护丝管箍
thread rolling machine 滚丝机
thread root 螺根
thread route 丝条通道
thread sealant 螺纹密封剂
thread sealer 螺纹密封剂
thread sealing compound 螺纹密封剂
thread slipping 滑扣
thread turns 螺纹圈数
thread up 上紧螺纹
thread 线
thread-advancing mechanism 前进式绕丝装置
thread-line 丝条;纺丝流水线
thread-locking compound 防松螺纹油
threaded adapter 螺纹接头
threaded bottom guide 有螺纹的底部导向鞋
threaded collar joint 螺纹接箍
threaded connection 螺纹连接
threaded connector 螺纹接头
threaded drillpipe 螺纹钻杆
threaded file 连接文件
threaded flange 螺纹法兰
threaded hole 螺纹孔
threaded line pipe 螺纹管
threaded pipe 带螺纹的管子
threaded sleeve joint 螺纹套筒接头
threader 螺纹加工机
threading machine 螺纹车床
threading 车削螺纹
threadless 无螺纹的
threadline cooling rate 丝条冷却速率
threads per inch 每英寸螺纹数
threat 迹象
three arm electrode pad 三臂电极板
three array 三极排列
three axis accelerometer 三轴加速仪
three axis magnetometer 三轴磁力仪
three dimension holographic memory 三维全息图象存储器
three dimension-four wire 三度四线制
three dimensional curvature 三维曲率
three dimensional gel 三维凝胶
three dimensional seismic raytracing 三维地震射线追踪;三维地震测量
three eight-hour shifts 八小时三班制
three estimate approach 三估计手段
three island ship 三岛式船
three phase arc welding 三相电弧焊
three phase difference equation 三相差分方程
three phase flow 三相流动
three phase generator 三相发电机
three phase rectifier 三相整流器
three point bit 三刃钻头
three point bottom hole reamer 三点式井底扩眼器
three point method 三点法
three point neat-bit reamer 三点式近钻头扩眼器
three point rotary reamer 三点式旋转扩眼器
three point stabilized assembly 三点式稳定组合
three point stabilized reamer 三点式稳定扩眼器
three point string reamer 三点式钻柱扩眼器
three pole switch 三极开关
three porosity log 三孔隙度测井
three put through one level 三通一平
three roller bit 三牙轮钻头
three state logic 三态逻辑
three-address computer 三址计算机
three-arm caliper 三臂井径仪
three-armed rift system 三叉裂谷系
three-axis geophone array 三轴检波器组合
three-axis inertial platform 三轴惯性平台
three-band photographic ratio method 三波段相片比值法
three-blade bit 三刮刀钻头
three-channel amplifier 三通道放大器
three-compartment ship 三舱制船
three-component geophone 三分量检波器
three-component seismic data 三分量地震数据
three-component seismometer 三分量检波器
three-component 三分量的
three-conductor cable 三芯电缆
three-cone bit 三牙轮钻头
three-core cable 三芯电缆
three-cutter underreamer 三牙轮管下扩大器
three-d log 声波三维测井
three-d migration in one step 一步法三维偏移
three-d migration in two steps 二步法三维偏移
three-d migration 三维偏移
three-d 三维的
three-diameter ells with tangents 带切线直管段的三倍直径弯头
three-dimensional array 三维组合
three-dimensional bottomhole assembly model 三维井底钻具组合模式
three-dimensional character 三维特性
three-dimensional crossplot 三维交会图
three-dimensional curve 三度曲线
three-dimensional design 三维设计
three-dimensional flow 三维流动
three-dimensional geologic structure 三维地质构造
three-dimensional gravity modeling 三维重力模型
three-dimensional grid 三维测网
three-dimensional image 三度象
three-dimensional interpretation 三维解释
three-dimensional log 三维测井
three-dimensional marine survey 海上三维勘探
three-dimensional model 三维模型
three-dimensional module 三维模块
three-dimensional multiphase flow 三维多相流
three-dimensional network 三维网络
three-dimensional orientation 三维定向
three-dimensional perspective 三维透视图
three-dimensional picture 三维图形
three-dimensional plot 三维图
three-dimensional radar 三维雷达探测装置
three-dimensional ray tracing 三维射线追踪
three-dimensional reconstruction 三维空间再造
three-dimensional reverberation 三维交混回响
three-dimensional stochastic kriging 三维随机克里格法
three-dimensional terrain coordinate 三维地形坐标
three-dimensional two-phase flow 三维二相流动
three-dimensional 三维的
three-edged-rule 三棱尺
three-fold block 三轮滑车
three-index notation 三指数标志法
three-joint unit 立根
three-layer clay mineral 三层粘土矿物
three-layer problem 三层问题
three-level addressing 三级定址
three-operating 三用的
three-over-four roller drafting 三上四下罗拉牵伸
three-part system 三元系统
three-phase boundary 三相边界
three-phase current motor 三相交流电动机
three-phase current 三相电流
three-phase induction motor 三相感应电动机
three-phase interline 三相界线
three-phase junction 三相接触点
three-phase line of contact 三相接触线
three-phase radial coning 三相径向锥进
three-phase saturation 三相饱和度
three-phase separator 三相分离器
three-phase supply 三相电源
three-phase voltage 三相电压
three-phase 三相的
three-plus-one address instruction 三加一地址指令
three-point fix 三点定位
three-point intersection 三点交会
three-point inverse 三点反演
three-point leveling system 三点调平装置
three-point operator 三点算子
three-point roller reamer 三牙轮扩眼器
three-point support 三足支架
three-pole derrick 三脚井架
three-screw pump 三螺杆泵
three-sheet clay mineral =threelayer clay mineral
three-shift 三进制
three-slot receptacle 三分眼器
three-space 立体的
three-stage separation 三级分离
three-start screw 三头螺纹
three-state buffer 三态缓冲器
three-state 三态的
three-throw switch 三投开关
three-tube pump 三管泵
three-way bit 三刮刀钻头
three-way catalyst 三效尾气净化催化剂
three-way cock 三通旋塞
three-way diverter valve 三通换向阀
three-way pipe 三通管
three-way solenoid valve 三通电磁阀
three-way valve 三通阀
three-way 三通
three-winged bit 三刮刀钻头
three-wire generator 三线发电机
three-wire system 三线制
threefold division 三分法
threefold symmetry 三次对称
threefold 三倍的
threonine 苏氨酸
threshold aging period 极限老化期
threshold bit weight 门限钻压
threshold capillary pressure of penetration 毛细渗透阈压
threshold capillary pressure 临界毛细管压力
threshold displacement pressure 启动驱替压力
threshold effect 阈效应
threshold energy 阈能
threshold frequency 临界频率
threshold injection pressure 启动注入压力
threshold lift characteristics 临界升举特性
threshold odor number 嗅阈值
threshold of nucleation 成核临界温度
threshold of sensitivity 灵敏度界限
threshold pressure 阈压力;界限压力
threshold recording system 门限记录系统
threshold strength 界限强度
threshold stress 极限应力
threshold supervision 门限监测
threshold temperature 阈温度
threshold value 阈值
threshold voltage 门槛电压
threshold weight 阈重
threshold 阈值
thribble board 二层台
thribble 三联的
thrift 节俭
thrill 震颤
throat accessibility 喉道通过能力
throat body 焊道体
throat depth 焊缝厚度
throat of injector 喷射器喉道
throat port 喉孔
throat radius 喉道半径
throat size 喉道大小
throat sorting 喉道分选
throat to pore ratio 喉孔比
throat to pore volume ratio 喉道-孔隙体积比
throat velocity 喉部速度
throat 喉道
throat-to-pore coordination number 喉道-孔隙配位数
throb 跳动;抽动
throng 群集
throt 油管悬挂器下入和定向工具
throttle chamber 节流室
throttle down a well 减低井的流量
throttle down 节流
throttle governor 节流调速器
throttle grip 节流阀手柄
throttle manifold 节流管汇
throttle nozzle 节流喷嘴
throttle setting 节流阀调定
throttle valve 节流阀
throttle 节流
throttling coefficient 节流系数
throttling effect 节流效应
throttling orifice plate 节流孔板
throttling valve 节流阀
throttling 节流
through bolt 贯穿螺栓
through characteristic 穿透特性
through cut 贯穿开挖
through drainage 贯穿水系
through flowline 过出油管的
through hole 通眼
through transmission 透射传输
through tubing completion 过油管完井
through tubing crossover method 过油管转换充填法
through tubing equipment 过油管工具
through tubing gun 过油管射孔器
through tubing log 过油管测井
through tubing perforation 过油管射孔
through way valve 直通阀
through welding 焊透
through-conduit valve 贯穿流通闸阀
through-flowline pump-down pro-duction tool 过出油管泵送采油工具
through-going fault 贯穿断层
through-going strlke-slip fault 贯穿平移断层
through-going synthetic fault 贯穿顺向断层
through-station 中间站
through-the-flow-line technique 过出油管技术
through-the-leg completion 过腿柱完井
through-tubibg gravel pack 过油管砾石充填
through-tubing caliper 过油管井径仪
through-tubing gamma ray tool 过油管伽马测井仪
through-tubing job 过油管作业
through-tubing perforator 过油管射孔器
through-tubing squeeze gravel packing 过油管砾石挤压充填
through-tubing tecnhnique 过油管技术
through-tubing well servicing operation 过油管修井作业
throughbore 通眼
throughflow 流过;流过量
throughput capacity 生产能力;生产量
throughput direction 输送方向
throughput of pipeline 流水线生产能力;管输能力
throughput range 输送量范围
throughput rate 生产率
throughput ratio 流量比
throughput 生产量;生产能力
throughway 快速道路;直通的
throw a double 连续两班工作
throw a lease 退租
throw bearing 曲柄轴承
throw fault 下落断层
throw in 接通
throw of crank 曲柄行程
throw of poston 活塞行程
throw of pump 泵冲程;泵扬程
throw off hook 脱钩
throw off 切断
throw out of gear 脱开啮合
throw over 转换
throw side 下降盘
throw the hole off 井斜
throw wall 下降盘
throw 抛
throw-in type 投入式
throw-off post 甩柱
throw-over gear 转换机构
throwaway bit 磨损报废的钻头
thrower 喷射器
thrown fault 下落断层
thrown side 断层下降盘
thrown slip 下落滑动
thrown wall 下落侧
thrown 错动的
throwout 切断
throwster textured yarn 捻丝厂产变形丝
thru tubing gravel pack 过油管砾石充填
thru-bolt 长螺栓
thruput =throughput
thrust ball bearing 止推滚珠轴承
thrust bearing segment 止推轴承垫片
thrust belt 逆冲断层带
thrust block 逆冲断块
thrust boring machine 顶管穿孔机
thrust button 止推盘
thrust collar 止推环
thrust disc 推力盘
thrust fault trap 冲断层圈闭
thrust fault 冲断层
thrust faulting 冲断裂作用
thrust fold 冲断褶皱
thrust front 冲断层前缘
thrust horse power 推马力
thrust imbrication 逆掩叠瓦作用
thrust journal 止推轴颈
thrust load 推力载荷
thrust nappe 冲断推覆体
thrust of pump 泵的压头
thrust plane 冲断面
thrust plate 冲掩体
thrust ring 止推环
thrust shaft 止推轴
thrust sheet 冲掩岩片
thrust slip 冲断滑动
thrust trap 逆掩断层圈闭
thrust up 逆冲
thrust washer 止推垫圈
thrust yoke 液压给进机构的压轭
thrust 推
thrust-faulted anticline 冲断背斜
thruster 推进器
thrustor 液压制动器
ths 总加热面
thulite 锰黝帘石
thulium 铥
thumb nut 蝶形螺母
thumb pin 图钉
thumb rule 经验法则
thumb screw 翼形螺钉
thumb tack =thumb pin
thumb 拇指;翻阅
thumbwheel switch 拨轮开关
thump 重击
thumper 锤击器
thunder 雷
thunderbolt 雷电
thundercloud 雷雨云
thundering 雷声;打雷的
thunderstorm 雷雨
thunk 形实转换程序
thuresite 钠闪正长岩
thuringian 图林根阶
thuringite 鳞绿泥石
thus far 迄今
thwartship 横过船的
thylakosporites 周网孢属
thyme camphor 百里酚
thymol blue 百里酚蓝
thymol 百里酚
thymospora 赘瘤单缝孢属
thymotor 闸流管电动机
thyratron system 闸流管方式
thyratron 闸流管
thyrector 可变电阻的硅二极管
thyristor 半导体开关元件
thyrite 硅化硅陶瓷材料
thyrode 泰罗;硅可控整流器
thysanophyllum 泡沫柱珊瑚属
ti 技术交换
ti 目标识别
ti 目标指示
ti 时间间隔
ti 温度指示器
ti 温度指数
ti 紊流诱导剂
ti 钛
tib 技术情报简报
tib 技术情报局
tibetipora 西藏孔藻属
tiburg rule 蒂布格定则
tic 技术情报中心
tic 目标拦截计算机
tic 温度指示控制器
tic-mark 等值记号
tick 滴答声;无线电信号;记号
ticker 自动收报机;蜂音器;继续器
ticket printer 票证打印机
ticket 票
tickler 反馈线圈
ticog ti通信网络计算机
ticonal 镍铁铝磁合金
tidal action 潮汐作用
tidal attraction 潮汐引力
tidal bank 潮滩
tidal basin 潮汐盆地;蓄潮池;潮船坞
tidal channel 潮道
tidal compartment 潮区
tidal competence 潮汐能力
tidal creek 潮溪
tidal current 潮流
tidal cycle 潮汐周期
tidal datum plane 潮汐基准面
tidal datum 潮汐基准面
tidal delta 潮汐三角洲
tidal deposit 潮积物
tidal depositional cycle 潮汐沉积旋回
tidal effect 潮汐效应
tidal energy 潮能
tidal flat complex 潮坪复合体
tidal flat 潮滩
tidal flow 潮流
tidal frequency 潮汐频率
tidal gate 挡潮闸
tidal gravimeter 潮汐重力仪
tidal inlet 入潮口
tidal lagoon 潮成泻湖
tidal land 潮间地
tidal light 潮汐信号灯
tidal outlet 出潮口
tidal region 潮汐区域
tidal sand ridge 潮成沙脊
tidal shallow 潮滩
tidal spectrum 湖汐谱
tidal stand平潮
tidal stretch 潮区
tidal table 潮汐表
tidal waterway 潮汐河水道
tidal wave 风暴大潮
tidal weir 潮堰
tidal zone 潮汐带
tidal 潮汐的
tidal-flat facies 潮坪相
tidalite 潮积物
tide correction 潮汐校正
tide current 潮汐流
tide flat 潮坪
tide marsh 潮沼
tide range 潮差
tide water 潮水
tide way 潮汐水道
tide zone facies 潮间带相
tide zone 潮汐地带
tide 潮
tide-control apparatus 潮汐控制仪
tide-dominate delta 潮控三角洲
tide-meter 验潮仪
tide-prediction 潮汐预报
tide-rode 顶流锚泊
tidelands 受潮区
tidemark 潮标
tidu 科技情报文献处
tie back sleeve 回接套筒
tie back stem 回接管
tie back 回接
tie bar 连结杆
tie beam 系梁
tie down screw 锁紧螺杆
tie down 系紧
tie geophone 连接检波器
tie in 连接
tie line 联络测线;系线
tie measurement 连测
tie on 连接上
tie point 连接点
tie water 结合水
tie 带
tie-back casing 回接套管
tie-back extension 回接短节
tie-back liner 回接尾管
tie-back receptacle 回接连接座
tie-back sealing nipple 回接密封短节
tie-back spool 回接短管
tie-back stinger 回接插入管
tie-back stub liner 回接短尾管
tie-bolt 系紧螺栓
tie-down bolt 系紧螺栓
tie-down point 栓系点
tie-down sheaves 系紧滑轮
tie-in crew 管道连接工作队
tie-into 嵌入
tie-rod 拉杆
tie-time 连接时间
tieback assembly 回接装置
tieback collar 回接接箍
tieback joint 回接节
tieback riser 回接立管
tieback string 回接管柱
tieback sub 回接接头
tieback tool 回接工具
tiebar 连岛沙坝
tiefkraton 低克拉通
tiein sale 搭售
tier 层
tierce 有铁箍的木桶
tiered twisting machine 双层加捻机
ties 信息传输和交换系统
tig welding 钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊
tig 钨极惰性气体
tight coupling 紧耦合
tight emulsion 难破乳的乳状液
tight fit 紧配合
tight fold 紧闭褶皱
tight formation 低渗透率地层
tight fracture 闭合裂缝
tight gas reservoir 致密气层
tight gas 致密地层天然气
tight gravel placement 致密砾石充填
tight head 盘根盒
tight hole 井径缩小的井眼
tight layers 致密层
tight market 紧俏市场
tight menetary policy 紧缩银根政策
tight mesh 无隙啮合
tight pack 致密充填
tight pull 拉紧;遇阻
tight rock 低渗透岩石
tight sand 致密砂层
tight section 致密部分
tight side of belt 皮带拉紧的一侧
tight spacing 密井距
tight spot 缩小点
tight stratum 低渗透岩层
tight structure 密集构造
tight trip 有限、卡的起下钻
tight well 无钻井资料井
tight zone 致密层
tight 致密的
tight-line pumping 密闭管线输送
tighten 拉紧
tightener 紧带轮
tightening belt 拉紧皮带
tightening device 紧带装置
tightening of credit 紧缩信贷
tightening of money 抽紧银根
tightening of thread 螺纹上紧程度
tightening order 扭紧顺序
tightening pulley 紧带轮
tightening screw 拉紧螺栓
tightening torque 上紧扭矩
tightening up 固紧
tightening 使紧
tightly controlled well 严格控制井眼
tightly spaced five-spot pattern 密井距五点井网
tightness test 气密试验
tightness 紧
tigrinispora 虎纹孢属
tih 下入井中
tikker =ticker
tiksitheca 提克西螺属
tilaite 透橄岩
tile drainage 瓦管下水道
tile floor 砖地
tile jacket 陶土套管
tile 瓦土管
tiliaceae 椴科
tiliaepollenites 椴粉属
tiliting of bed 地层倒倾
till 抽屉
tiller 舵杆
tilleyite 粒硅钙石
tillite 冰碛岩
tilt amplification factor 倾斜扩大系数
tilt angle calibration 倾角校准
tilt angle 倾角
tilt block 抬升断块
tilt minimum 倾斜最小
tilt response 倾斜响应
tilt rig 斜钻机
tilt sensitivity 倾斜灵敏度
tilt 倾斜
tilt-angle method 倾角法
tilt-block basin 抬升断块盆地
tilt-table calibration 倾斜台刻度
tiltable derrick 可倾斜井架
tiltable 可倾斜的
tilted aquifer 倾斜供水区
tilted fault block 倾斜断块
tilted fluid contact 倾斜油水界面
tilted gas-water contact 倾斜气水界面
tilted layer 翻转地层
tilted oil pool 倾斜油藏
tilted oil-water contact 倾斜油水界面
tilted plate separtor 斜板分离器
tilted strata 倾斜地层
tilted terrace 倾斜阶地
tilted up 倒置的
tilted 倾斜的
tiltedinterface 倾斜界面
tilter 倾斜体
tilting bearing 斜垫轴承
tilting mast upright 倾斜式轻便井架
tilting mechanism 摆动机构
tilting moment 倾覆力矩
tilting pad bearing 斜垫轴承;自位衬垫轴承
tilting plate method 倾斜板法
tilting-disc check valve 斜阀瓣止回阀
tiltmeter 测斜仪
tiltpour 斜注
compilation 编辑
compilation time 编译时间
compilation unit 编译单位
compilc 编译
compile 编辑
compile and go 编译及执行
compile phase 编译时间
compile time 编译时间
compile, machine language 机器语言编译
compile-time error 编译时期错误
compiled resource file 编译资源文件
compilei 编译器
compiler 编译器
compiler defect report 编译器缺失报告
compiler diagnostcs 编译程序侦断
compiler directive 编译程序定向
compiler generatoi 编译程序产生器
compiler interface 编译器界面
compiler language 编译器语言
compiler manager 偏译器经理
compiler options 编译器任选
compiler vs. interpreter 编译器对编译器
compiler, cobol cobol编译器
compiler-complier 编译程序的编译程序
compilers 编译器
compiling duration 编译期间
compiling routine 编译例程
compiling time 编译时间
complement base 互补基点
complement instruction 补码指令
complement on n n补码
complement on n-1 n-1补码
complement, diminished 减少补码
complement, nines 九补码
complement, noughts 0补码
complement, ones 1补码
complement, tens 10补码
complement, two 2补码
complementary 补色
complementary bipolar ic 互补双极集成电路
complementary metal oxide semiconductor (cmos) 互补式金氧半导体
complementary mos(cmos) 互补金属氧化半导体
complementary operation 互补运算
complementary operations 互补运算
complementary operator 互补运算子
complementary scr(cscr) 互补硅控整流器
complementei 补码器
complementing 互补
complete carry 完全进位
complete object 终衍物件
complete operation 完全作业
complete routine 完全例程
completeness 完整性
completeness check 完整检查
completeness errors (remote computing sy) 完成误差
completion code 整体码
complex bipolai 复合双极
complex constant 复合常数
complex data 复合贫籵
complex decision-making simulation 复合决策模拟
complex instruction set computer (cisc) 复杂指令集计算机
complex instruction set computing (cisc) 复杂指令运算
complex number 复数
complex relocatable expression 复数可重置表示法
complex script 复杂脚本
complex-bound 复杂系结
compliant 相容
compliant naming 适用的名称
compnter, first generation 第一代计算器
component 组件
component address 组件地址
component code generator 组件程序代码产生器
component density 组件密度
component derating 分件降低定额
component erroi 组件误差
component fail impact analysis, cfia 组件失误撞击分析
component gallery 组件展示廊
component load balancing 组件负载平衡
component name 组件名称
component object 组件对象
component object model 组件对象模型 (com)
component object model (com) 组件对象模型
component project 组件项目
component registrar 组件登录器
component selector 组件选取器
component services explorer 组件服务总管
component site 组件站台
component software 组件软件
component stress 组件应力
component tray 组件匣
component video 成分视讯
component wizard 组件精灵
component, solide-state 固态组件
component-based development 组件式软件开发技术
compose 撰写
compose buffer 撰写缓冲区
composite 合成
composite black 合成黑色
composite cable 复成电境
composite conductoi 复合导体
composite console 复合控制台
composite control 复合控件
composite data servicevendoi 复合数据服务贩责者
composite display 合成屏幕
composite filter 复合滤波器
composite module data set 复合模块数据集
composite module library 复合模块数据馆
composite modules 复合模块
composite moniker 复合型
composite operator 复合运算子
composite video 复合视讯
composite video input 复合视讯输入
composited circuit 复成电路
compositing 复合
composition error 组合误差
composition file 复合档
composition video signal 复合视频信号
compound condition 复合条件
compound document 复合文件
compound document files 复合文件档案
compound file 复合档案
compound logical element 多逻辑组件
compound-assignment operator 复合设定运算子
compoundstatement 复合叙述
compress 压缩
compressed files 压缩档
compressed serial link internet protocol, compressed slip 压缩式串连链接因特网协议
compressed video vs. facsimile 压缩视频对传真
compression 压缩方式
compression algorithm 压缩算法
compression format 压缩格式
compression scheme 压缩方法
compression, data 数据压缩
compression, zero 零压缩
compression/decompression (codec) 编码/译码
compressor 压缩器
compromise net 协调网络
computation, address 地址计算
computation, implicit 隐含计算
computational stability 计算稳定度
computcr-aided dispatch(cad) 计算器辅助发送
compute 运算
compute limited 计算限制
compute mode 计算型
computer 计算机;计算器
computer & communications research labs (itri) 工研院计算机与通讯工业研究所
computer administrative records 计算器管理记录
computer aided logistic support (cals) 计算机辅助后勤支持系统
computer aided software engineering (case) 计算机辅助软件工程
computer animation 计算器电影制作
computer application 电 脑 应 用 系 统
computer architecture 电 脑 体 系 结 构
computer bureau 电 脑 服 务 中 心
computer capacity 计算器容量
computer cartography 计算器制图法
computer center 电 脑 中 心
computer center manager 计算器中心管理人
computer circuits 计算器电路
computer communications 计算机通信
computer communications system 计算器通信系统
computer conferencing 电子计算器会议
computer configuration 计算器组态
computer configuration 计算器组态
computer console 计算器控制台
computer control 计算器控制
computer duplex 计算器双工
computer emergency response team 电 脑 紧 急 应 变 小 组
computer equation 计算器方程式
computer equipment operation 电 脑 设 备 操 作
computer game 计算机游戏
computer generated image (imagery, cgi) 计算机产生的影像
computer graphics (cg) 计算机图形;计算器制图法
computer graphics (cg) 计算器制图法
computer graphics interface (cgi) 计算机图形接口
computer graphics technology 计算器制图法技术
computer image processing 计算器影像处理
computer installation (service) 安装计算机 [ 服 务 ]
computer instruction 计算器指令
computer instruction code 计算器指令码
computer instruction code 计算器指令码
computer instruction set 计算器指令集
computer integrated manufacturing (cim) 计算机整合制造
computer interface types 计算器分界面类型
computer interface unit (ciu) 计算器界面单位
computer language 计算器语言
computer language symbols 计算器语言符号
computer learning 计算器学习
computer letter 计算器信件
computer logic 计算器逻辑
computer memory 计算机内存
computer micrographics 计算器微图形
computer name 计算机名称
computer network 电 脑 网 络
computer network components 计算器网络组件
computer numerical control 计算器数值控制
computer operating procedures manual 电 脑 操 作 程 序 手 册
computer operation 计算器运算
computer operator 电 脑 操 作 员
computer output microfilm (com) 计算器输出微胶片
computer output microfiche 电 脑 输 出 缩 微 胶 片
computer output microfilm 电 脑 输 出 缩 微 胶 卷
computer output microfilmer (com) 计算器输出微影机
computer output microform 电 脑 输 出 缩 微 方 式
computer peripherals 计算器外围设备
computer power center (cpc) 计算机动力中心
computer program 电 脑 程 式
computer program origin 计算器程序原始
computer programming language 计算器程序语言
computer project 电 脑 计 划
computer readable medium 电 脑 可 读 媒 体
computer scicnccs (cs) 计算器科学
computer service level requirement 电 脑 服 务 水平要 求
computer service orsanization 计算器服务组织
computer simulatoi 计算器仿真器
computer site preparation 电 脑 场 地 准 备 工 作
computer storage 计算器储存器
computer stores 计算器商店
computer system 电 脑 系 统
computer system audit 计算器系统审计
computer telephony integration (cti) 计算机语音整合
computer terminal 电 脑 终 端 机
computer time 计算器时间
computer utility 计算器公用
computer virus 电 脑 病 毒
computer vision 计算机视觉
computer word 计算器字
computer-aided design & drafting (cadd) 计算机辅助设计与绘图
computer-aided design (cad) 计算机辅助设计
computer-aided education (cae) 电 脑 辅 助 教 育
computer-aided engineering (cae) 计算机辅助工程
computer-aided experiment (cae) 计算机辅助实验
computer-aided instruction (cai) 计算机辅助教学
computer-aided manufacturing (cam) 计算机辅助制造
computer-aided publishing 电 脑 辅 助 出 版
computer-aided test (cat) 计算机辅助测试
computer-assisted learning (cal)计算机辅助学习
computer-assisted management 计算器辅助管理
computer-assisted publishing 电 脑 辅 助 出 版
computer-assisted software engineering tool 计算机辅助软件工程工具
computer-assisted typesetting 电 脑 辅 助 排 字
computer-based automation (cba) 计算器基准自动化
computer-based training (cbt) 计算机辅助训练
computer-controlled pattern generator 计算器控制型样产生器
computer-generated (cg) 计算机合成的
computer-generated map 计算器产生地图
computer-independent language 计算器通用语言
computer-integrated manufacturing (cim) 计算机整合制造
computer-mediated communication (cmc) 计算机媒介沟通;计算机中介传播(沟通)
computer-operated memory test system 计算器运算记忆测试系统
computer-oriented language 机向语言
computerarchitecture 计算机结构
computerese 计算机文
computerization 电 脑 化
computerization requirement 电 脑 化 需 求
computerization strategy 电 脑 化 策 略
computerized foreman 计算机化领班
computerized hyphenation 计算机化忠诚
computerized numerical control (cnc) 计算机化数字控制
computerized patient record (cpr) 电子病历
computerized tomography 计算机化断层摄影术
computer、communication、consumer electronics (3c) 3c多元化技术整合
computex computex
computing 计算
computing amplifier 计算放大器
computing element 计算组件
computing machinery 计算器械
computing power 计算能力
computing, multiaccess 多重接达计算
computor, sensor-based 传感器为基础的系统
comsat 通信卫星
con 主控台
concatenate 序连
concatenate data set 序连资料集
concatenated key 串连索引键
concatenation 序连
concatenation character 序连字符
concatenation operator 串连运算子
concentrated messages 集中信息
concentration 集中
concentration, data 资料集中
concentrator terminal buffer(ctb) 集讯器终端机缓冲器
concept coordination 概念协调
conceptual data model 概 念 数 据 模 型
conceptual infrastructure 概 念 基 本 建 设
conceptual level 概 念 级
conceptual modei 概念模式
conceptual model 概 念 模 型
conceptual modeling 概念模拟
conceptual schema 概 念 模 式
conceptual system design 概 念 系 统 设 计
concert 音乐会
concordance 索引
concordance program 索引程序
concordant 调和排列
concrete 具象的
concrete syntax 具体语法
concrete syntax of sgml sgml的具体语法
concrete syntax parameter 具体语法参数
concurrcnt 同作
concurrency 并 行 性
concurrency mode 同作模态
concurrency, executive-system 执行系统同作
concurrency, operations(real-time) 实时同作操作
concurrency, real-time 实时同作
concurrent connections 同时联机
concurrent i/o 同作输出入
concurrent operating control 同作作业控制
concurrent operation 同作运算
concurrent processing 同作处理
concurrent real-time processing 同作实时处理
concurrent/concurrency 并行
coal ball stove 煤球炉
coal ball 煤球
coal barge 煤驳
coal basket 煤筐
coal bin 煤箱
coal box 煤炭箱
coal breaker 碎煤机
coal briquetting machine 制煤球机
coal cake 煤饼
coal car 煤车
coal charging car 装煤车
coal charging machine 装煤机
coal chute crane 斜槽煤吊
coal combine 联合采煤机
coal conveyer 运煤机
coal cracker 碎煤机
coal crusher 碎煤机
coal crushing machine 轧煤机
coal cutter 采煤机
coal cutter-loader 联合截煤机
coal cutting machine 截煤机
coal cutting pick 挖煤镐
coal drier 煤干燥器
coal drilling rod 钻煤杆
coal drop 溜煤槽
coal dust ball stove 煤球炉
coal dust 煤粉
coal feeder 给煤机
coal furnace 燃煤炉
coal gas 煤气
coal grinding machine 磨煤机
coal grinding mill 磨煤机
coal hammer 敲煤锤
coal hopper 煤炭漏斗
coal in lump 块煤
coal loader 装煤机
coal meter 煤量计
coal mill 磨煤机
coal mine gallery excavator 煤矿坑道掘进机
coal mine safety monitoring system 煤矿安全监控系统
coal mining machine 采煤机
coal naphtha 煤石脑油
coal picker 选煤机
coal pitch enamel 煤焦油沥青漆
coal planer 刨煤机
coal pulverizer 碎煤机
coal screen 煤筛
coal scuttle 烟炭桶
coal ship 运煤船
coal shiploader 煤炭装船机
coal shovel 煤铲
coal smoke meter 煤烟浓度计
coal stove 煤炉
coal tar colour 煤焦油颜料
coal tar determination apparatus 煤焦油测定器
coal tar dye 煤焦油染料
coal tar electrode pitch 煤焦油电极沥青
coal tar epoxide paint 环氧煤焦油漆
coal tar epoxy build paint 厚浆型环氧沥青漆
coal tar epoxy resin 煤焦油环氧树脂
coal tar oil 煤焦油
coal tar pitch 煤焦油沥青
coal tar soap 炭油皂
coal tar 煤焦油
coal tar-heater 煤焦油加热炉
coal thrower 抛煤机
coal tongs 火钳
coal transporter 输煤机
coal truck 煤车
coal unloader 卸煤机
coal wagon 煤车
coal washer 洗煤机
coal water pump 煤水泵
coal 煤炭
coal-consumption gauge 煤耗计量表
coal-distributing machine 撒煤机
coal-fired boiler 烧煤锅炉
coal-gas producer 煤气发生炉
coal-powder boiler 煤粉炉
coal-tar asphalt 煤焦油沥青
coal-tar hydrocarbon 煤焦油烃
coal-tar products 煤焦油产品
coal-tar resin 煤焦油树脂
coal-unloading machine 卸煤机
coal-whipper 卸煤机
coal-winning machine 采煤机
coalescer 聚结剂
coalfish oil 鳕肝油
coaling crane 装煤起重机
coarse air filter 空气粗滤器
coarse and fine shearing and punching machine 粗精剪冲机
coarse bobs 粗棉线大网眼窗纱
coarse breaker 粗碎机
coarse calico 粗平布
coarse carpenter file 粗木工锉
coarse classifier 粗选机
coarse cloth 粗织物
coarse coir fibre 粗椰壳纤维
coarse crusher 粗碎机
coarse cut file 粗纹锉
coarse drill 粗斜纹
coarse earthenware 粗陶器
coarse fibre 粗纤维
coarse filament 粗丝
coarse file 粗锉
coarse flat file 粗扁锉
coarse grass cloth 粗夏布
coarse grit scythe 粗硬大镰刀
coarse hair sheep skin plate 粗毛绵羊皮褥子
coarse half round file 粗半圆锉
coarse jig 粗粒跳汰机
coarse knife file 粗刀锉
coarse mesh filter 粗网过滤器
coarse paper 草纸
coarse plate 厚钢板
coarse porcelain 粗瓷
coarse pulp felt 抄浆毛毯
coarse rice powder 糙米粉
coarse rope 粗绳
coarse round file 粗圆锉
coarse salt 粗盐
coarse sand 粗沙
coarse screen 粗筛
coarse selsyn 粗示自动同步机
coarse sheepwool 粗绵羊毛
coarse sheeting 粗平布
coarse silk 粗罗
coarse spinner 粗纱机
coarse spring lamb wool 粗春羔毛
coarse square file 粗方锉
coarse staple fibre 粗短纤维
coarse stoneware 粗炻器
coarse thread screw 粗螺纹螺钉
coarse thread tap 粗螺纹丝锥
coarse tow 短亚麻纤维
coarse triangular file 粗三角锉
coarse wheel 粗砂轮
coarse wool carpet 粗毛地毯
coarse yarn fabric 粗支纱织物
coarse yarn 粗支纱
coarse-crush machine 粗碎机
coarse-grained granite 粗粒花岗岩
coarse-grained steel 粗晶粒钢
coarse-range scope 距离粗测器
coarse-scale modulator 粗刻度调制器
coarse-tooth milling cutter 粗齿铣刀
coarsely ground foundry sand 红砂粉
coarser knit 粗针距针织物
coast defence radar 海防雷达
coastal defense missile 海岸防卫导弹
coastal passenger-cargo ship 沿海客-货轮
coastal surveying ship 沿海测量船
coastal tug boat 沿海拖船
coastal-gunfire-control radar 海岸炮火控制雷达
coaster brake 脚闸
coaster 杯垫
coaster 考斯特牌汽车
coat and hat hook 衣帽钩
coat and hat rack 衣帽架
coat and hat stand 衣帽架
coat button 衫钮
coat collar 大衣领
coat dress 开襟明钮女式长服
coat for men 男上衣
coat for women 女上衣
coat front padding 上衣前身垫衬
coat furred with mouton on collar and at cuffs 皮领皮袖口大衣
coat hanger 衣架
coat hook 衣钩
coat nail 挂衣钉
coat of corduroy fabric for women 灯芯绒女式上衣
coat of hyacinth bean 扁豆衣
coat style pajamas 大衣式睡衣裤
coat style sweater 外衣式毛线衫
coat style uniform with shank button to hem 大衣式前身由上至下钉钮的制服
coat suit 外套套装
coat 男式上衣
coat-core fibre 皮芯纤维
coated abrasive grinder 砂带磨床
coated abrasive 矿纸
coated art paper 涂布美术纸
coated bond paper 涂布证券纸
coated duplex board with grey back 灰底白板纸
coated duplex board with white back 白底白板纸
coated electrode 涂剂焊条
coated fiber sensor 涂覆光纤传感器
coated fiber 涂层纤维
coated filament 涂层长丝
coated filter 镀膜滤色镜
coated glass 镀膜玻璃
coated intaglio printing paper 涂布凹版印刷纸
coated lens 镀膜透镜
coated lithograph paper 石版印刷涂布纸
coated magazine paper 涂布杂志纸
coated offset paper 涂布胶版纸
coated offset printing paper 涂布胶版印刷纸
coated paper 铜版纸
coated postcard stock 涂布明信片纸
coated printing paper 涂布印刷纸
coated rod 涂药焊条
coated rubber emulsion ae 涂层乳液胶ae
coated tape 涂粉磁带
coated tool 涂覆工具
coatee 紧身短上衣
coater 涂料器
coating adhesive 涂层胶
coating alpaca 羊驼毛上衣料
coating base paper 涂布原纸
coating binder 涂布胶粘剂
coating brush 漆刷
coating cloth 外套衣料
coating for internal surface of can 罐内面涂料
coating for plastic television shell 电视机塑料机壳用涂料
coating glasses 镀膜眼镜
coating lubricant 涂料润滑剂
coating machine 涂层机
coating material 涂料
coating oil 涂覆油
coating paper 涂布纸
coating resin 涂料用树脂
coating technology of new type reflective and ornamental surface 新型反光装饰镀膜技术
coating thickness gauge 涂层厚度测量仪
coating velvet 上衣丝绒
coating yellow 涂料黄
coating 涂料
coatstand 衣架
coaxial antenna 同轴天线
coaxial attenuator 同轴衰减器
coaxial beam spectrometer 共轴光束光谱仪
coaxial cable amplifier 同轴电缆放大器
coaxial cable plug 同轴电缆插头
coaxial cable pulse echo tester 同轴电缆脉冲回波测试仪
coaxial cable superconducting wire 股绞电缆超导线
coaxial cable 同轴电缆
coaxial cavity frequency meter 同轴空腔频率计
coaxial cavity resonator 同轴空腔谐振器
coaxial change-over switch 同轴转换开关
coaxial connector 同轴连接器
coaxial cylinder viscometer 同轴圆筒式粘度计
coaxial fiber-optic connector 同轴光纤连接器
coaxial filament 同轴丝
coaxial filter 同轴滤波器
coaxial fixed attenuator 同轴式固定衰减器
coaxial flexible cable 软同轴电缆
coaxial frequency meter 同轴式频率计
coaxial glass tube 同轴玻璃管
coaxial horn 同轴喇叭
coaxial hybrid 同轴混合器
coaxial isolator 同轴隔离器
coaxial line oscillator tube 同轴线振荡管
coaxial line tube 同轴线式电子管
coaxial line tuner 同轴线调谐器
coaxial line 同轴线
coaxial loudspeaker 同轴扬声器
coaxial magnetron 同轴磁控管
coaxial oscillator 同轴振荡器
coaxial p-type high purity germanium detector 同轴p型高纯锗探测器
coaxial pad insert 同轴衰减插头
coaxial probe 同轴探针
coaxial pump laser 同轴抽运激光器
coaxial radio frequency cable 同轴射频电缆
coaxial relay 同轴继电器
coaxial resistive attenuator 同轴式电阻衰减器
coaxial resonator 同轴空腔共振器
coaxial rf cable 同轴射频电缆
coaxial socket 同轴插座
coaxial sweep reflectometer 同轴扫描反射计
coaxial switch 同轴开关
coaxial torus condenser 同轴环形电容器
coaxial transformer 同轴变压器
coaxial transistor 共轴型晶体管
coaxial tv cable 同轴电视电缆
coaxial wavemeter 同轴波长计
coaxial wire armored cable 同轴线铠装电缆
coaxial-line oscillator 同轴线振荡器
coaxial-line switch 同轴线开关
cob mill 粘性料块粉碎机
cobalt acetate 醋酸钴
cobalt aluminate 铝酸钴
cobalt arsenate 砷酸钴
cobalt benzoate 苯甲酸钴
cobalt blue glaze 钴蓝釉
cobalt blue 钴蓝
cobalt bomb 钴治疗机
cobalt bromide 溴化钴
cobalt carbonate 碳酸钴
cobalt chloride 氯化钴
cobalt chromate 铬酸钴
cobalt chromium alloy 钴铬铸造合金
cobalt complex dye 含钴络复合染料
cobalt concentrate 钴精矿
cobalt drier 钴催干剂
cobalt ferrite 钴铁氧体
cobalt glass 钴玻璃
cobalt green 钴绿
cobalt hydroxide 氢氧化钴
cobalt iso-octoate 异辛酸钴
cobalt metasilicate 偏硅酸钴
cobalt molybdate 钼酸钴
cobalt naphthenate 环烷酸钴
cobalt nitrate 硝酸钴
cobalt ore 钴矿砂
cobalt orthosilicate 正硅酸钴
cobalt oxalate 草酸钴
cobalt oxide 氧化钴
cobalt powder 钴粉
cobalt red 钴红
cobalt salt 钴盐
cobalt soap 钴皂
cobalt steel 钴钢
cobalt sulfate 硫酸钴
cobalt violet 钴紫
cobalt 钴
cobalt-57 bleomycin 钴-57博莱霉素
cobalt-57 vitamin b 钴57维生素b
cobalt-58 vitamin b 钴58维生素b
cobalt-60 treatment unit 钴-60治疗装置
cobalt-cemented titanium carbide 钴钛硬质合金
cobalt-cemented tungsten carbide 钴钨硬质合金
cobalt-chromium-tungsten alloy 钴铬钨合金
cobalt-manganese drier 钴锰摧干剂
cobalt-nickel alloy 钴镍合金
cobalt-nickel cast iron 钴镍铸铁
cobalt-nickel 钴镍合金
cobaltic chloride 氯化高钴
cobaltic oxide 氧化高钴
cobaltosic oxide 四氧化三钴
cobaltous acetate 乙酸钴
cobaltous bromide 溴化钴
cobaltous chloride 氯化钴
cobaltous fluoride 氟化钴
cobaltous hydroxide 氢氧化钴
cobaltous nitrate 硝酸钴
cobaltous oxalate 草酸钴
cobaltous oxide 氧化钴
cobamamide 腺苷钴胺
cobanic 可巴尼克钴镍铁合金
cobbler"s twine 制鞋麻线
cobbler"s wax 鞋线蜡
cobblestone 大卵石
cobeko 敌乐胺除草剂
cobenium 科贝纽姆恒弹性合金
cobex 敌乐胺除草剂
cobitalium 科比塔留姆耐热铝合金
cobourg 科伯斜纹呢
cobra venom 眼镜蛇蛇毒
cobra 眼镜蛇
cobweb cotton 蛛网棉
cobweb lawn 薄麻纱
coca leaf 古柯叶
coca-cola 可口可乐
cocaine hydrochloride 盐酸可卡因
cocaine 可卡因
cocainum 可卡因
cocarboxylase 辅羧酶
coccidioidin 球孢菌素
cocculus trilobus 日本木防己
cochial red 胭脂红
cochin yarn 椰壳纤维纱
cochineal carmine 胭脂虫红
cochineal coral handkerchief 红色丝手帕
cochineal red 胭脂虫红
cochran cotton 科克伦棉
cochrome 科克罗姆钴铬系耐热合金
cock feather duster with bamboo handle 竹柄鸡毛帚
cock feather 公鸡毛
cock key 旋塞扳手
cock neck hackle and saddle with bamboo handle 竹柄统背毛帚
cock neck hackle and saddle with rattan handle 藤柄统背毛帚
cock neck hackle duster with bamboo handle 竹柄统项毛鸡毛帚
cock neck hackle duster with rattan handle 藤柄统项毛鸡毛帚
cock neck hackle with bamboo handle 竹柄统项毛帚
cock neck hackle with rattan handle 藤柄统项毛帚
cock neck hackle 公鸡项毛
cock neck skin 公鸡头皮
cock saddle feather duster with bamboo handle 竹柄单长尖鸡毛帚
cock saddle feather duster with plastic coated rattan handle 包塑料藤柄双长尖鸡毛帚
cock saddle with bamboo handle 竹柄统尖毛帚
cock saddle with rattan handle 藤柄统尖毛帚
cock schlappen with bamboo handle 竹柄统泳子毛帚
cock schlappen with rattan handle 藤柄统泳子毛帚
cock schlappen 公鸡泳毛
cock spanner 旋塞扳手
cock wheel 惰轮
cock 龙头
cock-liver agate 鸡肝玛瑙
cocked hat 三角帽
cockle stair 螺旋梯
cockpit panel 座舱仪表盘
cockroach killer 灭蟑螂药
cocktail cabinet 酒柜
cocktail cup 鸡尾酒酒杯
cocktail dress 燕尾服
cocktail feather duster with rattan handle 藤柄尾毛鸡毛帚
cocktail fruit jam 什锦果酱
cocktail glass 鸡尾酒酒杯
cocktail napkin 酒巾
cocktail onion 鸡尾酒酸果
cocktail sausage 小香肠
cocktail saw 鸡尾锯
cocktail set 鸡尾酒具
cocktail shaker 调酒器
cocktail 鸡尾酒
coco plum 椰李
coco 椰子
cocoa bean 可可豆
cocoa beef filling sweet 可可牛肉夹心糖
cocoa butter cookie 可可曲奇饼干
cocoa butter 可可脂
cocoa colour powder 可可色素粉
cocoa cream candy 可可奶油糖
cocoa drink 可可饮料
cocoa ginseng tea 可可人参茶
cocoa jug 可可壶
cocoa knife 可可刀
cocoa mat 椰衣垫
cocoa matting 椰壳纤维席纹布
cocoa peanut sweet 可可花生夹心糖
cocoa powder in bulk 散装可可粉
cocoa powder in packet 盒装可可粉
cocoa powder in tin 听装可可粉
cocoa powder 可可粉
cocoa shell butter 可可豆壳脂
cocoa tobacco flavour 可可烟草香精
cocoa toffee 可可太妃
cocoa wafer 可可威化
cocoa 可可
cocoa-brown cloth 可可褐色布
cocoanut ball 椰子糖
cocoanut broom 椰壳纤维扫帚
cocoanut fatty acid diethanolamide 椰子油脂肪酸二乙醇酰胺
cocoanut fibre brush 椰壳纤维刷
cocoanut fibre door mat 椰壳纤维门垫
cocoanut fibre rope 机制椰壳纤维绳
cocoanut fibre 椰壳纤维
cocoanut ice cream cone 椰子甜筒
cocoanut ice cream 椰子雪糕
cocoanut jam 椰子酱
cocoanut juice 椰子汁
cocoanut leaf rib 椰叶骨
cocoanut milk 椰子奶
cocoanut oil 椰子油
cocoanut shell carving 椰壳雕
cocoavanilla tobacco flavour 可可香草烟香精
coconada cotton 科科拿大棉
coconada rug 科科拿大地毯
coconada stripe 科科拿大条子平纹棉织物
coconut aldehyde 椰子醛
coconut and coffee jelly 椰子咖啡冻
coconut biscuit 椰子饼干
coconut butter cake 椰蓉奶油酥
coconut butter 椰子果酱
coconut cake 椰蓉酥
coconut candy 椰子糖
coconut capacitor 大型真空电容器
coconut carving 椰雕
coconut chocolate 椰子巧克力
coconut crab 椰子蟹
coconut cream biscuit 椰子奶油饼干
coconut cream powder 椰子奶油粉
coconut cream 椰子软糖
coconut fat 椰子脂
coconut fibre brush 椰壳纤维刷
coconut fibre 椰壳纤维
coconut jam 椰子酱
coconut jelly 椰子软糖
coconut leaf rib 椰叶骨
coconut milk plum 椰汁应子
coconut milk powder 椰奶粉
coconut milk 椰奶
coconut nugget 椰子牛轧糖
coconut oil 椰子油
coconut roll 椰子奶糖
coconut shell carving 椰壳雕
coconut soft sweet 椰子软糖
coconut sweet 椰子糖
coconut water 椰子汁
coconut 椰子
cocoon beater 索绪机
cocoon cooking machine 煮茧机
cocoon fiber 蚕丝
cocoon outer floss 茧衣
cocoon screening machine 筛茧机
cocoon silk 茧丝
cocoon sorting machine 选茧机
cocoon stripping spun yarn 茧衣绢丝
cocoon stripping 茧衣
cocoon waste 废茧
cocoon 茧
cocoon-drying machine 蚕茧干燥机
cocoon-fibre quilt 丝棉被
cocoon-peeling machine 剥茧机
cocopan 小型矿车
cocos fibre 椰壳纤维
cocrystallized al-si alloy 共晶铝硅合金
cocuiza fibre 科奎扎纤维
cod fat 鳕脂
cod liver oil capsule 鱼肝油胶囊
cod liver oil with malt extract 麦芽精鱼肝油
cod liver oil 鱼肝油
cod oil 鳕油
cod roe paste 鳕卵酱
cod 鳕鱼
cod-fish oil 鳕鱼油
coddle-free carpet 不需保养的地毯
code call indicator 编码呼叫指示器
code conversion equipment 代码转换设备
code converter 译码器
code discriminator 鉴码器
code error detector 误码检测器
code machine 编码机
code phone 保密电话
code receiver 收报机
code selector 代码选择器
code sender 电码发送器
code translator 译码器
code transmitter 发报机
coded lock 密码锁
coded selector 编码选择开关
codeine 可待因
coder 编码器
coder-decoder 编码解码器
codilla 亚麻下脚纤维
coding amplifier 编码放大器
coding cam 编码凸轮
coding collar 编码环
coding device 编码器
coding machine 编码机
coding mask 编码盘
coding relay 编码继电器
coding tube 编码管
coding wheel 编码轮
codistor 静噪稳压管
codlemone 十二碳二烯醇
codonopsis and lycli tablet 参杞片
codonopsis pilosula nannfeldt c.tangshen oliv 党参
codonopsis pilosula nannfeldt 东北党参
codonopsis pilosula 党参
codoxime 可多克西
coefficient multiplier 系数乘法器
coenzyme a 辅酶a
coenzyme 辅酶
coenzymometer 辅酶测定器
coercimeter 矫顽磁力计
coercive force meter 矫顽磁力计
coercivemeter 矫顽磁性测量仪
coeur fleuri 漂白小几何花纹被褥麻布
coffee bean skin separator 咖啡鲜果剥皮机
coffee bean 咖啡豆
coffee can 咖啡罐
coffee chocolate 咖啡巧克力
coffee cup 咖啡杯
coffee essence 咖啡精
coffee filtering paper 咖啡过滤纸
coffee glutinous rice wine 咖啡糯米酒
coffee grinder 磨咖啡器
coffee grinding machine 咖啡磨碎机
coffee grounds 咖啡渣
coffee ice cream cone 咖啡甜筒
coffee ice cream 咖啡雪糕
coffee machine 咖啡机
coffee maker 咖啡壶
coffee making machine 煮咖啡机
coffee mill 咖啡磨
coffee peeling mill 咖啡去壳器
coffee percolator 煮咖啡壶
coffee pot 咖啡壶
coffee roaster 咖啡焙烘器
coffee roasting apparatus 烘咖啡器
coffee saucer 咖啡碟
coffee set 咖啡具
coffee spoon 咖啡匙
coffee stick 咖啡棒
coffee stirrer 咖啡搅拌器
coffee table 咖啡桌
coffee toffee 咖啡太妃
coffee washer 咖啡洗涤器
coffee wine 咖啡酒
coffee 啡咖
coffee-based beverage 咖啡饮料
coffee-mate 咖啡伴侣
coffin cloth 寿衣呢
coffin plank 棺材板
cofrel tablet 咳快好片
cofrel 咳福乐
cogged ingot 初轧钢锭
cogging mill 初轧机
cogging roll 粗轧辊
cogging shears 初轧坯剪切机
cogging-down roll 开坯机轧辊
cognac 科涅克白兰地
cogongrass rhizome 白茅根
cogwheel pump 嵌齿轮泵
cogwheel 嵌齿轮
coherent beam amplifier 相干光束放大器
coherent detector 相干检波器
coherent optical computer 相干光计算机
coherent optical detector 相干光探测器
coherent optical receiver 相干光接收机
coherent oscillator 相干振荡器
coherent signal processor 相干信号处理机
coherent-light-valve signal analyzer 相干光阀信号分析仪
coherer detector 粉末检波器
coherer 金属屑检波器
cohesional field analysis tester 内聚力场分析试验机
coho 相干振荡器
coho 银大麻哈鱼
cohras prints 科勒斯蜡防印花布
coicis semen with husk 壳苡米
coiffure 花边头饰
coil and gravity starter 电流线圈重力式起动机
coil antenna 环形天线
coil banding machine 带卷捆轧机
coil boiler 盘管锅炉
coil box 线圈盒
coil brake 盘簧闸
coil buggy 带卷自动装卸车
coil bumper 带卷防撞器
coil case 线圈盒
coil checker 线圈检验器
coil comparator 线圈比较器
coil condenser 盘管式冷凝器
coil conveyer 带卷运输机
coil diameter detector 带卷直径检测器
coil downending machine 翻卷机
coil ejector 钢皮卷推出器
coil evaporator 盘管蒸发器
coil form 线圈管
coil holder 带线圈支持器
coil insulating paper 线圈绝缘纸
coil insulator tester 线圈绝缘测试器
coil kit 线圈组件
coil magnetometer 感应式磁强计
coil neutralized amplifier 线圈中和放大器
coil opener 直头机
coil opening machine 松卷机
coil pipe condenser 盘管冷凝器
coil pipe cooler 盘管冷却器
coil pipe 盘绕管
coil pulser 线圈脉冲发生器
coil rack 线圈架
coil resistance 线圈电阻器
coil rod 盘条
coil shield 线圈罩
coil spring clutch 盘簧式离合器
coil spring mattress 盘簧垫
coil spring 盘簧
coil straightener 卷材矫直机
coil straightening machine 开卷校平机
coil strapping machine 捆卷机
coil tap 线圈抽头
coil tester 线圈测试器
coil thread rolling machine 搓丝机
coil tilter 翻卷机
coil transfer buggy 带卷运送装卸车
coil transfer car 带卷移送车
coil transfer lifter 带卷移送升降机
coil turner 翻卷机
coil type ammeter 线圈式安培计
coil unloader 卸卷机
coil upender 翻卷机
coil weighing machine 带卷秤
coil winder 绕线圈器
coil winding machine 绕线机
coil winding 线圈绕组
coil wound rotor 绕线转子
coil wrapping machine 线捆包装机
coil zipper 环扣拉链
coil-bound adhesive-free photo album 穿簧式免贴像册
coil-bound fold-type insertion photo album 穿簧折叠式插袋像册
coil-moving speaker 动圈式扬声器
coil-skin pass mill 卷材平整机
coil-temper mill 卷材平整机
coiled aluminium alloy sheet 铝合金卷片
coiled bar 成盘条钢
coiled electrode 盘绕电焊条
coiled filament lamp bulb 卷丝灯泡
coiled filament 螺旋灯丝
coiled inner tube 蛇形内管
coiled material 卷材
coiled pipe cooler 盘管式冷却器
coiled pure aluminium sheet 纯铝卷片
coiled radiator 盘管散热器
coiled silicon steel sheet 矽钢片
coiled spring 盘簧
coiled steel 成卷带钢
coiled tube 盘管
coiled waveguide 卷绕式波导管
coiler for trimmings 废边卷取机
coiler gear 辊式卷取机
coiler kickoff 拔卷机
coiler 蛇形管
coiling machine 卷取机
coiling pipe bender 盘管机
coiling reel 带材卷取机
coilless oscillator 无线圈振荡器
coimbatore cotton 萨勒姆棉
coin operated billiard table 投币启动式台球桌
coin operated washing machine 投币启动式洗衣机
coin silver 货币银
coin 硬币
coin-box telephone 投币式电话机
coin-feed televisor 投币电视机
coin-in-the-slot machine 自动收币机
coinage alloy 货币合金
coinage bronze 货币青铜
coinage gold 货币金
coinage nickel 硬币镍
coincidence adder 符合加法器
coincidence amplifier 重合放大器
coincidence analyser 重合分析仪
coincidence and anti-coincidence analyzer 符合及反符合分析器
coincidence counter 符合计数器
coincidence sensor 符合传感器
coincidence tube 符合管
coincidence-blocking oscillator 重合间歇振荡器
coining machine 压币机
coining mill 压花机
coining press 精压机
coir broom 椰子皮扫帚
coir brush 棕刷
coir fibre mattress 椰壳纤维垫
coir fibre rope 椰壳纤维绳
coir fibre 椰壳纤维
coir hand brush 椰子皮手刷
coir mat 棕席
coir mattress 棕垫
coir rain cape 蓑衣
coir rope 棕绳
coir yarn 椰壳纤维纱
coir 椰壳纤维
coke booster 撒焦器
coke burner 炼焦炉
coke car 熄焦车
coke cutter 碎焦器
coke drum 焦炭鼓
coke dust 焦炭粉
coke erasing knife 清焦刀
coke fines 焦炭粉
coke fuel brass melting furnace 焦油熔铜炉
coke furnace 炼焦炉
coke knocker 除焦机
coke moisture meter for blast furnace 高炉焦炭水分计
coke moisture meter 焦炭水分计
coke oven gas burner 焦炉煤气燃烧器
coke preheater 焦炭预热器
coke pusher 推焦机
coke quenching machine 熄焦机
coke refining oven 炼焦炉
coke screen 焦炭筛
coke scrubber 洗焦器
coke still 焦化釜
coke stove 焦炭炉
coke tar 焦油
coke tower 焦化塔
coke 焦炭
coke-drawing machine 耙焦机
coker 柯克棉
coking coal 炼焦煤
coking tester 积炭测试仪
coking unit 焦化装置
cola beverage 可乐型饮料
cola cao highly nutritious cocoa food drink 高乐高牌高营养可可饮用食品
cola co 可乐口饮料
cola essence 可乐香精
cola nut 可乐果
colander 滤锅
colbac 科尔巴克
colbertan 方形网地花边
colcesa 科尔采扎纺前染色有光粘胶长丝
colchiceinamide 秋裂胺
colchicine tablet 秋水仙素片
colchicine 秋水仙碱
colclad 科尔克拉德耐蚀包层钢材
colcord 科尔科特高强力粘胶轮胎帘线
cold absorber 吸冷器
cold accumulator 积冷器
cold aggregate elevator 冷集料升降机
cold air blower 冷风机
cold air machine 空气制冷机
cold and hot aluminium-plate rolling mill 铝板冷热轧机
cold and hot water mixing valve 冷热水混合阀
cold and warm air heating radiator 冷暖风机
cold bed 冷床
cold beef 冻牛肉
cold blast pig 冷铸铁
cold body reference noise generator 冷基准噪声发生器
cold boiler 冷却沸腾器
cold calender 冷轧机
cold calorimeter 冷量热计
cold cathode diode 冷阴极二极管
cold cathode fluorescence lamp 冷阴极荧光灯
cold cathode fluorescent lamp 冷阴极荧光灯
cold cathode gas discharge tube 冷阴极充气放电管
cold cathode lamp 冷阴极电子管
cold cathode oscillograph 冷阴极示波仪
cold cathode rectifier 冷阴极式整流器
cold cathode triode 冷阴极三极管
cold chamber die-casting machine 冷室压铸机
cold chamber machine 冷室压铸机
cold chamber 冷室
cold chisel 冷凿
cold circular saw 冷圆锯
cold coiling spring 冷卷弹簧
cold cream perfume 冷霜香精
cold cream 冷霜
cold crucible induction furnace 冷坩埚感应炉
cold crucible 冷坩埚
cold drawing steel tube 冷拔钢管
cold drawn copper 冷拉铜
cold drawn seamless steel tube 冷拔无缝钢管
cold drawn steel wire 冷拉钢丝
cold drawn steel 冷拔钢
cold drink equipment 冷饮设备
cold extrusion mould 冷挤模
cold extrusion press 冷挤压力机
cold feed rubber machine 冷喂料橡胶挤出机
cold feeder 冷供料器
cold finished steel bar 冷轧条钢
cold finished steel 冷精轧钢
cold forging press 冷锻压机
cold forming press 冷成形压机
cold gum 低温橡胶
cold header 冷镦机
cold heading machine 冷镦机
cold intake manifold 冷式进气歧管
cold isostatic press 冷等静压机
cold light halogen lamps 卤钨冷光灯
cold light mirror 冷光镜
cold light operating lamp 冷光手术灯
cold magnetron 冷阴极磁控管
cold meat fork 冻肉叉
cold meat 冻肉
cold metal detector 冷金属检测器
cold metal saw 冷金属锯
cold mill 冷轧机
cold molding mica plate 冷模制云母板
cold oil pump 冷油泵
cold oil 冷却油
cold pig iron 冷生铁
cold pilger mill 冷轧管机
cold pilger 冷轧管机
cold plate 冷凝板
cold plug 冷式火花塞
cold pork 冻猪肉
cold press welder 冷压焊机
cold press 冷压机
cold pressed shoes 冷压鞋
cold pressed wax 冷榨蜡
cold pressing die cadcam system 冷冲模cadcam系统
cold pressing steel 冷压钢
cold pressure die-casting machine 冷压式压铸机
cold prevention toothpaste 防感冒牙膏
cold priming oil 冷底子油
cold probe 低温探针
cold pump 低温泵
cold reactor 冷反应器
cold reflective mirror 冷反光镜
cold roll 冷轧辊
cold roughing mill 冷粗轧轧机
cold rubber 低温聚合橡胶
cold saw-cutting-off machine 冷锯切割机
cold sawing machine 冷锯床
cold sharping machine 冷磨锯齿机
cold shears 冷剪机
cold sheet mill 薄板冷轧机
cold sheet rolling mill 薄板冷轧机
cold short iron 冷脆钢
cold shut repair link 活口式替代链圈
cold sink 冷却散热器
cold slitting machine 冷式纵切剪机
cold starter 冷起动器
cold stone carving 冻石刻
cold storage boat 冷藏船
cold storage house 冷藏库
cold strip mill 带钢冷轧机
cold strip reel 冷轧带钢卷取机
cold tandem mill 连续式冷轧机
cold thread rolling machine 螺纹冷滚轧机
cold turkey 冷火鸡
cold vapour refrigerator 低温蒸气式冷冻机
cold water high-low-pressure washer 高低压冷水清洗机
cold water pump 冷水泵
cold water soap 低温洗涤剂
cold wave curler set 冷烫发器
cold wave lotion 冷烫精
cold weather permeable cap 冷天透气帽
cold-cathode gauge 冷阴极真空计
cold-cathode gun 冷阴极电子枪
cold-cathode ionization gauge 冷阴极电离计
cold-cathode tube 冷阴极管
cold-fever-treating infusion 感冒退热冲剂
cold-mix plant 冷拌混合料生产设备
cold-press die 冷压模
cold-punched die 冷冲模
cold-punching mould 冷冲模
cold-reducing mill 冷缩口机
cold-resistant rubber sheet 耐寒平胶板
cold-roll-forming machine 辊式冷弯机
cold-rolled carbon constructional steel strip 冷轧碳素结构钢带
cold-rolled drawing quality sheet 冲压用优质冷轧薄板
cold-rolled hoop steel 冷轧箍钢
cold-rolled non-oriented silicon steel 冷轧无取向硅钢板
cold-rolled sheet 冷轧薄板
cold-rolled steel sheet 冷轧薄钢板
cold-rolled steel strip 冷轧带钢
cold-rolled steel 冷轧钢
cold-rolled strip 冷轧带钢
cold-rolled tin plate 冷轧镀锡板
cold-rolling mill 冷轧机
cold-rolling sheet 冷轧钢板
cold-rolling strip steel 冷轧带钢
cold-shaping steel 冷成形钢
cold-short steel 冷脆钢
cold-strip steel rolling mill 带钢冷轧机
cold-strip steel 冷轧带钢
cole-seed oil 菜油
colecalciferol 维生素d^3
colep 硝甲磷杀虫剂
coleraines 优质半漂白亚麻布
colestipol 考来替泼
colestyramine 考来烯胺
colgor 克尔茄牌手表
colimycin instant syrup 可利迈仙干糖浆
colin 可灵牌手表
colistin sulphomethate sodium 可利菌素甲磺酸钠
colistin 多粘菌素e
colistin-m vial 注射用可立斯丁-m
colla asini 阿胶
collagen fibre 骨胶纤维
collapsible antenna 折叠天线
collapsible boat 折叠船
collapsible canoe 折叠式划艇
collapsible chair 折叠椅
collapsible door 铁格伸缩拉门
collapsible drum coiler 涨缩卷筒式卷取机
collapsible grated door 可折叠栅栏门
collapsible hand-held antenna 手持折叠天线
collapsible ladder 折叠式梯
collapsible life boat 折叠式救生艇
collapsible mast 伸缩套管式天线杆
collapsible metal gate 可折叠金属栅栏门
collapsible steering column 折叠式转向柱
collapsible stripping spider 伸缩式线盘卸料器
collapsible tap 伸缩螺丝攻
collapsible tension reel 涨缩式张力卷取机
collapsible tower crane 折叠式塔吊
collar attached shirt 装领衬衫
collar bearing 环形轴承
collar bolt 环螺栓
collar bush 轴环衬套
collar lining 领衬
collar point-ironing machine 烫领尖机
collar point-turning machine 翻领尖器
collar protector 围巾
collar screw 有环螺丝
collar stud 领扣
collar style knit shirt 圆领式针织衬衫
collar support 衣领托
collar thrust bearing 环形止推轴承
collar twine 低级粗绳线
collar velvet 衣领绒
collar 套圈
collared loungers 鞋口镶领便鞋
collarette 女式围巾
collaring machine 曲边机
collarless high button style pajamas 无领高襟式睡衣裤
collarless jacket 无领外套
collating machine 配页机
collator 校对机
collecting bow 弓形集电器
collecting lens 聚光透镜
collecting pump 收集泵
collective fruit 聚花果
collective-electric telephone 共电式电话机
collector brush 集电刷
collector capacitor 集电极电容器
collector controlled oscillator 集电极控制的振荡器
collector film 集电极膜
collector grid 集电栅
collector lens 聚光透镜
collector plate 集电板
collector ring 集流环
collector shoe 集流靴
collector tuning oscillator 集电极调谐振荡器
collector-base diode 集电极-基极二极管
collector-modulation tube 集电极调制管
collector-to-emiter feedback oscillator 集电极-发射极反馈振荡器
collet assembly 夹簧组件
collet chuck 弹簧夹头
collet holder 套爪夹
collet 套爪
collette 本色帆布
collier 运煤船
colliery wire rope 煤矿用钢丝绳
collimater 平行光管
collimating lens 准直透镜
collision avoidance radar trainer 防撞雷达训练器
collision ball apparatus 碰击仪
collision mat 堵漏网垫
collision warning equipment 碰撞警告器
collision warning indicator 碰撞警告指示器
collision-proof radar 防撞雷达
collodion cotton 胶棉
collodion filter 火棉胶滤器
collodion paper 火棉纸
collodion silk 硝酸纤维素丝
collodion 火棉胶
collodium 火棉胶剂
colloid grinder 胶体磨
colloid mill 胶体磨
colloid rectifier 胶质整流器
colloid silica 胶质硅石
colloid storage battery 胶体蓄电池
colloidal battery additive 胶体蓄电池添加剂
colloidal battery 胶体蓄电池
colloidal calcium with vitamind 维生素d胶性钙
colloidal dye 胶态染料
colloidal fuel 胶体燃料
colloidal graphite for aluminum alloy mould 铝合金脱模石墨乳
colloidal graphite for cathode tube external coating with liquid carrier 电子束管水溶性外导电石墨乳
colloidal graphite for cathode tube external coating with organic solvent 电子束管油溶性外导电石墨乳
colloidal graphite for cathode tube inner coating 电子束管内导电石墨乳
colloidal graphite for fibre glass 玻纤涂膜石墨乳
colloidal graphite for press forging 锻压石墨乳
colloidal graphite for tantalum condenser 钽电容器导电石墨乳
colloidal graphite in lubricating oil 乳化石墨油剂
colloidal graphite in water 乳化石墨水剂
colloidal graphite powder 胶体石墨粉剂
colloidal graphite 胶态石墨
colloidal metal 胶态金属
colloidal mill 胶体磨机
colloidal sulphurs 胶体硫杀菌剂
colloided silica 胶态氧化硅
colloidox 王铜杀菌剂
collosol 溶胶
collotype paper 珂罗版印刷纸
collotype printing machine 珂罗版印刷机
collotype 珂罗版
collunarium 洗鼻药
collyrium 洗眼药
colmonoy 科尔莫诺伊合金
colnova 科尔诺瓦纺前染色半透明粘胶长丝
cologne 科隆水
colomat 科洛马特纺前染色无光粘胶长丝
colomony 科洛莫尼镍铬硼合金
colonial spirit 甲醇
colonial velour 棉麻交织绒
colonial 科洛尼亚尔耐蚀铬镍合金钢
colonofiberscope 大肠纤维内窥镜
colonoscope 结肠纤维内窥镜
colony counter 菌落计数器
colophony powder 松香粉
colophony soldering paste 松香焊锡膏
colophony soldering wire 松香焊锡丝
colophony 松香
color adapter 彩色附加器
color adder 彩色混合器
color aluminium panel 铝质彩色面板
color analyzer 彩色分析计
color bar generator 彩条信号发生器
color camera 彩色摄像机
color cast paper 高光泽色纸
color cement 彩色水泥
color center laser 色心激光器
color code inductor 色码电感器
color coder 彩色编码器
color comparator 比色器
color correction filter 彩色校正滤光片
color data display 彩色数据显示器
color demodulator 彩色解调器
color densitometer 彩色密度计
color difference meter 色差计
color display monitor 彩色显示监视器
color display 彩色显示器
color encoding unit 彩色编码器
color equalizer 彩色均衡器
color eye 滤色片测色仪
color facsimile apparatus 彩色传真机
color film analyzer 彩色胶片分析仪
color filter 滤色器
color former 成色剂
color glass filter 有色玻璃滤光片
color glaze brick 彩色釉面砖
color graphic plotter 彩色图像绘图机
color graphic printer 彩色图形打印机
color graphic terminal 彩色图形终端机
color jet printer 彩色喷射打印机
color killer 消色器
color lake & toner 色淀及有机调色剂
color magnetic board 彩色磁板
color measuring instrument 色测量仪器
color meter 色温表
color mixer 色料混合机
color mode selector 彩色制式选择器
color monitor 彩色监视器
color negative film developer 彩色负片显影剂
color negative film processing solution 彩色负片冲洗液
color paper-developer 彩色相纸显影剂
color photo facsimile recorder 彩色照片传真记录器
color photo facsimile transmitter 彩色照片传真发送机
color photo paper 彩色照相纸
color photographic paper 彩色照相纸
color pick-up tube 彩色摄像管
color plotter 彩色绘图仪
color press 彩色印刷机
color printer 彩色打印机
color pyrometer 色测高温计
color quad image processor 彩色四分割图像处理机
color radioisotope scanner 彩色放射性同位素扫描仪
color reversible film 彩色反转片
color reversible roll film 彩色反转片胶卷
color salt 色盐
color sampling device 彩色取样装置
color stabilizing amplifier 彩色稳定放大器
color stainless steel 彩色不锈钢
color tv harmonization unit 彩色电视调谐器
color tv high power transmitter 大功率彩色电视发射机
color tv integrated circuit 彩色电视集成电路
color tv magnet exterminator 彩电消磁器
color tv set with printer 带打印机的彩色电视机
color ultrasonograph 彩色超声描记器
color versatile copier 彩色多用途复印机
color video camera 彩色摄像机
color wall protection plate 彩色护墙板
color-printing laminated package bag 彩印复合包装袋
color-removing preparation 除色制剂
color-sealed 卡拉西尔特原液染色的醋酯长丝
color-tv-telephone set 彩色电视电话机
color-vision tester 色视觉测试器
colorado silver 科罗拉多银
colorama tuning indicator 色彩调谐指示器
colorant for beer 啤酒色素
colorant for butter 奶油色素
colorant for liqueur 烈性酒色素
colorant 着色剂
coloray 科洛雷纺前染色粘胶短纤维
colored basque beret of soft wool 法国式有色绒帽
colored checked handkerchief 彩色格子手帕
colored crepe paper 彩色绉纹纸
colored filter 滤色器
colored glass filter 着色玻璃滤光片
colored kidney bean 花芸豆
colored optical lens 光学彩色镜片
colored paper 有色纸
colored satin 染色缎
colored stainless steel 彩色不锈钢
colored straw matting 染色草席
colored velvet 染色丝绒
colorful alloy aluminium templet 铝合金彩色压型板
colorful pea 杂色豌豆
colorful projective luminaire for large screen 大屏幕彩色投影灯具
colorgraph 电子分色计
colorimeter 色度计
colorimetric cylinder 比色管
colorimetric oxygen detector 比色测氧仪
colorimetric pyrometer 比色高温计
coloring machine for soles 鞋底上色机
colorstatic 科洛斯塔蒂克转移印花机
colour analysing filter 彩色分析滤光器
colour analysis display computer 彩色分析显示计算机
colour analyzer 彩色分析仪
colour ball telescope 色球望远镜
colour bar dot crosshatch generator 彩色条点交叉图案信号发生器
colour boiling pan 调色锅
colour box 彩色盒
colour brocade spun silk 彩花绢纺
colour bulb 彩色灯泡
colour camera 彩色摄像机
colour candle 彩色蜡烛
colour cassette tape-video-recorder 彩色盒式磁带录像机
colour checked bed sheet 彩格床单
colour chinese character micro-computer 彩色汉字微机
colour cinefilm 彩色电影胶片
colour coder 彩色信号编码器
colour compensation filter 颜色补偿滤光镜
colour controller 色度调控器
colour conversion filter 颜色转换滤光镜
colour cotton apron 色布围裙
colour cotton machine-embroidered bed sheet 色布机绣床单
colour cotton machine-embroidered pillow case 色布机绣枕套
colour cotton spraypainted pillowcase 色布喷花枕套
colour cracker 小花炮
colour decoder module 彩色解码组件
colour developer 彩色显影液
colour difference amplifier 色差信号放大器
colour difference meter 色差计
colour double-picture television broadcast system 彩色双画面电视播出系统
colour dyeing machine 染色机
colour effect yarn 色彩效应花色纱
colour embroidered long tablecloth 彩色绣花长台布
colour embroidered oval tablecloth 彩色绣花椭圆台布
colour embroidered round tablecloth 彩色绣花圆台布
colour embroidered square tablecloth 彩色绣花方台布
colour embroidered tablecloth 彩绣台布
colour enlarge-printing system 彩色照片扩印机
colour enlarger 彩色扩印机
colour film developing-enlarger 彩色胶片冲洗扩印机
colour film processing chemical 彩色胶片冲洗药
colour film processing machine 彩色胶卷冲洗机
colour film 彩色胶卷
colour filter 滤色器
colour flower jelly 彩花软糖
colour former agent 彩色成色剂
colour glass bulb 彩色玻璃灯泡
colour glaze porcelain 彩釉瓷器
colour grinding machine 染料研磨机
colour indicator 彩色指示器
colour jewel 彩色宝石
colour kinescope 彩色显像管
colour light glass 彩光玻璃
colour light signal 彩光信号机
colour manifold paper 有色打字纸
colour meter 测色计
colour mixer 调色机
colour mixing pan 调色锅
colour modulator 彩色调制器
colour monitor 彩色监视器
colour multipicture separator 彩色多画面分割器
colour negative film 彩色照相胶卷
colour paint for glass、china、metal、pottery and plastics 玻璃-瓷器-金属-陶器-塑料彩绘颜料
colour painted pencil 印花铅笔
colour pen 彩笔
colour pencil 彩色铅笔
colour phase alternation multivibrator 彩色相位变换多谐振荡器
colour phase detector 彩色相位检测器
colour phasing amplifier 彩色信号定相放大器
colour photographic paper 彩色相纸
colour photometer 测色仪
colour photophone 彩色电视电话
colour picture tube 彩色显像管
colour poplin machine-embroidered set 色府绸机绣套
colour positive film developer 彩色正片显影液
colour positive film 彩色正片
colour press 彩印机
colour print processing chemical 彩色照片冲洗药
colour printer 彩色打印机
colour proof press 彩色打样机
colour pyrometer 比色高温计
colour reversal film 彩色反转片
colour salt 色盐
colour scanner for nucleus medicine 核子医学用彩色扫描仪
colour scanner 彩色扫描器
colour selective mirror 选色镜
colour sensitizer 彩色感光剂
colour sensitometer 彩色感光计
colour separation filter 分色滤色镜
colour slide 彩色幻灯片
colour sorted chicken feather duster with rattan handle 藤柄分色双花鸡毛帚
colour sorted hen feather 分色母鸡毛
colour stone ring 彩石戒指
colour stonelet 小彩石
colour stripe cotton cloth duck dedown feather pillow 彩条布鸭低毛绒枕
colour stripe gauze 彩条绡
colour striped bath towel 彩条浴巾
colour striped bed sheet 彩条床单
colour striped crepe de chine 色条双绉
colour striped denim 彩条坚固呢
colour striped flannelette bed sheet 彩条拉绒床单
colour striped habutai 色条电力纺
colour striped towelling coverlet 彩条毛巾被
colour striped wrinkle bed sheet 彩条绉纹床单
colour synthetic jewel 彩色人造宝石
colour television camera 彩色电视摄像机
colour television flourescent screen 彩色电视机荧光屏
colour television set 彩色电视机
colour temperature tester 色温测试器
colour terminal display production line 彩色终端显示器生产线
colour thermometer 色温度计
colour toner 调色剂
colour transfer paper 彩色转印纸
colour tv picture tube 彩色电视显像管
colour tv production line 彩色电视机生产线
colour tv set 彩色电视机
colour video amplifier 彩色视频信号放大器
colour video scope 彩色视频信号示波器
colour wall protection plate 彩色护墙板
colour washing machine 彩色洗涤机
colour weft striped crepe 彩横绉
colour wood carving 彩绘木雕
colour woven taffeta 色织塔夫绸
colour-blend yarn 混色纱
colour-checked bath towel 彩格浴巾
colour-checked printed bed sheet 彩格印花床单
colour-checked printed face cloth 彩格印花方巾
colour-checked towel 彩格毛巾
colour-gain & delay test set 彩色增益与时延测试仪
colour-glazed sand paint for building decoration 建筑装饰彩釉砂涂料
colour-in-colour pattern socks 镶色绣花短袜
colour-index pulse separator 彩色指示脉冲分离器
colour-patterned fabric 配色花纹织物
colour-printing paper 彩色印像纸
colour-producing reagent 显色试剂
colour-ring carbon resistor 色环碳膜电阻器
colour-slide camera 彩色幻灯摄影机
colour-slide scanner 彩色飞点幻灯机
colour-subcarrier generator 彩色副载波发生器
colour-sync generator 彩色电视同步发生器
colouration feeder 着色供料机
colourcased flower basket 套色花篮
colourcased fruit bowl 套色果碗
colourcased fruit tray 套色果盘
coloured acrylic handle for lady"s umbrella 彩色有机玻璃女伞柄
coloured applique bed sheet 贴花床单
coloured applique table-cloth 贴花台布
coloured applique work 色贴布绣
coloured art pen 彩色水笔
coloured blown tumbler with intaglio decorations 有色车花玻璃杯
coloured bodied china 色胎瓷
coloured bond paper 有色证券纸
coloured book cover paper 有色书皮纸
coloured cellophane paper 有色玻璃纸
coloured cement 彩色水泥
coloured chalk 彩色粉笔
coloured check fabric 彩色格子织物
coloured checked handkerchief 花格子手帕
coloured cloth 色布
coloured cock saddle with rattan handle 藤柄彩色尖毛帚
coloured cotton 天然有色棉
coloured cover note book 彩色皮笔记本
coloured crayon 彩色蜡笔
coloured diaper 菱形彩格布
coloured electric bulb 彩色电灯泡
coloured felt-tipped pen 彩色毡尖笔
coloured fibre 有色纤维
coloured glass 着色玻璃
coloured glasses 有色眼镜
coloured glassine paper 有色半透明玻璃纸
coloured glaze 色釉
coloured glazed wall tile 彩色釉面墙砖
coloured goods 花布
coloured grays 混色灰呢
coloured jacquard knitted fabric 色织提花针织物
coloured kidney bean 花芸豆
coloured knops 彩色结子纱
coloured lady"s hand bag 彩色女式手提包
coloured malt 炒麦芽
coloured manifold paper 着色打字纸
coloured newsprint 彩色新闻纸
coloured oiled crayon 彩色蜡笔
coloured paper 染色纸
coloured pencil 彩色铅笔
coloured polyvinyl-chloride-covered handle for lady"s umbrella 彩色包塑女伞柄
coloured rags 杂色呢片
coloured satin embroidery 彩锦绣
coloured scenery picture 彩色风景画
coloured sheet glass 有色平板玻璃
coloured sheeting 有色被单布
coloured special optical glass 有色特种光学玻璃
coloured spun yarn 纤维染色纱
coloured stripe 花色条带
coloured striped single jersey 彩横条汗布
coloured thread 彩色线
coloured tissue paper 有色卫生纸
coloured twill 杂色斜纹棉布
coloured twist yarn 杂色股线
coloured vase 彩色花瓶
coloured woven cloth 色织布
coloured woven flannel 色织法兰绒
coloured woven goods 色织物
coloured writing pad 彩色面写字本
coloured-glaze flower pot 彩釉花盒
coloured-hair tonic 彩色头油
colourful checked face cloth 彩格印花方巾
colourful checked towel 彩格毛巾
colourful shortcake 锦花酥
colourful striped bath towel 彩条浴巾
colourful striped face towel 彩条毛巾
colourful striped printed bed sheet 彩条印花床单
colourimeter tube 比色管
colourimeter with lamp 带灯色度计
colouring agent 着色剂
colourless dyestuff 无色染料
colourless flake 无色鳞片
colourless glass 无色玻璃
colourtuft machine 多色地毯簇绒机
colposcope 阴道镜
colter 犁头
coltron 科尔屈朗聚酯纺丝成网非织造布
coltsfoot flower 款冬花
coltsfoot leaf 款冬叶
columax permanent magnet 科鲁马克斯永久磁铁
columax 科鲁马克斯铝镍钴铁永磁合金
columbate 铌酸盐
columbia coffee 哥伦比亚咖啡
columbia cotton 哥伦比亚棉
columbite 铌铁矿
columbium oxide 氧化铌
columbium powder 铌粉
columbium 铌
columbus-type davit 倒竿式吊艇架
column amplifer 圆柱式放大器
column and knee type milling machine 升降台式铣床
column boiler 蒸馏锅
column crane 塔式起重机
column drill 柱架式钻机
column elevator 柱式提升机
column jig boring machine 坐标镗床
column of trays 板式塔
column press 柱式压机
column printer 竖式打印机
column type coordinate measuring machine 立柱式坐标测量机
columnar spun sugar processor 筒式棉花糖机
columnar type oil hydraulic press 柱式油压机
colva 科尔瓦纺前染色粘胶短纤维
colvadur 科尔瓦杜尔高强力粘胶短纤维
colvalan 科尔瓦纶卷曲粘胶短纤维
colza oil 菜籽油
comaca fibre 科马卡纤维
comb arrester 梳形避雷器
comb case 梳子盒
comb filter 梳齿滤波器
comb for animals 牲畜用梳
comb lead lace machine 针座式花边织机
comb 梳
comb-type fibre length sorter 梳式纤维长度测试仪
combat aircraft 战斗机
combat cloth 竞赛呢
combed and preshrunk dyed cambric with mellow finish 防缩柔软染色精梳细纺
combed and preshrunk dyed drill 防缩染色精梳卡其
combed broadcloth 精梳细平布
combed cotton flat knit briefs平面针织梳细棉纱无管裤
combed cotton knit shirt 梳细棉纱针织衬衫
combed cotton plaid-pattern socks with reinforced toes and heels 袜头袜跟加纱的梳细棉纱长方格短袜
combed cotton yarn knit anklets 针织梳细棉纱反口短袜
combed cotton yarn 精梳棉纱
combed ducks 高级精梳帆布
combed hosiery yarn 精梳针织纱
combed percale 精梳密织细布
combed pique 精梳凹凸织物
combed top 精梳毛条
combed white drill 漂白精梳卡其
combed white lawn 漂白精梳细纺
combed white poplin 漂白精梳府绸
combed white voile 漂白精梳巴里纱
combed yarn goods 精梳棉纱织物
combed yarn 精梳纱
combed-worsted knitting yarn 优级精纺针织毛线
comber web 精梳棉网
comber 精梳机
combi-rib circular machine 复合罗纹圆纬机
combi-rope 麻钢混捻钢丝绳
combinated magnetic jig 组合式磁力夹具
combination al electrolytic capacitor 组合式铝电解电容器
combination audio 组合音响
combination automatic controller 复合自动控制器
combination blooming billet mill 初轧-轧坯联合轧机
combination boiler 复式锅炉
combination brush pen 排笔
combination bucket-wheel stacker reclaimer 斗轮式堆取料机
combination cable 组合电缆
combination calipers 内外卡钳
combination car 客货两用车
combination connector 通用连接器
combination crystal detector 组合晶体检波器
combination cut pliers 剪钳
combination cutting and loading machine 采矿联合机
combination cutting tool 复合刀具
combination density and moisture meter 密度湿度综合探测计
combination die 组合冲模
combination drill 复合钻机
combination fabric 混纺织物
combination felt 复合毛毯
combination flat-nose pliers 扁嘴钳
combination furnace 联合加热炉
combination gauge 组合量规
combination gloves 镶皮手套
combination governor 综合调节器
combination heat and oil gauge 热度及油压两用表
combination heater 组合式加热器
combination impulse and reaction turbine 混合冲动-反动式涡轮机
combination jarring squeezing moulding machine 震压式造型机
combination link 连杆
combination lock 字码锁
combination long roundnosed pliers 长嘴钳
combination loudspeaker 复合扬声器
combination machine 联合机
combination mill 联合式轧机
combination padlock 数码锁
combination passenger and freighter 客货两用轮船
combination pliers with chrome-plated head and transparent insulated handle 透明绝缘柄电镀铬钢丝钳
combination pliers with insulated handle 绝缘柄钢丝钳
combination pliers with side cutting jaws and insulated handle 绝缘柄花腮钳
combination pliers with side cutting jaws 花腮钳
combination pliers with slip joint and insulated handle 绝缘柄鲤鱼钳
combination pliers with slip joint 鲤鱼钳
combination pliers 钢丝钳
combination press 联合压机
combination pressure and velocity stage turbine 复合压力-速度级涡轮机
combination pump 复合泵
combination rayon yarn 人丝合股线
combination screw driver set with tester 带测电笔的套装螺丝刀
combination screw driver 组合螺丝刀
combination seed drill 联合条播机
combination set 万能测角器
combination sharpening stone 双面油石
combination side cutting pliers 克丝钳
combination signal generator 组合信号发生器
combination sofa 组合沙发
combination spanner 两用扳手
combination square 组合角尺
combination starter 综合起动器
combination surfacing and boring lathe 联合车床
combination switch 组合开关
combination tap 组合丝锥
combination turbine 混合式汽轮机
combination type gear inspection instrument 齿轮综合检测仪
combination type milling machine 联合缩绒机
combination valve 复合阀
combination vessel 货客船
combination wheel 组合砂轮
combination wrench 两用扳手
combination yarn 组合纱
combine 联合收割机
combine of rice polisher 联合碾米机
combine with grain tank 带粮箱的联合收割机
combined antenna 组合天线
combined bearing 组合轴承
combined breaker and finisher card 联合梳毛机
combined buckle and knife folding machine 栅栏式和侧刀式联合折页机
combined carding and drawing machine 梳并联合机
combined center drill 复合中心钻
combined changeover switch 组合转换开关
combined design mosaic flooring tile 拼花铺地砖
combined diagram level 合像水平仪
combined drill and reamer 钻铰两用刀
combined drill 联合条插机
combined drill-cultivator 播种中耕两用机
combined electric and treadle sewer for industry 电动-脚踏两用工业缝纫机
combined fabric 胶合织物
combined fat liquor 结合型加脂剂
combined filament yarn 混合长丝纱
combined flow turbine 混流式涡轮机
combined frame antenna 复合框形天线
combined glass break detector 复合式玻璃破碎检测器
combined grain drill 联合谷物播种机
combined grain-and-fertilizer drill 谷物肥料联合条播机
combined harmonic antenna 复合谐波天线
combined hot and cold pressing machine 冷热压呢联合机
combined hydraulic reversible setting out and samming machine 液压可反转式伸展均湿联合机
combined hydrogen 化合氢
combined individual load carrying equipment 组合式个人携行具
combined key 两用电键
combined logging instrument 组合测井仪
combined magnetic starter 综合磁力起动器
combined metal oxide semiconductor 复合金属氧化物半导体
combined nitrogen 结合氮
combined pipe tap and drill 管用钻孔攻丝复合刀具
combined pocket volt ammeter 组合袖珍伏安计
combined press brake and plate shears 板料折弯剪切机
combined pressure and velocity-stage turbine 压力速度级混合式汽轮机
combined punching and shearing machine 冲剪两用机
combined radial and axial flow turbine 辐流-轴流式涡轮机
combined radial-axial bearing 混合式径向-轴式轴承
combined regulator 复合自动调节器
combined resonator 复合式谐振器
combined rib fabric 复合罗纹布
combined rib-tubular knit 带罗纹的圆筒形针织物
combined rice mill 联合辗米机
combined rice milling unit 联合式辗米机
combined ring 组合式活塞环
combined rope 混合绳
combined scouring and milling machine 洗呢缩呢联合机
combined shot-blast shakeout cleaning chamber 抛喷丸落砂清理室
combined sluice valve grinder 组合式闸阀研磨机
combined spinning and twisting frame 纺纱捻线联合机
combined spreader and softener 软麻粗梳机
combined stress fatigue tester 复合应力疲劳试验机
combined suction and force pump 联合真空压力泵
combined sulfur 化合硫
combined switch 组合开关
combined taper pipe tap and core drill 扩孔钻和锥管丝锥复合刀具
combined thrasher 联合脱粒机
combined univiversal machine tool 组合万能机床
combined vibrating roller 复合振动压路机
combined view and range finder 取景测距两用镜
combined voltage and current transformer 电压电流两用变压器
combined water pollution analyzer 水质污染组合分析仪
combined weighing and mixing machine 自动称重拌和机
combined winnower and grader with rotary screen 旋转筛联合风选分级机
combined wood working machine 木工组合机床
combined wool washing and drying machine 羊毛洗烘联合机
combined yarn 混纤丝
combing equipment of polyester fibre gauze 涤棉精梳纱布设备
combing machine 梳毛机
combizym compositum tablet 复方康彼身片
combizym tablet 康彼身片
comboys 条格披巾
comburg ordinaire 粗亚麻布
combustible analyzer 可燃性分析仪
combustible fibre 可燃纤维
combustible gas concentration monitor 可燃气体浓度监测仪
combustible gas detector 可燃气体探测仪
combustible gas monitor 可燃气体监测仪
combustible gas probe 可燃气体探测器
combustible material 易燃材料
combustible paper 香烟纸
combustible solid 易燃固体
combusting preparation 燃料制剂
combustion analyzer 燃烧分析器
combustion chamber back plate 燃烧室后铁板
combustion chamber crown 燃烧室顶盖板
combustion engine 内燃机
combustion fan 助燃风机
combustion fuel gas apparatus 燃烧燃料排气测定器
combustion furnace for elementary analyzer 微量元素分析用燃烧炉
combustion gas analyzer 燃烧气体分析器
combustion gas turbine 燃气轮机
combustion monitor 燃烧监测仪
combustion stability monitor 燃烧稳定性监视器
combustion system of gasoline engine 汽油机射流燃烧系统
combustion tube 燃烧管
combustion type analyser 燃烧式分析器
combustion unit of harmful gas 有害气体燃烧器
combustion-air heater 燃烧空气加热器
come alive egg roll 康莱蛋酥卷
comeback wool 归宗羊毛
comet seeker 寻彗镜
comet 康麦特牌照相机
comfort & beauty feminine napkin 舒而美妇女卫生巾
comfort fibre 舒适纤维
comforter anchor 被扣
comforter batt stitched in cheesecloth cover 罩纱布被胎
comforter batt 被胎
comforter cover in embroidery 绣花被套
comforter cover in rayon satin 人造丝缎被套
comforter cover in sateen 绸缎被套
comforter cover 被套
comforter surface cover in printed cotton 印花棉布被面
comforter surface cover 被面
comforter 羊毛围巾
comiso 科米索粘胶丝束
comite 克螨特
command data processor 命令数据处理机
command generator 指令发生器
command input coupler 指令输入耦合器
command radio telephone 指令无线电话机
command receiver of remote control 遥控指令接收器
command receiver 指令接收机
command register 指令寄存器
command switch 指令开关
command transmitter 指令发射机
commelina communis 鸭跖草
commentator"s monitor 广播员用监视器
commercial balance 商业用秤
commercial benzene 工业苯
commercial bronze 工业青铜
commercial computer 商用计算机
commercial condensing unit 商业用压缩冷凝机组
commercial data recorder 大量生产数据自动记录器
commercial fibre 商品纤维
commercial helicopter 商用直升机
commercial jetliner 商用喷气飞机
commercial lead 工业铅
commercial magnesium 工业镁
commercial nickel 工业镍
commercial receiver 商用接收机
commercial refrigerator 商用冷藏柜
commercial refueler 商用加油车
commercial steel 型钢
commercial tin 工业锡
commercial tissue 商业用薄纸
commercial titanium 工业钛
commercial twine 包装棉线
commercial u-tube manometer 工业u形管压力计
commercial wax 商品蜡
commercial zinc 工业锌
commercially pure aluminium 工业纯铝
commingler 混合器
commingling paper machine 混合型造纸机
comminutor 造粒机
commode table 柜式台
commode 五斗橱
commodore 海军准将牌汽车
commodoro 科莫多罗牌汽车
common and braid wool 粗羊毛
common antenna 公用天线
common battery private branch exchange 共电式电话交换机
common battery switchboard 共电式交换机
common battery telephone exchange 共电式电话交换机
common battery telephone 共电式电话机
common battery 共电式电池
common bean 菜豆
common bit 带尖钻
common carp 鲤鱼
common cattail 宽叶香蒲
common cockscomb 鸡冠花
common coltsfoot flower 款冬花
common cowpea 豇豆
common dayflower 鸭跖草
common ducksmeat 紫萍
common duckweed 浮萍
common eel 鳝鱼
common emitter amplifer 共发射极放大器
common fennel 小茴香
common fig 无花果
common fire tongs 普通火钳
common flax seed 亚麻子
common foolscap paper 低级书写纸
common gingham 普通条格布
common head cabbage 结球甘蓝
common impression cylinder press 共用压印滚筒型印刷机
common integrated processor 公共综合处理器
common iron wire 普通铁丝
common iron 普通钢材
common jasminorange 九里香
common knotgrass 扁蓄草
common lathe 普通车床
common memory 共用存储器
common mussel 紫贻贝
common myrrh tree 没药
common nail 普通铁钉
common nautical instrument 普通航海仪器
common nepenthes 猪笼草
common nightblooming cereus 剑花
common niobium oxide 普通氧化铌
common orange 甜橙
common origanum 牛至
common pile driver 人工打桩机
common plastic cement floor 普通型塑胶地板
common pomfret 鲳鱼
common reed rhizome 芦根
common round iron wire nail 普通元钉
common rue 芸香
common rush 灯心花
common salt 食盐
common silk and cotton mixed fabric 茧布
common smoketree 黄栌
common st. paulswort 浠莶草
common steel 普通钢
common tantalum oxide 普通氧化钽
common tyre and engineering tyre production technology 普通和工程轮胎生产技术
common velvet 普通天鹅绒
common walnut 胡桃
common-base amplifier 共基极放大器
common-collector amplifer 共集电极放大器
common-emitter junction phototransistor 共发射极结型光电晶体管
commonly used computational software of river water quality predicting 河流常用水质预测计算软件
communication cable 通信电缆
communication cock 通信塞门
communication computer 通信计算机
communication electronic equipment 通信电子设备
communication equipment 通信设备
communication facilities 交通工具
communication jammer 通信干扰器
communication laser 通信激光器
communication monitor 通信监听器
communication multiplexer 通信多路复用器
communication receiver 通信接收机
communication satellite 通信卫星
communication security device 通信保密装置
communication spectrum analyzer 通信频谱分析仪
communication tower 通信塔
communication transceiver 通信收发信机
community antenna 共用天线
commutating capacitor 换向电容器
commutating diode 整流二极管
commutating machine 整流电机
commutating pole generator 换向极发电机
commutating pole motor 换向极电动机
commutating pole winding 换向极绕组
commutating reactor 换向电抗器
commutation capacitor 换向电容器
commutation condenser 换向电容器
commutation switch 换向开关
commutator bar 整流条
commutator brush 换向器电刷
commutator bush 换向器套筒
commutator controller 整流子控制器
commutator ear 换向片耳叉
commutator frequency changer 整流子频率变换机
commutator frequency converter 整流式变频器
commutator generator 整流子发电机
commutator induction motor 换向式感应电动机
commutator insulating ring 换向器绝缘环
commutator lug 换向器接线片
commutator machine 整流子式电机
commutator micanite sheet 整流子用云母纸
commutator modulator 换向调制器
commutator motor type integrating meter 整流子电动机式积量计
commutator motor 整流电动机
commutator rectifier 换向整流器
commutator ring 整流子环
commutator riser 整流子竖片
commutator segment 换向器片
commutator sleeve 整流子衬套
commutator spider 换向器星轮
commutator transformer 整流变压器
commutator tube 整流子管
commutator type analog-digital converter 换向器型模拟-数字交换器
commutator type frequency converter 整流子式变频器
commutator type function generator 换向器型函数发生器
commutator type watthour meter 换向式瓦特小时计
commutator variable speed motor 换向器变速电动机
commutator 整流子
commutatorless machine 无换向器电机
comol 科莫尔钴钼铁永磁合金
comos 科莫斯牌手表
compact battery 小型电池
compact cloth 紧密织物
compact disk auto cleaner 高密度磁盘自动清洁剂
compact disk 高密度磁盘
compact heat exchanger 紧凑式热交换器
compact radio cassette recorder 小型收录机
compact radio 小型无线电接收机
compact sounder 袖珍探鱼仪
compact spinning unit 短程纺丝机
compact winch 紧凑式绞车
compacted graphite 压实石墨
compacted ration 压缩干粮
compacted yarn 气流喷射交缠丝
compacting press 压实机
compactor 捣固锤
compactron 小型电子管
compandor 压伸器
compaq computer 康帕克牌计算机
comparative microscope 比较显微镜
comparative type thermal conductivity instrument 热导率比测仪
comparator micrometer 比较千分尺
comparator relay 比较继电器
comparator 比较器
comparer 比较仪
comparison lamp 比较灯
comparison microscope 比较用显微镜
comparison oscillator 比较振荡器
comparison oscilloscope 比较示波器
comparison spectroscope 比谱分光镜
comparoscope 比较显微镜
compartment tube ball mill 多仓管式球磨机
compartmented agitator 隔室式混合器
compas 康派斯牌衬衫
compass adjuster 罗盘调整器
compass bow 小圆规
compass calipers 量圆卡
compass for drawing 绘图用圆规
compass locator station 罗盘定位台
compass rose 罗盘刻度盘
compass saw blade 鸡尾手锯条
compass saw with plastic handle 塑料柄鸡尾锯
compass saw with wooden handle 木柄鸡尾锯
compass saw 斜形狭圆锯
compass set 套装学生圆规和学生尺
compass station 罗盘测向电台
compass tube 雷达显示管
compass 罗经
compass-magnifier 罗经放大镜
compatible monochrome receiver 兼容制黑白电视接收机
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