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党 建党 100 周年相关词汇、句子、伟人事迹、双语新闻 一、 词汇 中国共产党 the Communist Party of China (CPC) 中国工人阶级 Chinese working class 中国共产党章程 Party Constitution 中国共产主义青年团 the Communist Youth League of China 先锋队 vanguard 中国人民解放军 Chinese People"s Liberation Army 党的纪律 Party discipline 申请入党者 applicant for Party membership 预备党员 probationary Party member 入党宣誓 take an admission oath 正式党员 full Party member 党支部 Party branch 党小组 Party cell 党员领导干部 Party cadres 民主生活会 democratic meetings 党徽党旗 Party Emblem and Flag 马列主义 Marxism-Leninism 毛泽东思想 Mao Zedong Thought 邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory 三个代表 Three Represents 社会主义荣辱观 the socialist maxims of honor and disgrace 共产主义道德 communist ethics 二、 句子 01 开天辟地 党的成立 The Communist Party of China was founded on July 23, 1921. On July 31, the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai. 中国共产党成立于 1921 年 7 月 23 日,7 月 31 日,中国共产党第一次全国代表大会在上海召开。

   02 民主革命纲领的提出 On July 16, 1922, the Communist Party of China (CPC) held its second national congress in Shanghai. The Party’s second explicitly put forward the democratic revolutionary program of thoroughly anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism. 1922 年 7 月 16 日,中国共产党在上海召开第二次全国代表大会。党的二大明确提出了彻底反帝反封建的民主革命纲领。

   03 第一次工人运动高潮 The First Upsurge of the Workers’ Movement Under the leadership of the Ministry of the Communist Party of China, the first upsurge of the workers’ movement took place in China from January 1922 to February 1923. 第一次工人运动高潮在中国共产党的领导下,第一次工人运动高潮发生在1922 年 1 月至 1923 年 2 月。

   04 国共合作 The Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Guangzhou on June 12, 1923. On January 20, 1924, the Kuomintang (KMT) held its first national congress in Guangzhou, marking the formal formation of the first KMT cooperation. 中国共产党第三次全国代表大会于 1923 年 6 月 12 日在广州召开。1924 年 1月 20 日,国民党在广州召开第一次全国代表大会,标志着第一次国共合作正式形成。

   三、 伟人事迹 The story of Premier Zhou and a pen 周总理与一支钢笔的故事 Once, when an American reporter was interviewing Zhou Enlai, he saw an American Parker pen lying on the table. “Mr. Premier, why do you Chinese still use American pens?” he asked in a sarcastic tone. Chou smiled faintly and replied, “It’s a long story about this Parker pen. It was a trophy of resistance from a North Korean friend who gave it to me as a gift. I thought, without merit is not received, refused. My friend said, I think it’s meaningful to stay here as a souvenir, so I accepted your Parker fountain pen.” Patriotic hearo Yang Jingyu 爱国英雄杨靖宇 Yang Jingyu joined the revolution at the age of 21. At the beginning of 1940, he was besieged by the Japanese army. He was seriously injured and could not chew the bark. He could only swallow the cotton in his cotton padded clothes and ice and snow to satisfy his hunger. If the Japanese army could not persuade him to surrender, he fired his gun indiscriminately. Yang Jingyu, who was only 35 years old, died heroically. When the Cruel Japanese army put aside his body and saw that he had only weeds and cotton wadding in his stomach, all the aggressors who were so worried by the Anti Japanese coalition led by Yang Jingyu were stunned. In the dense forest of Changbai Mountain, Yang Jingyu’s strength to fight with the enemy is his love for the motherland. Lei Feng’s nail spirit 雷锋的钉子精神 Lei Feng is a Communist Party member. During a construction task, he drove around all day, and it was difficult to find time to study. Lei Feng put his book in his satchel. Take it with you. As soon as the car stops and there is no other work, you can read in the cab. He wrote such a passage in his diary: “some people say that they are busy with work and have no time to study. I think the problem is not busy with work, but whether you are willing to study and squeeze time. There is time to study. The problem is whether we are good at squeezing and willing to drill. A good board has no holes in it, but why can nails be driven in? That"s how you press in. From this point of view, nails have two advantages, one is squeezing strength, the other is drilling strength. We should also be good at promoting this “nail” spirit in our study and be good at squeezing and drilling. 四、建党百年双语新闻 Events for centenary celebrations 建党百年庆祝活动安排 A series of events will be held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, said Wang Xiaohui, deputy head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, at a news conference on Tuesday. 3 月 23 日,中共中央召开 2021 年首场新闻发布会,中央宣传部分管日常工作的副部长王晓晖介绍了中国共产党成立 100 周年庆祝活动的有关安排。

   Activities announced by Wang include: a Party-wide campaign on CPC history learning and education; a grand gathering to mark the centenary of the CPC; an awards ceremony for the July 1 Medal and outstanding Party members, exemplary Party workers and advanced community-level Party organizations; major theme exhibitions; theatrical performances; seminars and symposiums on theoretical study; a series of literature and artworks and publications and Party-themed publicity and education activities. 庆祝活动主要包括以下内容:一是开展党史学习教育;二是举行庆祝大会;三是开展七一勋章评选颁授和全国两优一先评选表彰;四是举办大型主题展览;五是举办文艺演出;六是召开理论研讨会和座谈会;七是创作推出一批文艺作品和出版物;八是开展群众性主题宣传教育活动。


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